# # BitBake Process based server. # # Copyright (C) 2010 Bob Foerster # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ This module implements a multiprocessing.Process based server for bitbake. """ import bb import bb.event import logging import multiprocessing import threading import array import os import sys import time import select import socket import subprocess import errno import bb.server.xmlrpcserver from bb import daemonize from multiprocessing import queues logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake') class ProcessTimeout(SystemExit): pass class ProcessServer(multiprocessing.Process): profile_filename = "profile.log" profile_processed_filename = "profile.log.processed" def __init__(self, lock, sock, sockname): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.command_channel = False self.command_channel_reply = False self.quit = False self.heartbeat_seconds = 1 # default, BB_HEARTBEAT_EVENT will be checked once we have a datastore. self.next_heartbeat = time.time() self.event_handle = None self.haveui = False self.lastui = False self.xmlrpc = False self._idlefuns = {} self.bitbake_lock = lock self.sock = sock self.sockname = sockname def register_idle_function(self, function, data): """Register a function to be called while the server is idle""" assert hasattr(function, '__call__') self._idlefuns[function] = data def run(self): if self.xmlrpcinterface[0]: self.xmlrpc = bb.server.xmlrpcserver.BitBakeXMLRPCServer(self.xmlrpcinterface, self.cooker, self) print("Bitbake XMLRPC server address: %s, server port: %s" % (self.xmlrpc.host, self.xmlrpc.port)) heartbeat_event = self.cooker.data.getVar('BB_HEARTBEAT_EVENT') if heartbeat_event: try: self.heartbeat_seconds = float(heartbeat_event) except: bb.warn('Ignoring invalid BB_HEARTBEAT_EVENT=%s, must be a float specifying seconds.' % heartbeat_event) self.timeout = self.server_timeout or self.cooker.data.getVar('BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT') try: if self.timeout: self.timeout = float(self.timeout) except: bb.warn('Ignoring invalid BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT=%s, must be a float specifying seconds.' % self.timeout) try: self.bitbake_lock.seek(0) self.bitbake_lock.truncate() if self.xmlrpc: self.bitbake_lock.write("%s %s:%s\n" % (os.getpid(), self.xmlrpc.host, self.xmlrpc.port)) else: self.bitbake_lock.write("%s\n" % (os.getpid())) self.bitbake_lock.flush() except: pass if self.cooker.configuration.profile: try: import cProfile as profile except: import profile prof = profile.Profile() ret = profile.Profile.runcall(prof, self.main) prof.dump_stats("profile.log") bb.utils.process_profilelog("profile.log") print("Raw profiling information saved to profile.log and processed statistics to profile.log.processed") else: ret = self.main() return ret def main(self): self.cooker.pre_serve() bb.utils.set_process_name("Cooker") ready = [] self.controllersock = False fds = [self.sock] if self.xmlrpc: fds.append(self.xmlrpc) while not self.quit: if self.command_channel in ready: command = self.command_channel.get() if command[0] == "terminateServer": self.quit = True continue try: print("Running command %s" % command) self.command_channel_reply.send(self.cooker.command.runCommand(command)) except Exception as e: logger.exception('Exception in server main event loop running command %s (%s)' % (command, str(e))) if self.xmlrpc in ready: self.xmlrpc.handle_requests() if self.sock in ready: self.controllersock, address = self.sock.accept() if self.haveui: print("Dropping connection attempt as we have a UI %s" % (str(ready))) self.controllersock.close() else: print("Accepting %s" % (str(ready))) fds.append(self.controllersock) if self.controllersock in ready: try: print("Connecting Client") ui_fds = recvfds(self.controllersock, 3) # Where to write events to writer = ConnectionWriter(ui_fds[0]) self.event_handle = bb.event.register_UIHhandler(writer, True) self.event_writer = writer # Where to read commands from reader = ConnectionReader(ui_fds[1]) fds.append(reader) self.command_channel = reader # Where to send command return values to writer = ConnectionWriter(ui_fds[2]) self.command_channel_reply = writer self.haveui = True except EOFError: print("Disconnecting Client") fds.remove(self.controllersock) fds.remove(self.command_channel) bb.event.unregister_UIHhandler(self.event_handle, True) self.command_channel_reply.writer.close() self.event_writer.writer.close() del self.event_writer self.controllersock.close() self.haveui = False self.lastui = time.time() self.cooker.clientComplete() if self.timeout is None: print("No timeout, exiting.") self.quit = True if not self.haveui and self.lastui and self.timeout and (self.lastui + self.timeout) < time.time(): print("Server timeout, exiting.") self.quit = True ready = self.idle_commands(.1, fds) print("Exiting") try: self.cooker.shutdown(True) except: pass self.cooker.post_serve() # Remove the socket file so we don't get any more connections to avoid races os.unlink(self.sockname) self.sock.close() # Finally release the lockfile but warn about other processes holding it open lock = self.bitbake_lock lockfile = lock.name lock.close() lock = None while not lock: with bb.utils.timeout(3): lock = bb.utils.lockfile(lockfile, shared=False, retry=False, block=True) if not lock: # Some systems may not have lsof available procs = None try: procs = subprocess.check_output(["lsof", '-w', lockfile], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise if procs is None: # Fall back to fuser if lsof is unavailable try: procs = subprocess.check_output(["fuser", '-v', lockfile], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise msg = "Delaying shutdown due to active processes which appear to be holding bitbake.lock" if procs: msg += ":\n%s" % str(procs) print(msg) return # We hold the lock so we can remove the file (hide stale pid data) bb.utils.remove(lockfile) bb.utils.unlockfile(lock) def idle_commands(self, delay, fds=None): nextsleep = delay if not fds: fds = [] for function, data in list(self._idlefuns.items()): try: retval = function(self, data, False) if retval is False: del self._idlefuns[function] nextsleep = None elif retval is True: nextsleep = None elif isinstance(retval, float) and nextsleep: if (retval < nextsleep): nextsleep = retval elif nextsleep is None: continue else: fds = fds + retval except SystemExit: raise except Exception as exc: if not isinstance(exc, bb.BBHandledException): logger.exception('Running idle function') del self._idlefuns[function] self.quit = True # Create new heartbeat event? now = time.time() if now >= self.next_heartbeat: # We might have missed heartbeats. Just trigger once in # that case and continue after the usual delay. self.next_heartbeat += self.heartbeat_seconds if self.next_heartbeat <= now: self.next_heartbeat = now + self.heartbeat_seconds heartbeat = bb.event.HeartbeatEvent(now) bb.event.fire(heartbeat, self.cooker.data) if nextsleep and now + nextsleep > self.next_heartbeat: # Shorten timeout so that we we wake up in time for # the heartbeat. nextsleep = self.next_heartbeat - now if nextsleep is not None: if self.xmlrpc: nextsleep = self.xmlrpc.get_timeout(nextsleep) try: return select.select(fds,[],[],nextsleep)[0] except InterruptedError: # Ignore EINTR return [] else: return [] class ServerCommunicator(): def __init__(self, connection, recv): self.connection = connection self.recv = recv def runCommand(self, command): self.connection.send(command) while True: # don't let the user ctrl-c while we're waiting for a response try: for idx in range(0,4): # 0, 1, 2, 3 if self.recv.poll(1): return self.recv.get() else: bb.warn("Timeout while attempting to communicate with bitbake server") raise ProcessTimeout("Gave up; Too many tries: timeout while attempting to communicate with bitbake server") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def updateFeatureSet(self, featureset): _, error = self.runCommand(["setFeatures", featureset]) if error: logger.error("Unable to set the cooker to the correct featureset: %s" % error) raise BaseException(error) def getEventHandle(self): handle, error = self.runCommand(["getUIHandlerNum"]) if error: logger.error("Unable to get UI Handler Number: %s" % error) raise BaseException(error) return handle def terminateServer(self): self.connection.send(['terminateServer']) return class BitBakeProcessServerConnection(object): def __init__(self, ui_channel, recv, eq): self.connection = ServerCommunicator(ui_channel, recv) self.events = eq def terminate(self): self.socket_connection.close() return class BitBakeServer(object): def __init__(self, lock, sockname, configuration, featureset): self.configuration = configuration self.featureset = featureset self.sockname = sockname self.bitbake_lock = lock # Create server control socket if os.path.exists(sockname): os.unlink(sockname) self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # AF_UNIX has path length issues so chdir here to workaround cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sockname)) self.sock.bind(os.path.basename(sockname)) finally: os.chdir(cwd) self.sock.listen(1) os.set_inheritable(self.sock.fileno(), True) bb.daemonize.createDaemon(self._startServer, "bitbake-cookerdaemon.log") self.sock.close() self.bitbake_lock.close() def _startServer(self): server = ProcessServer(self.bitbake_lock, self.sock, self.sockname) self.configuration.setServerRegIdleCallback(server.register_idle_function) # Copy prefile and postfile to _server variants for param in ('prefile', 'postfile'): value = getattr(self.configuration, param) if value: setattr(self.configuration, "%s_server" % param, value) self.cooker = bb.cooker.BBCooker(self.configuration, self.featureset) server.cooker = self.cooker server.server_timeout = self.configuration.server_timeout server.xmlrpcinterface = self.configuration.xmlrpcinterface print("Started bitbake server pid %d" % os.getpid()) server.start() def connectProcessServer(sockname, featureset): # Connect to socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # AF_UNIX has path length issues so chdir here to workaround cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sockname)) sock.connect(os.path.basename(sockname)) finally: os.chdir(cwd) try: # Send an fd for the remote to write events to readfd, writefd = os.pipe() eq = BBUIEventQueue(readfd) # Send an fd for the remote to recieve commands from readfd1, writefd1 = os.pipe() command_chan = ConnectionWriter(writefd1) # Send an fd for the remote to write commands results to readfd2, writefd2 = os.pipe() command_chan_recv = ConnectionReader(readfd2) sendfds(sock, [writefd, readfd1, writefd2]) server_connection = BitBakeProcessServerConnection(command_chan, command_chan_recv, eq) server_connection.connection.updateFeatureSet(featureset) # Save sock so it doesn't get gc'd for the life of our connection server_connection.socket_connection = sock except: sock.close() raise return server_connection def sendfds(sock, fds): '''Send an array of fds over an AF_UNIX socket.''' fds = array.array('i', fds) msg = bytes([len(fds) % 256]) sock.sendmsg([msg], [(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SCM_RIGHTS, fds)]) def recvfds(sock, size): '''Receive an array of fds over an AF_UNIX socket.''' a = array.array('i') bytes_size = a.itemsize * size msg, ancdata, flags, addr = sock.recvmsg(1, socket.CMSG_LEN(bytes_size)) if not msg and not ancdata: raise EOFError try: if len(ancdata) != 1: raise RuntimeError('received %d items of ancdata' % len(ancdata)) cmsg_level, cmsg_type, cmsg_data = ancdata[0] if (cmsg_level == socket.SOL_SOCKET and cmsg_type == socket.SCM_RIGHTS): if len(cmsg_data) % a.itemsize != 0: raise ValueError a.frombytes(cmsg_data) assert len(a) % 256 == msg[0] return list(a) except (ValueError, IndexError): pass raise RuntimeError('Invalid data received') class BBUIEventQueue: def __init__(self, readfd): self.eventQueue = [] self.eventQueueLock = threading.Lock() self.eventQueueNotify = threading.Event() self.reader = ConnectionReader(readfd) self.t = threading.Thread() self.t.setDaemon(True) self.t.run = self.startCallbackHandler self.t.start() def getEvent(self): self.eventQueueLock.acquire() if len(self.eventQueue) == 0: self.eventQueueLock.release() return None item = self.eventQueue.pop(0) if len(self.eventQueue) == 0: self.eventQueueNotify.clear() self.eventQueueLock.release() return item def waitEvent(self, delay): self.eventQueueNotify.wait(delay) return self.getEvent() def queue_event(self, event): self.eventQueueLock.acquire() self.eventQueue.append(event) self.eventQueueNotify.set() self.eventQueueLock.release() def send_event(self, event): self.queue_event(pickle.loads(event)) def startCallbackHandler(self): bb.utils.set_process_name("UIEventQueue") while True: self.reader.wait() event = self.reader.get() self.queue_event(event) class ConnectionReader(object): def __init__(self, fd): self.reader = multiprocessing.connection.Connection(fd, writable=False) self.rlock = multiprocessing.Lock() def wait(self, timeout=None): return multiprocessing.connection.wait([self.reader], timeout) def poll(self, timeout=None): return self.reader.poll(timeout) def get(self): with self.rlock: res = self.reader.recv_bytes() return multiprocessing.reduction.ForkingPickler.loads(res) def fileno(self): return self.reader.fileno() class ConnectionWriter(object): def __init__(self, fd): self.writer = multiprocessing.connection.Connection(fd, readable=False) self.wlock = multiprocessing.Lock() # Why bb.event needs this I have no idea self.event = self def send(self, obj): obj = multiprocessing.reduction.ForkingPickler.dumps(obj) with self.wlock: self.writer.send_bytes(obj)