""" BitBake 'msg' implementation Message handling infrastructure for bitbake """ # Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Purdie # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # import sys import copy import logging from itertools import groupby import bb import bb.event class BBLogFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Formatter which ensures that our 'plain' messages (logging.INFO + 1) are used as is""" DEBUG3 = logging.DEBUG - 2 DEBUG2 = logging.DEBUG - 1 DEBUG = logging.DEBUG VERBOSE = logging.INFO - 1 NOTE = logging.INFO PLAIN = logging.INFO + 1 VERBNOTE = logging.INFO + 2 ERROR = logging.ERROR WARNING = logging.WARNING CRITICAL = logging.CRITICAL levelnames = { DEBUG3 : 'DEBUG', DEBUG2 : 'DEBUG', DEBUG : 'DEBUG', VERBOSE: 'NOTE', NOTE : 'NOTE', PLAIN : '', VERBNOTE: 'NOTE', WARNING : 'WARNING', ERROR : 'ERROR', CRITICAL: 'ERROR', } color_enabled = False BASECOLOR, BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE = list(range(29,38)) COLORS = { DEBUG3 : CYAN, DEBUG2 : CYAN, DEBUG : CYAN, VERBOSE : BASECOLOR, NOTE : BASECOLOR, PLAIN : BASECOLOR, VERBNOTE: BASECOLOR, WARNING : YELLOW, ERROR : RED, CRITICAL: RED, } BLD = '\033[1;%dm' STD = '\033[%dm' RST = '\033[0m' def getLevelName(self, levelno): try: return self.levelnames[levelno] except KeyError: self.levelnames[levelno] = value = 'Level %d' % levelno return value def format(self, record): record.levelname = self.getLevelName(record.levelno) if record.levelno == self.PLAIN: msg = record.getMessage() else: if self.color_enabled: record = self.colorize(record) msg = logging.Formatter.format(self, record) if hasattr(record, 'bb_exc_formatted'): msg += '\n' + ''.join(record.bb_exc_formatted) elif hasattr(record, 'bb_exc_info'): etype, value, tb = record.bb_exc_info formatted = bb.exceptions.format_exception(etype, value, tb, limit=5) msg += '\n' + ''.join(formatted) return msg def colorize(self, record): color = self.COLORS[record.levelno] if self.color_enabled and color is not None: record = copy.copy(record) record.levelname = "".join([self.BLD % color, record.levelname, self.RST]) record.msg = "".join([self.STD % color, record.msg, self.RST]) return record def enable_color(self): self.color_enabled = True class BBLogFilter(object): def __init__(self, handler, level, debug_domains): self.stdlevel = level self.debug_domains = debug_domains loglevel = level for domain in debug_domains: if debug_domains[domain] < loglevel: loglevel = debug_domains[domain] handler.setLevel(loglevel) handler.addFilter(self) def filter(self, record): if record.levelno >= self.stdlevel: return True if record.name in self.debug_domains and record.levelno >= self.debug_domains[record.name]: return True return False class BBLogFilterStdErr(BBLogFilter): def filter(self, record): if not BBLogFilter.filter(self, record): return False if record.levelno >= logging.ERROR: return True return False class BBLogFilterStdOut(BBLogFilter): def filter(self, record): if not BBLogFilter.filter(self, record): return False if record.levelno < logging.ERROR: return True return False # Message control functions # loggerDefaultLogLevel = BBLogFormatter.NOTE loggerDefaultVerbose = False loggerVerboseLogs = False loggerDefaultDomains = {} def init_msgconfig(verbose, debug, debug_domains=None): """ Set default verbosity and debug levels config the logger """ bb.msg.loggerDefaultVerbose = verbose if verbose: bb.msg.loggerVerboseLogs = True if debug: bb.msg.loggerDefaultLogLevel = BBLogFormatter.DEBUG - debug + 1 elif verbose: bb.msg.loggerDefaultLogLevel = BBLogFormatter.VERBOSE else: bb.msg.loggerDefaultLogLevel = BBLogFormatter.NOTE bb.msg.loggerDefaultDomains = {} if debug_domains: for (domainarg, iterator) in groupby(debug_domains): dlevel = len(tuple(iterator)) bb.msg.loggerDefaultDomains["BitBake.%s" % domainarg] = logging.DEBUG - dlevel + 1 def constructLogOptions(): return loggerDefaultLogLevel, loggerDefaultDomains def addDefaultlogFilter(handler, cls = BBLogFilter, forcelevel=None): level, debug_domains = constructLogOptions() if forcelevel is not None: level = forcelevel cls(handler, level, debug_domains) # # Message handling functions # def fatal(msgdomain, msg): if msgdomain: logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake.%s" % msgdomain) else: logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake") logger.critical(msg) sys.exit(1) def logger_create(name, output=sys.stderr, level=logging.INFO, preserve_handlers=False, color='auto'): """Standalone logger creation function""" logger = logging.getLogger(name) console = logging.StreamHandler(output) format = bb.msg.BBLogFormatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s") if color == 'always' or (color == 'auto' and output.isatty()): format.enable_color() console.setFormatter(format) if preserve_handlers: logger.addHandler(console) else: logger.handlers = [console] logger.setLevel(level) return logger def has_console_handler(logger): for handler in logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler): if handler.stream in [sys.stderr, sys.stdout]: return True return False