""" BitBake Smart Dictionary Implementation Functions for interacting with the data structure used by the BitBake build tools. """ # Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson # Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Seb Frankengul # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Holger Hans Peter Freyther # Copyright (C) 2005 Uli Luckas # Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # # Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig import copy, re, sys, traceback from collections.abc import MutableMapping import logging import hashlib import bb, bb.codeparser from bb import utils from bb.COW import COWDictBase logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake.Data") __setvar_keyword__ = [":append", ":prepend", ":remove"] __setvar_regexp__ = re.compile(r'(?P.*?)(?P:append|:prepend|:remove)(:(?P[^A-Z]*))?$') __expand_var_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${[a-zA-Z0-9\-_+./~:]+?}") __expand_python_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${@.+?}") __whitespace_split__ = re.compile(r'(\s)') __override_regexp__ = re.compile(r'[a-z0-9]+') bitbake_renamed_vars = { "BB_ENV_WHITELIST": "BB_ENV_PASSTHROUGH", "BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE": "BB_ENV_PASSTHROUGH_ADDITIONS", "BB_HASHBASE_WHITELIST": "BB_BASEHASH_IGNORE_VARS", "BB_HASHCONFIG_WHITELIST": "BB_HASHCONFIG_IGNORE_VARS", "BB_HASHTASK_WHITELIST": "BB_TASKHASH_IGNORE_TASKS", "BB_SETSCENE_ENFORCE_WHITELIST": "BB_SETSCENE_ENFORCE_IGNORE_TASKS", "MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST": "BB_MULTI_PROVIDER_ALLOWED", "BB_STAMP_WHITELIST": "is a deprecated variable and support has been removed", "BB_STAMP_POLICY": "is a deprecated variable and support has been removed", } def infer_caller_details(loginfo, parent = False, varval = True): """Save the caller the trouble of specifying everything.""" # Save effort. if 'ignore' in loginfo and loginfo['ignore']: return # If nothing was provided, mark this as possibly unneeded. if not loginfo: loginfo['ignore'] = True return # Infer caller's likely values for variable (var) and value (value), # to reduce clutter in the rest of the code. above = None def set_above(): try: raise Exception except Exception: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] if parent: return tb.tb_frame.f_back.f_back.f_back else: return tb.tb_frame.f_back.f_back if varval and ('variable' not in loginfo or 'detail' not in loginfo): if not above: above = set_above() lcls = above.f_locals.items() for k, v in lcls: if k == 'value' and 'detail' not in loginfo: loginfo['detail'] = v if k == 'var' and 'variable' not in loginfo: loginfo['variable'] = v # Infer file/line/function from traceback # Don't use traceback.extract_stack() since it fills the line contents which # we don't need and that hits stat syscalls if 'file' not in loginfo: if not above: above = set_above() f = above.f_back line = f.f_lineno file = f.f_code.co_filename func = f.f_code.co_name loginfo['file'] = file loginfo['line'] = line if func not in loginfo: loginfo['func'] = func class VariableParse: def __init__(self, varname, d, val = None): self.varname = varname self.d = d self.value = val self.references = set() self.execs = set() self.contains = {} def var_sub(self, match): key = match.group()[2:-1] if self.varname and key: if self.varname == key: raise Exception("variable %s references itself!" % self.varname) var = self.d.getVarFlag(key, "_content") self.references.add(key) if var is not None: return var else: return match.group() def python_sub(self, match): if isinstance(match, str): code = match else: code = match.group()[3:-1] if self.varname: varname = 'Var <%s>' % self.varname else: varname = '' codeobj = compile(code.strip(), varname, "eval") parser = bb.codeparser.PythonParser(self.varname, logger) parser.parse_python(code) if self.varname: vardeps = self.d.getVarFlag(self.varname, "vardeps") if vardeps is None: parser.log.flush() else: parser.log.flush() self.references |= parser.references self.execs |= parser.execs for k in parser.contains: if k not in self.contains: self.contains[k] = parser.contains[k].copy() else: self.contains[k].update(parser.contains[k]) value = utils.better_eval(codeobj, DataContext(self.d), {'d' : self.d}) return str(value) class DataContext(dict): def __init__(self, metadata, **kwargs): self.metadata = metadata dict.__init__(self, **kwargs) self['d'] = metadata def __missing__(self, key): value = self.metadata.getVar(key) if value is None or self.metadata.getVarFlag(key, 'func', False): raise KeyError(key) else: return value class ExpansionError(Exception): def __init__(self, varname, expression, exception): self.expression = expression self.variablename = varname self.exception = exception self.varlist = [varname or expression or ""] if varname: if expression: self.msg = "Failure expanding variable %s, expression was %s which triggered exception %s: %s" % (varname, expression, type(exception).__name__, exception) else: self.msg = "Failure expanding variable %s: %s: %s" % (varname, type(exception).__name__, exception) else: self.msg = "Failure expanding expression %s which triggered exception %s: %s" % (expression, type(exception).__name__, exception) Exception.__init__(self, self.msg) self.args = (varname, expression, exception) def addVar(self, varname): if varname: self.varlist.append(varname) def __str__(self): chain = "\nThe variable dependency chain for the failure is: " + " -> ".join(self.varlist) return self.msg + chain class IncludeHistory(object): def __init__(self, parent = None, filename = '[TOP LEVEL]'): self.parent = parent self.filename = filename self.children = [] self.current = self def copy(self): new = IncludeHistory(self.parent, self.filename) for c in self.children: new.children.append(c) return new def include(self, filename): newfile = IncludeHistory(self.current, filename) self.current.children.append(newfile) self.current = newfile return self def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, a, b, c): if self.current.parent: self.current = self.current.parent else: bb.warn("Include log: Tried to finish '%s' at top level." % self.filename) return False def emit(self, o, level = 0): """Emit an include history file, and its children.""" if level: spaces = " " * (level - 1) o.write("# %s%s" % (spaces, self.filename)) if len(self.children) > 0: o.write(" includes:") else: o.write("#\n# INCLUDE HISTORY:\n#") level = level + 1 for child in self.children: o.write("\n") child.emit(o, level) class VariableHistory(object): def __init__(self, dataroot): self.dataroot = dataroot self.variables = COWDictBase.copy() def copy(self): new = VariableHistory(self.dataroot) new.variables = self.variables.copy() return new def __getstate__(self): vardict = {} for k, v in self.variables.iteritems(): vardict[k] = v return {'dataroot': self.dataroot, 'variables': vardict} def __setstate__(self, state): self.dataroot = state['dataroot'] self.variables = COWDictBase.copy() for k, v in state['variables'].items(): self.variables[k] = v def record(self, *kwonly, **loginfo): if not self.dataroot._tracking: return if len(kwonly) > 0: raise TypeError infer_caller_details(loginfo, parent = True) if 'ignore' in loginfo and loginfo['ignore']: return if 'op' not in loginfo or not loginfo['op']: loginfo['op'] = 'set' if 'detail' in loginfo: loginfo['detail'] = str(loginfo['detail']) if 'variable' not in loginfo or 'file' not in loginfo: raise ValueError("record() missing variable or file.") var = loginfo['variable'] if var not in self.variables: self.variables[var] = [] if not isinstance(self.variables[var], list): return if 'nodups' in loginfo and loginfo in self.variables[var]: return self.variables[var].append(loginfo.copy()) def rename_variable_hist(self, oldvar, newvar): if not self.dataroot._tracking: return if oldvar not in self.variables: return if newvar not in self.variables: self.variables[newvar] = [] for i in self.variables[oldvar]: self.variables[newvar].append(i.copy()) def variable(self, var): varhistory = [] if var in self.variables: varhistory.extend(self.variables[var]) return varhistory def emit(self, var, oval, val, o, d): history = self.variable(var) # Append override history if var in d.overridedata: for (r, override) in d.overridedata[var]: for event in self.variable(r): loginfo = event.copy() if 'flag' in loginfo and not loginfo['flag'].startswith(("_", ":")): continue loginfo['variable'] = var loginfo['op'] = 'override[%s]:%s' % (override, loginfo['op']) history.append(loginfo) commentVal = re.sub('\n', '\n#', str(oval)) if history: if len(history) == 1: o.write("#\n# $%s\n" % var) else: o.write("#\n# $%s [%d operations]\n" % (var, len(history))) for event in history: # o.write("# %s\n" % str(event)) if 'func' in event: # If we have a function listed, this is internal # code, not an operation in a config file, and the # full path is distracting. event['file'] = re.sub('.*/', '', event['file']) display_func = ' [%s]' % event['func'] else: display_func = '' if 'flag' in event: flag = '[%s] ' % (event['flag']) else: flag = '' o.write("# %s %s:%s%s\n# %s\"%s\"\n" % (event['op'], event['file'], event['line'], display_func, flag, re.sub('\n', '\n# ', event['detail']))) if len(history) > 1: o.write("# pre-expansion value:\n") o.write('# "%s"\n' % (commentVal)) else: o.write("#\n# $%s\n# [no history recorded]\n#\n" % var) o.write('# "%s"\n' % (commentVal)) def get_variable_files(self, var): """Get the files where operations are made on a variable""" var_history = self.variable(var) files = [] for event in var_history: files.append(event['file']) return files def get_variable_lines(self, var, f): """Get the line where a operation is made on a variable in file f""" var_history = self.variable(var) lines = [] for event in var_history: if f== event['file']: line = event['line'] lines.append(line) return lines def get_variable_refs(self, var): """Return a dict of file/line references""" var_history = self.variable(var) refs = {} for event in var_history: if event['file'] not in refs: refs[event['file']] = [] refs[event['file']].append(event['line']) return refs def get_variable_items_files(self, var): """ Use variable history to map items added to a list variable and the files in which they were added. """ d = self.dataroot history = self.variable(var) finalitems = (d.getVar(var) or '').split() filemap = {} isset = False for event in history: if 'flag' in event: continue if event['op'] == ':remove': continue if isset and event['op'] == 'set?': continue isset = True items = d.expand(event['detail']).split() for item in items: # This is a little crude but is belt-and-braces to avoid us # having to handle every possible operation type specifically if item in finalitems and not item in filemap: filemap[item] = event['file'] return filemap def del_var_history(self, var, f=None, line=None): """If file f and line are not given, the entire history of var is deleted""" if var in self.variables: if f and line: self.variables[var] = [ x for x in self.variables[var] if x['file']!=f and x['line']!=line] else: self.variables[var] = [] def _print_rename_error(var, loginfo, renamedvars, fullvar=None): info = "" if "file" in loginfo: info = " file: %s" % loginfo["file"] if "line" in loginfo: info += " line: %s" % loginfo["line"] if fullvar and fullvar != var: info += " referenced as: %s" % fullvar if info: info = " (%s)" % info.strip() renameinfo = renamedvars[var] if " " in renameinfo: # A space signals a string to display instead of a rename bb.erroronce('Variable %s %s%s' % (var, renameinfo, info)) else: bb.erroronce('Variable %s has been renamed to %s%s' % (var, renameinfo, info)) class DataSmart(MutableMapping): def __init__(self): self.dict = {} self.inchistory = IncludeHistory() self.varhistory = VariableHistory(self) self._tracking = False self._var_renames = {} self._var_renames.update(bitbake_renamed_vars) self.expand_cache = {} # cookie monster tribute # Need to be careful about writes to overridedata as # its only a shallow copy, could influence other data store # copies! self.overridedata = {} self.overrides = None self.overridevars = set(["OVERRIDES", "FILE"]) self.inoverride = False def enableTracking(self): self._tracking = True def disableTracking(self): self._tracking = False def expandWithRefs(self, s, varname): if not isinstance(s, str): # sanity check return VariableParse(varname, self, s) varparse = VariableParse(varname, self) while s.find('${') != -1: olds = s try: s = __expand_var_regexp__.sub(varparse.var_sub, s) try: s = __expand_python_regexp__.sub(varparse.python_sub, s) except SyntaxError as e: # Likely unmatched brackets, just don't expand the expression if e.msg != "EOL while scanning string literal" and not e.msg.startswith("unterminated string literal"): raise if s == olds: break except ExpansionError as e: e.addVar(varname) raise except bb.parse.SkipRecipe: raise except bb.BBHandledException: raise except Exception as exc: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] raise ExpansionError(varname, s, exc).with_traceback(tb) from exc varparse.value = s return varparse def expand(self, s, varname = None): return self.expandWithRefs(s, varname).value def finalize(self, parent = False): return def internal_finalize(self, parent = False): """Performs final steps upon the datastore, including application of overrides""" self.overrides = None def need_overrides(self): if self.overrides is not None: return if self.inoverride: return for count in range(5): self.inoverride = True # Can end up here recursively so setup dummy values self.overrides = [] self.overridesset = set() self.overrides = (self.getVar("OVERRIDES") or "").split(":") or [] self.overridesset = set(self.overrides) self.inoverride = False self.expand_cache = {} newoverrides = (self.getVar("OVERRIDES") or "").split(":") or [] if newoverrides == self.overrides: break self.overrides = newoverrides self.overridesset = set(self.overrides) else: bb.fatal("Overrides could not be expanded into a stable state after 5 iterations, overrides must be being referenced by other overridden variables in some recursive fashion. Please provide your configuration to bitbake-devel so we can laugh, er, I mean try and understand how to make it work.") def initVar(self, var): self.expand_cache = {} if not var in self.dict: self.dict[var] = {} def _findVar(self, var): dest = self.dict while dest: if var in dest: return dest[var], self.overridedata.get(var, None) if "_data" not in dest: break dest = dest["_data"] return None, self.overridedata.get(var, None) def _makeShadowCopy(self, var): if var in self.dict: return local_var, _ = self._findVar(var) if local_var: self.dict[var] = copy.copy(local_var) else: self.initVar(var) def hasOverrides(self, var): return var in self.overridedata def setVar(self, var, value, **loginfo): #print("var=" + str(var) + " val=" + str(value)) if not var.startswith("__anon_") and ("_append" in var or "_prepend" in var or "_remove" in var): info = "%s" % var if "file" in loginfo: info += " file: %s" % loginfo["file"] if "line" in loginfo: info += " line: %s" % loginfo["line"] bb.fatal("Variable %s contains an operation using the old override syntax. Please convert this layer/metadata before attempting to use with a newer bitbake." % info) shortvar = var.split(":", 1)[0] if shortvar in self._var_renames: _print_rename_error(shortvar, loginfo, self._var_renames, fullvar=var) self.expand_cache = {} parsing=False if 'parsing' in loginfo: parsing=True if 'op' not in loginfo: loginfo['op'] = "set" match = __setvar_regexp__.match(var) if match and match.group("keyword") in __setvar_keyword__: base = match.group('base') keyword = match.group("keyword") override = match.group('add') l = self.getVarFlag(base, keyword, False) or [] l.append([value, override]) self.setVarFlag(base, keyword, l, ignore=True) # And cause that to be recorded: loginfo['detail'] = value loginfo['variable'] = base if override: loginfo['op'] = '%s[%s]' % (keyword, override) else: loginfo['op'] = keyword self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) # todo make sure keyword is not __doc__ or __module__ # pay the cookie monster # more cookies for the cookie monster if ':' in var: self._setvar_update_overrides(base, **loginfo) if base in self.overridevars: self._setvar_update_overridevars(var, value) return if not var in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy(var) if not parsing: if ":append" in self.dict[var]: del self.dict[var][":append"] if ":prepend" in self.dict[var]: del self.dict[var][":prepend"] if ":remove" in self.dict[var]: del self.dict[var][":remove"] if var in self.overridedata: active = [] self.need_overrides() for (r, o) in self.overridedata[var]: if o in self.overridesset: active.append(r) elif ":" in o: if set(o.split(":")).issubset(self.overridesset): active.append(r) for a in active: self.delVar(a) del self.overridedata[var] # more cookies for the cookie monster if ':' in var: self._setvar_update_overrides(var, **loginfo) # setting var self.dict[var]["_content"] = value self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) if var in self.overridevars: self._setvar_update_overridevars(var, value) def _setvar_update_overridevars(self, var, value): vardata = self.expandWithRefs(value, var) new = vardata.references new.update(vardata.contains.keys()) while not new.issubset(self.overridevars): nextnew = set() self.overridevars.update(new) for i in new: vardata = self.expandWithRefs(self.getVar(i), i) nextnew.update(vardata.references) nextnew.update(vardata.contains.keys()) new = nextnew self.internal_finalize(True) def _setvar_update_overrides(self, var, **loginfo): # aka pay the cookie monster override = var[var.rfind(':')+1:] shortvar = var[:var.rfind(':')] while override and __override_regexp__.match(override): if shortvar not in self.overridedata: self.overridedata[shortvar] = [] if [var, override] not in self.overridedata[shortvar]: # Force CoW by recreating the list first self.overridedata[shortvar] = list(self.overridedata[shortvar]) self.overridedata[shortvar].append([var, override]) override = None if ":" in shortvar: override = var[shortvar.rfind(':')+1:] shortvar = var[:shortvar.rfind(':')] if len(shortvar) == 0: override = None def getVar(self, var, expand=True, noweakdefault=False, parsing=False): return self.getVarFlag(var, "_content", expand, noweakdefault, parsing) def renameVar(self, key, newkey, **loginfo): """ Rename the variable key to newkey """ if key == newkey: bb.warn("Calling renameVar with equivalent keys (%s) is invalid" % key) return val = self.getVar(key, 0, parsing=True) if val is not None: self.varhistory.rename_variable_hist(key, newkey) loginfo['variable'] = newkey loginfo['op'] = 'rename from %s' % key loginfo['detail'] = val self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) self.setVar(newkey, val, ignore=True, parsing=True) for i in (__setvar_keyword__): src = self.getVarFlag(key, i, False) if src is None: continue dest = self.getVarFlag(newkey, i, False) or [] dest.extend(src) self.setVarFlag(newkey, i, dest, ignore=True) if key in self.overridedata: self.overridedata[newkey] = [] for (v, o) in self.overridedata[key]: self.overridedata[newkey].append([v.replace(key, newkey), o]) self.renameVar(v, v.replace(key, newkey)) if ':' in newkey and val is None: self._setvar_update_overrides(newkey, **loginfo) loginfo['variable'] = key loginfo['op'] = 'rename (to)' loginfo['detail'] = newkey self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) self.delVar(key, ignore=True) def appendVar(self, var, value, **loginfo): loginfo['op'] = 'append' self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) self.setVar(var + ":append", value, ignore=True, parsing=True) def prependVar(self, var, value, **loginfo): loginfo['op'] = 'prepend' self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) self.setVar(var + ":prepend", value, ignore=True, parsing=True) def delVar(self, var, **loginfo): self.expand_cache = {} loginfo['detail'] = "" loginfo['op'] = 'del' self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) self.dict[var] = {} if var in self.overridedata: del self.overridedata[var] if ':' in var: override = var[var.rfind(':')+1:] shortvar = var[:var.rfind(':')] while override and override.islower(): try: if shortvar in self.overridedata: # Force CoW by recreating the list first self.overridedata[shortvar] = list(self.overridedata[shortvar]) self.overridedata[shortvar].remove([var, override]) except ValueError as e: pass override = None if ":" in shortvar: override = var[shortvar.rfind(':')+1:] shortvar = var[:shortvar.rfind(':')] if len(shortvar) == 0: override = None def setVarFlag(self, var, flag, value, **loginfo): self.expand_cache = {} if var == "BB_RENAMED_VARIABLES": self._var_renames[flag] = value if var in self._var_renames: _print_rename_error(var, loginfo, self._var_renames) if 'op' not in loginfo: loginfo['op'] = "set" loginfo['flag'] = flag self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) if not var in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy(var) self.dict[var][flag] = value if flag == "_defaultval" and ':' in var: self._setvar_update_overrides(var, **loginfo) if flag == "_defaultval" and var in self.overridevars: self._setvar_update_overridevars(var, value) if flag == "unexport" or flag == "export": if not "__exportlist" in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy("__exportlist") if not "_content" in self.dict["__exportlist"]: self.dict["__exportlist"]["_content"] = set() self.dict["__exportlist"]["_content"].add(var) def getVarFlag(self, var, flag, expand=True, noweakdefault=False, parsing=False, retparser=False): if flag == "_content": cachename = var else: if not flag: bb.warn("Calling getVarFlag with flag unset is invalid") return None cachename = var + "[" + flag + "]" if expand and cachename in self.expand_cache: return self.expand_cache[cachename].value local_var, overridedata = self._findVar(var) value = None removes = set() if flag == "_content" and overridedata is not None and not parsing: match = False active = {} self.need_overrides() for (r, o) in overridedata: # FIXME What about double overrides both with "_" in the name? if o in self.overridesset: active[o] = r elif ":" in o: if set(o.split(":")).issubset(self.overridesset): active[o] = r mod = True while mod: mod = False for o in self.overrides: for a in active.copy(): if a.endswith(":" + o): t = active[a] del active[a] active[a.replace(":" + o, "")] = t mod = True elif a == o: match = active[a] del active[a] if match: value, subparser = self.getVarFlag(match, "_content", False, retparser=True) if hasattr(subparser, "removes"): # We have to carry the removes from the overridden variable to apply at the # end of processing removes = subparser.removes if local_var is not None and value is None: if flag in local_var: value = copy.copy(local_var[flag]) elif flag == "_content" and "_defaultval" in local_var and not noweakdefault: value = copy.copy(local_var["_defaultval"]) if flag == "_content" and local_var is not None and ":append" in local_var and not parsing: self.need_overrides() for (r, o) in local_var[":append"]: match = True if o: for o2 in o.split(":"): if not o2 in self.overrides: match = False if match: if value is None: value = "" value = value + r if flag == "_content" and local_var is not None and ":prepend" in local_var and not parsing: self.need_overrides() for (r, o) in local_var[":prepend"]: match = True if o: for o2 in o.split(":"): if not o2 in self.overrides: match = False if match: if value is None: value = "" value = r + value parser = None if expand or retparser: parser = self.expandWithRefs(value, cachename) if expand: value = parser.value if value and flag == "_content" and local_var is not None and ":remove" in local_var and not parsing: self.need_overrides() for (r, o) in local_var[":remove"]: match = True if o: for o2 in o.split(":"): if not o2 in self.overrides: match = False if match: removes.add(r) if value and flag == "_content" and not parsing: if removes and parser: expanded_removes = {} for r in removes: expanded_removes[r] = self.expand(r).split() parser.removes = set() val = [] for v in __whitespace_split__.split(parser.value): skip = False for r in removes: if v in expanded_removes[r]: parser.removes.add(r) skip = True if skip: continue val.append(v) parser.value = "".join(val) if expand: value = parser.value if parser: self.expand_cache[cachename] = parser if retparser: return value, parser return value def delVarFlag(self, var, flag, **loginfo): self.expand_cache = {} local_var, _ = self._findVar(var) if not local_var: return if not var in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy(var) if var in self.dict and flag in self.dict[var]: loginfo['detail'] = "" loginfo['op'] = 'delFlag' loginfo['flag'] = flag self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) del self.dict[var][flag] def appendVarFlag(self, var, flag, value, **loginfo): loginfo['op'] = 'append' loginfo['flag'] = flag self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) newvalue = (self.getVarFlag(var, flag, False) or "") + value self.setVarFlag(var, flag, newvalue, ignore=True) def prependVarFlag(self, var, flag, value, **loginfo): loginfo['op'] = 'prepend' loginfo['flag'] = flag self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) newvalue = value + (self.getVarFlag(var, flag, False) or "") self.setVarFlag(var, flag, newvalue, ignore=True) def setVarFlags(self, var, flags, **loginfo): self.expand_cache = {} infer_caller_details(loginfo) if not var in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy(var) for i in flags: if i == "_content": continue loginfo['flag'] = i loginfo['detail'] = flags[i] self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) self.dict[var][i] = flags[i] def getVarFlags(self, var, expand = False, internalflags=False): local_var, _ = self._findVar(var) flags = {} if local_var: for i in local_var: if i.startswith(("_", ":")) and not internalflags: continue flags[i] = local_var[i] if expand and i in expand: flags[i] = self.expand(flags[i], var + "[" + i + "]") if len(flags) == 0: return None return flags def delVarFlags(self, var, **loginfo): self.expand_cache = {} if not var in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy(var) if var in self.dict: content = None loginfo['op'] = 'delete flags' self.varhistory.record(**loginfo) # try to save the content if "_content" in self.dict[var]: content = self.dict[var]["_content"] self.dict[var] = {} self.dict[var]["_content"] = content else: del self.dict[var] def createCopy(self): """ Create a copy of self by setting _data to self """ # we really want this to be a DataSmart... data = DataSmart() data.dict["_data"] = self.dict data.varhistory = self.varhistory.copy() data.varhistory.dataroot = data data.inchistory = self.inchistory.copy() data._tracking = self._tracking data._var_renames = self._var_renames data.overrides = None data.overridevars = copy.copy(self.overridevars) # Should really be a deepcopy but has heavy overhead. # Instead, we're careful with writes. data.overridedata = copy.copy(self.overridedata) return data def expandVarref(self, variable, parents=False): """Find all references to variable in the data and expand it in place, optionally descending to parent datastores.""" if parents: keys = iter(self) else: keys = self.localkeys() ref = '${%s}' % variable value = self.getVar(variable, False) for key in keys: referrervalue = self.getVar(key, False) if referrervalue and ref in referrervalue: self.setVar(key, referrervalue.replace(ref, value)) def localkeys(self): for key in self.dict: if key not in ['_data']: yield key def __iter__(self): deleted = set() overrides = set() def keylist(d): klist = set() for key in d: if key in ["_data"]: continue if key in deleted: continue if key in overrides: continue if not d[key]: deleted.add(key) continue klist.add(key) if "_data" in d: klist |= keylist(d["_data"]) return klist self.need_overrides() for var in self.overridedata: for (r, o) in self.overridedata[var]: if o in self.overridesset: overrides.add(var) elif ":" in o: if set(o.split(":")).issubset(self.overridesset): overrides.add(var) for k in keylist(self.dict): yield k for k in overrides: yield k def __len__(self): return len(frozenset(iter(self))) def __getitem__(self, item): value = self.getVar(item, False) if value is None: raise KeyError(item) else: return value def __setitem__(self, var, value): self.setVar(var, value) def __delitem__(self, var): self.delVar(var) def get_hash(self): data = {} d = self.createCopy() bb.data.expandKeys(d) config_ignore_vars = set((d.getVar("BB_HASHCONFIG_IGNORE_VARS") or "").split()) keys = set(key for key in iter(d) if not key.startswith("__")) for key in keys: if key in config_ignore_vars: continue value = d.getVar(key, False) or "" if type(value) is type(self): data.update({key:value.get_hash()}) else: data.update({key:value}) varflags = d.getVarFlags(key, internalflags = True, expand=["vardepvalue"]) if not varflags: continue for f in varflags: if f == "_content": continue data.update({'%s[%s]' % (key, f):varflags[f]}) for key in ["__BBTASKS", "__BBANONFUNCS", "__BBHANDLERS"]: bb_list = d.getVar(key, False) or [] data.update({key:str(bb_list)}) if key == "__BBANONFUNCS": for i in bb_list: value = d.getVar(i, False) or "" data.update({i:value}) data_str = str([(k, data[k]) for k in sorted(data.keys())]) return hashlib.sha256(data_str.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()