# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- """ BitBake 'Fetch' git implementation git fetcher support the SRC_URI with format of: SRC_URI = "git://some.host/somepath;OptionA=xxx;OptionB=xxx;..." Supported SRC_URI options are: - branch The git branch to retrieve from. The default is "master" This option also supports multiple branch fetching, with branches separated by commas. In multiple branches case, the name option must have the same number of names to match the branches, which is used to specify the SRC_REV for the branch e.g: SRC_URI="git://some.host/somepath;branch=branchX,branchY;name=nameX,nameY" SRCREV_nameX = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" SRCREV_nameY = "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" - tag The git tag to retrieve. The default is "master" - protocol The method to use to access the repository. Common options are "git", "http", "https", "file", "ssh" and "rsync". The default is "git". - rebaseable rebaseable indicates that the upstream git repo may rebase in the future, and current revision may disappear from upstream repo. This option will remind fetcher to preserve local cache carefully for future use. The default value is "0", set rebaseable=1 for rebaseable git repo. - nocheckout Don't checkout source code when unpacking. set this option for the recipe who has its own routine to checkout code. The default is "0", set nocheckout=1 if needed. - bareclone Create a bare clone of the source code and don't checkout the source code when unpacking. Set this option for the recipe who has its own routine to checkout code and tracking branch requirements. The default is "0", set bareclone=1 if needed. - nobranch Don't check the SHA validation for branch. set this option for the recipe referring to commit which is valid in tag instead of branch. The default is "0", set nobranch=1 if needed. - usehead For local git:// urls to use the current branch HEAD as the revision for use with AUTOREV. Implies nobranch. """ #Copyright (C) 2005 Richard Purdie # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import collections import errno import fnmatch import os import re import subprocess import tempfile import bb import bb.progress from bb.fetch2 import FetchMethod from bb.fetch2 import runfetchcmd from bb.fetch2 import logger class GitProgressHandler(bb.progress.LineFilterProgressHandler): """Extract progress information from git output""" def __init__(self, d): self._buffer = '' self._count = 0 super(GitProgressHandler, self).__init__(d) # Send an initial progress event so the bar gets shown self._fire_progress(-1) def write(self, string): self._buffer += string stages = ['Counting objects', 'Compressing objects', 'Receiving objects', 'Resolving deltas'] stage_weights = [0.2, 0.05, 0.5, 0.25] stagenum = 0 for i, stage in reversed(list(enumerate(stages))): if stage in self._buffer: stagenum = i self._buffer = '' break self._status = stages[stagenum] percs = re.findall(r'(\d+)%', string) if percs: progress = int(round((int(percs[-1]) * stage_weights[stagenum]) + (sum(stage_weights[:stagenum]) * 100))) rates = re.findall(r'([\d.]+ [a-zA-Z]*/s+)', string) if rates: rate = rates[-1] else: rate = None self.update(progress, rate) else: if stagenum == 0: percs = re.findall(r': (\d+)', string) if percs: count = int(percs[-1]) if count > self._count: self._count = count self._fire_progress(-count) super(GitProgressHandler, self).write(string) class Git(FetchMethod): bitbake_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__))), '..', '..', '..')) make_shallow_path = os.path.join(bitbake_dir, 'bin', 'git-make-shallow') """Class to fetch a module or modules from git repositories""" def init(self, d): pass def supports(self, ud, d): """ Check to see if a given url can be fetched with git. """ return ud.type in ['git'] def supports_checksum(self, urldata): return False def urldata_init(self, ud, d): """ init git specific variable within url data so that the git method like latest_revision() can work """ if 'protocol' in ud.parm: ud.proto = ud.parm['protocol'] elif not ud.host: ud.proto = 'file' else: ud.proto = "git" if not ud.proto in ('git', 'file', 'ssh', 'http', 'https', 'rsync'): raise bb.fetch2.ParameterError("Invalid protocol type", ud.url) ud.nocheckout = ud.parm.get("nocheckout","0") == "1" ud.rebaseable = ud.parm.get("rebaseable","0") == "1" ud.nobranch = ud.parm.get("nobranch","0") == "1" # usehead implies nobranch ud.usehead = ud.parm.get("usehead","0") == "1" if ud.usehead: if ud.proto != "file": raise bb.fetch2.ParameterError("The usehead option is only for use with local ('protocol=file') git repositories", ud.url) ud.nobranch = 1 # bareclone implies nocheckout ud.bareclone = ud.parm.get("bareclone","0") == "1" if ud.bareclone: ud.nocheckout = 1 ud.unresolvedrev = {} branches = ud.parm.get("branch", "master").split(',') if len(branches) != len(ud.names): raise bb.fetch2.ParameterError("The number of name and branch parameters is not balanced", ud.url) ud.cloneflags = "-s -n" if ud.bareclone: ud.cloneflags += " --mirror" ud.shallow = d.getVar("BB_GIT_SHALLOW") == "1" ud.shallow_extra_refs = (d.getVar("BB_GIT_SHALLOW_EXTRA_REFS") or "").split() depth_default = d.getVar("BB_GIT_SHALLOW_DEPTH") if depth_default is not None: try: depth_default = int(depth_default or 0) except ValueError: raise bb.fetch2.FetchError("Invalid depth for BB_GIT_SHALLOW_DEPTH: %s" % depth_default) else: if depth_default < 0: raise bb.fetch2.FetchError("Invalid depth for BB_GIT_SHALLOW_DEPTH: %s" % depth_default) else: depth_default = 1 ud.shallow_depths = collections.defaultdict(lambda: depth_default) revs_default = d.getVar("BB_GIT_SHALLOW_REVS", True) ud.shallow_revs = [] ud.branches = {} for pos, name in enumerate(ud.names): branch = branches[pos] ud.branches[name] = branch ud.unresolvedrev[name] = branch shallow_depth = d.getVar("BB_GIT_SHALLOW_DEPTH_%s" % name) if shallow_depth is not None: try: shallow_depth = int(shallow_depth or 0) except ValueError: raise bb.fetch2.FetchError("Invalid depth for BB_GIT_SHALLOW_DEPTH_%s: %s" % (name, shallow_depth)) else: if shallow_depth < 0: raise bb.fetch2.FetchError("Invalid depth for BB_GIT_SHALLOW_DEPTH_%s: %s" % (name, shallow_depth)) ud.shallow_depths[name] = shallow_depth revs = d.getVar("BB_GIT_SHALLOW_REVS_%s" % name) if revs is not None: ud.shallow_revs.extend(revs.split()) elif revs_default is not None: ud.shallow_revs.extend(revs_default.split()) if (ud.shallow and not ud.shallow_revs and all(ud.shallow_depths[n] == 0 for n in ud.names)): # Shallow disabled for this URL ud.shallow = False if ud.usehead: ud.unresolvedrev['default'] = 'HEAD' ud.basecmd = d.getVar("FETCHCMD_git") or "git -c core.fsyncobjectfiles=0" write_tarballs = d.getVar("BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS") or "0" ud.write_tarballs = write_tarballs != "0" or ud.rebaseable ud.write_shallow_tarballs = (d.getVar("BB_GENERATE_SHALLOW_TARBALLS") or write_tarballs) != "0" ud.setup_revisions(d) for name in ud.names: # Ensure anything that doesn't look like a sha256 checksum/revision is translated into one if not ud.revisions[name] or len(ud.revisions[name]) != 40 or (False in [c in "abcdef0123456789" for c in ud.revisions[name]]): if ud.revisions[name]: ud.unresolvedrev[name] = ud.revisions[name] ud.revisions[name] = self.latest_revision(ud, d, name) gitsrcname = '%s%s' % (ud.host.replace(':', '.'), ud.path.replace('/', '.').replace('*', '.')) if gitsrcname.startswith('.'): gitsrcname = gitsrcname[1:] # for rebaseable git repo, it is necessary to keep mirror tar ball # per revision, so that even the revision disappears from the # upstream repo in the future, the mirror will remain intact and still # contains the revision if ud.rebaseable: for name in ud.names: gitsrcname = gitsrcname + '_' + ud.revisions[name] dl_dir = d.getVar("DL_DIR") gitdir = d.getVar("GITDIR") or (dl_dir + "/git2") ud.clonedir = os.path.join(gitdir, gitsrcname) ud.localfile = ud.clonedir mirrortarball = 'git2_%s.tar.gz' % gitsrcname ud.fullmirror = os.path.join(dl_dir, mirrortarball) ud.mirrortarballs = [mirrortarball] if ud.shallow: tarballname = gitsrcname if ud.bareclone: tarballname = "%s_bare" % tarballname if ud.shallow_revs: tarballname = "%s_%s" % (tarballname, "_".join(sorted(ud.shallow_revs))) for name, revision in sorted(ud.revisions.items()): tarballname = "%s_%s" % (tarballname, ud.revisions[name][:7]) depth = ud.shallow_depths[name] if depth: tarballname = "%s-%s" % (tarballname, depth) shallow_refs = [] if not ud.nobranch: shallow_refs.extend(ud.branches.values()) if ud.shallow_extra_refs: shallow_refs.extend(r.replace('refs/heads/', '').replace('*', 'ALL') for r in ud.shallow_extra_refs) if shallow_refs: tarballname = "%s_%s" % (tarballname, "_".join(sorted(shallow_refs)).replace('/', '.')) fetcher = self.__class__.__name__.lower() ud.shallowtarball = '%sshallow_%s.tar.gz' % (fetcher, tarballname) ud.fullshallow = os.path.join(dl_dir, ud.shallowtarball) ud.mirrortarballs.insert(0, ud.shallowtarball) def localpath(self, ud, d): return ud.clonedir def need_update(self, ud, d): return self.clonedir_need_update(ud, d) or self.shallow_tarball_need_update(ud) or self.tarball_need_update(ud) def clonedir_need_update(self, ud, d): if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): return True for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud, d, name, ud.clonedir): return True return False def shallow_tarball_need_update(self, ud): return ud.shallow and ud.write_shallow_tarballs and not os.path.exists(ud.fullshallow) def tarball_need_update(self, ud): return ud.write_tarballs and not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror) def try_premirror(self, ud, d): # If we don't do this, updating an existing checkout with only premirrors # is not possible if d.getVar("BB_FETCH_PREMIRRORONLY") is not None: return True if os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): return False return True def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" # A current clone is preferred to either tarball, a shallow tarball is # preferred to an out of date clone, and a missing clone will use # either tarball. if ud.shallow and os.path.exists(ud.fullshallow) and self.need_update(ud, d): ud.localpath = ud.fullshallow return elif os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror) and not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % ud.fullmirror, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) # If the repo still doesn't exist, fallback to cloning it if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): # We do this since git will use a "-l" option automatically for local urls where possible if repourl.startswith("file://"): repourl = repourl[7:] clone_cmd = "LANG=C %s clone --bare --mirror %s %s --progress" % (ud.basecmd, repourl, ud.clonedir) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, clone_cmd, ud.url) progresshandler = GitProgressHandler(d) runfetchcmd(clone_cmd, d, log=progresshandler) # Update the checkout if needed needupdate = False for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud, d, name, ud.clonedir): needupdate = True break if needupdate: output = runfetchcmd("%s remote" % ud.basecmd, d, quiet=True, workdir=ud.clonedir) if "origin" in output: runfetchcmd("%s remote rm origin" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s remote add --mirror=fetch origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, repourl), d, workdir=ud.clonedir) fetch_cmd = "LANG=C %s fetch -f --prune --progress %s refs/*:refs/*" % (ud.basecmd, repourl) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetch_cmd, ud.url) progresshandler = GitProgressHandler(d) runfetchcmd(fetch_cmd, d, log=progresshandler, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s prune-packed" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s pack-refs --all" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s pack-redundant --all | xargs -r rm" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) try: os.unlink(ud.fullmirror) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud, d, name, ud.clonedir): raise bb.fetch2.FetchError("Unable to find revision %s in branch %s even from upstream" % (ud.revisions[name], ud.branches[name])) def build_mirror_data(self, ud, d): if ud.shallow and ud.write_shallow_tarballs: if not os.path.exists(ud.fullshallow): if os.path.islink(ud.fullshallow): os.unlink(ud.fullshallow) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=d.getVar('DL_DIR')) shallowclone = os.path.join(tempdir, 'git') try: self.clone_shallow_local(ud, shallowclone, d) logger.info("Creating tarball of git repository") runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s ." % ud.fullshallow, d, workdir=shallowclone) runfetchcmd("touch %s.done" % ud.fullshallow, d) finally: bb.utils.remove(tempdir, recurse=True) elif ud.write_tarballs and not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror): if os.path.islink(ud.fullmirror): os.unlink(ud.fullmirror) logger.info("Creating tarball of git repository") runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s ." % ud.fullmirror, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("touch %s.done" % ud.fullmirror, d) def clone_shallow_local(self, ud, dest, d): """Clone the repo and make it shallow. The upstream url of the new clone isn't set at this time, as it'll be set correctly when unpacked.""" runfetchcmd("%s clone %s %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.cloneflags, ud.clonedir, dest), d) to_parse, shallow_branches = [], [] for name in ud.names: revision = ud.revisions[name] depth = ud.shallow_depths[name] if depth: to_parse.append('%s~%d^{}' % (revision, depth - 1)) # For nobranch, we need a ref, otherwise the commits will be # removed, and for non-nobranch, we truncate the branch to our # srcrev, to avoid keeping unnecessary history beyond that. branch = ud.branches[name] if ud.nobranch: ref = "refs/shallow/%s" % name elif ud.bareclone: ref = "refs/heads/%s" % branch else: ref = "refs/remotes/origin/%s" % branch shallow_branches.append(ref) runfetchcmd("%s update-ref %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ref, revision), d, workdir=dest) # Map srcrev+depths to revisions parsed_depths = runfetchcmd("%s rev-parse %s" % (ud.basecmd, " ".join(to_parse)), d, workdir=dest) # Resolve specified revisions parsed_revs = runfetchcmd("%s rev-parse %s" % (ud.basecmd, " ".join('"%s^{}"' % r for r in ud.shallow_revs)), d, workdir=dest) shallow_revisions = parsed_depths.splitlines() + parsed_revs.splitlines() # Apply extra ref wildcards all_refs = runfetchcmd('%s for-each-ref "--format=%%(refname)"' % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=dest).splitlines() for r in ud.shallow_extra_refs: if not ud.bareclone: r = r.replace('refs/heads/', 'refs/remotes/origin/') if '*' in r: matches = filter(lambda a: fnmatch.fnmatchcase(a, r), all_refs) shallow_branches.extend(matches) else: shallow_branches.append(r) # Make the repository shallow shallow_cmd = [self.make_shallow_path, '-s'] for b in shallow_branches: shallow_cmd.append('-r') shallow_cmd.append(b) shallow_cmd.extend(shallow_revisions) runfetchcmd(subprocess.list2cmdline(shallow_cmd), d, workdir=dest) def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): """ unpack the downloaded src to destdir""" subdir = ud.parm.get("subpath", "") if subdir != "": readpathspec = ":%s" % subdir def_destsuffix = "%s/" % os.path.basename(subdir.rstrip('/')) else: readpathspec = "" def_destsuffix = "git/" destsuffix = ud.parm.get("destsuffix", def_destsuffix) destdir = ud.destdir = os.path.join(destdir, destsuffix) if os.path.exists(destdir): bb.utils.prunedir(destdir) if ud.shallow and os.path.exists(ud.fullshallow) and self.need_update(ud, d): bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % ud.fullshallow, d, workdir=destdir) else: runfetchcmd("%s clone %s %s/ %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.cloneflags, ud.clonedir, destdir), d) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) runfetchcmd("%s remote set-url origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, repourl), d, workdir=destdir) if not ud.nocheckout: if subdir != "": runfetchcmd("%s read-tree %s%s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]], readpathspec), d, workdir=destdir) runfetchcmd("%s checkout-index -q -f -a" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=destdir) elif not ud.nobranch: branchname = ud.branches[ud.names[0]] runfetchcmd("%s checkout -B %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=destdir) runfetchcmd("%s branch %s --set-upstream-to origin/%s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ branchname), d, workdir=destdir) else: runfetchcmd("%s checkout %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=destdir) return True def clean(self, ud, d): """ clean the git directory """ bb.utils.remove(ud.localpath, True) bb.utils.remove(ud.fullmirror) bb.utils.remove(ud.fullmirror + ".done") def supports_srcrev(self): return True def _contains_ref(self, ud, d, name, wd): cmd = "" if ud.nobranch: cmd = "%s log --pretty=oneline -n 1 %s -- 2> /dev/null | wc -l" % ( ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[name]) else: cmd = "%s branch --contains %s --list %s 2> /dev/null | wc -l" % ( ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[name], ud.branches[name]) try: output = runfetchcmd(cmd, d, quiet=True, workdir=wd) except bb.fetch2.FetchError: return False if len(output.split()) > 1: raise bb.fetch2.FetchError("The command '%s' gave output with more then 1 line unexpectedly, output: '%s'" % (cmd, output)) return output.split()[0] != "0" def _get_repo_url(self, ud): """ Return the repository URL """ if ud.user: username = ud.user + '@' else: username = "" return "%s://%s%s%s" % (ud.proto, username, ud.host, ud.path) def _revision_key(self, ud, d, name): """ Return a unique key for the url """ return "git:" + ud.host + ud.path.replace('/', '.') + ud.unresolvedrev[name] def _lsremote(self, ud, d, search): """ Run git ls-remote with the specified search string """ # Prevent recursion e.g. in OE if SRCPV is in PV, PV is in WORKDIR, # and WORKDIR is in PATH (as a result of RSS), our call to # runfetchcmd() exports PATH so this function will get called again (!) # In this scenario the return call of the function isn't actually # important - WORKDIR isn't needed in PATH to call git ls-remote # anyway. if d.getVar('_BB_GIT_IN_LSREMOTE', False): return '' d.setVar('_BB_GIT_IN_LSREMOTE', '1') try: repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) cmd = "%s ls-remote %s %s" % \ (ud.basecmd, repourl, search) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cmd, repourl) output = runfetchcmd(cmd, d, True) if not output: raise bb.fetch2.FetchError("The command %s gave empty output unexpectedly" % cmd, ud.url) finally: d.delVar('_BB_GIT_IN_LSREMOTE') return output def _latest_revision(self, ud, d, name): """ Compute the HEAD revision for the url """ output = self._lsremote(ud, d, "") # Tags of the form ^{} may not work, need to fallback to other form if ud.unresolvedrev[name][:5] == "refs/" or ud.usehead: head = ud.unresolvedrev[name] tag = ud.unresolvedrev[name] else: head = "refs/heads/%s" % ud.unresolvedrev[name] tag = "refs/tags/%s" % ud.unresolvedrev[name] for s in [head, tag + "^{}", tag]: for l in output.strip().split('\n'): sha1, ref = l.split() if s == ref: return sha1 raise bb.fetch2.FetchError("Unable to resolve '%s' in upstream git repository in git ls-remote output for %s" % \ (ud.unresolvedrev[name], ud.host+ud.path)) def latest_versionstring(self, ud, d): """ Compute the latest release name like "x.y.x" in "x.y.x+gitHASH" by searching through the tags output of ls-remote, comparing versions and returning the highest match. """ pupver = ('', '') tagregex = re.compile(d.getVar('UPSTREAM_CHECK_GITTAGREGEX') or "(?P([0-9][\.|_]?)+)") try: output = self._lsremote(ud, d, "refs/tags/*") except (bb.fetch2.FetchError, bb.fetch2.NetworkAccess) as e: bb.note("Could not list remote: %s" % str(e)) return pupver verstring = "" revision = "" for line in output.split("\n"): if not line: break tag_head = line.split("/")[-1] # Ignore non-released branches m = re.search("(alpha|beta|rc|final)+", tag_head) if m: continue # search for version in the line tag = tagregex.search(tag_head) if tag == None: continue tag = tag.group('pver') tag = tag.replace("_", ".") if verstring and bb.utils.vercmp(("0", tag, ""), ("0", verstring, "")) < 0: continue verstring = tag revision = line.split()[0] pupver = (verstring, revision) return pupver def _build_revision(self, ud, d, name): return ud.revisions[name] def gitpkgv_revision(self, ud, d, name): """ Return a sortable revision number by counting commits in the history Based on gitpkgv.bblass in meta-openembedded """ rev = self._build_revision(ud, d, name) localpath = ud.localpath rev_file = os.path.join(localpath, "oe-gitpkgv_" + rev) if not os.path.exists(localpath): commits = None else: if not os.path.exists(rev_file) or not os.path.getsize(rev_file): from pipes import quote commits = bb.fetch2.runfetchcmd( "git rev-list %s -- | wc -l" % quote(rev), d, quiet=True).strip().lstrip('0') if commits: open(rev_file, "w").write("%d\n" % int(commits)) else: commits = open(rev_file, "r").readline(128).strip() if commits: return False, "%s+%s" % (commits, rev[:7]) else: return True, str(rev) def checkstatus(self, fetch, ud, d): try: self._lsremote(ud, d, "") return True except bb.fetch2.FetchError: return False