#!/bin/echo ERROR: This script needs to be sourced. Please run as . # toaster - shell script to start Toaster # Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Intel Corp. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. HELP=" Usage: source toaster start|stop [webport=] [noweb] Optional arguments: [noweb] Setup the environment for building with toaster but don't start the development server [webport] Set the development server (default: localhost:8000) " webserverKillAll() { local pidfile for pidfile in ${BUILDDIR}/.toastermain.pid ${BUILDDIR}/.runbuilds.pid; do if [ -f ${pidfile} ]; then pid=`cat ${pidfile}` while kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null; do kill -SIGTERM -$pid 2>/dev/null sleep 1 # Kill processes if they are still running - may happen # in interactive shells ps fux | grep "python.*manage.py runserver" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill done rm ${pidfile} fi done } webserverStartAll() { # do not start if toastermain points to a valid process if ! cat "${BUILDDIR}/.toastermain.pid" 2>/dev/null | xargs -I{} kill -0 {} ; then retval=1 rm "${BUILDDIR}/.toastermain.pid" fi retval=0 # you can always add a superuser later via # ../bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py createsuperuser --username= $MANAGE migrate --noinput || retval=1 if [ $retval -eq 1 ]; then echo "Failed migrations, aborting system start" 1>&2 return $retval fi $MANAGE checksettings --traceback || retval=1 if [ $retval -eq 1 ]; then printf "\nError while checking settings; aborting\n" return $retval fi echo "Starting webserver..." $MANAGE runserver "$ADDR_PORT" \ >${BUILDDIR}/toaster_web.log 2>&1 \ & echo $! >${BUILDDIR}/.toastermain.pid sleep 1 if ! cat "${BUILDDIR}/.toastermain.pid" | xargs -I{} kill -0 {} ; then retval=1 rm "${BUILDDIR}/.toastermain.pid" else echo "Toaster development webserver started at http://$ADDR_PORT" echo -e "\nYou can now run 'bitbake ' on the command line and monitor your build in Toaster.\nYou can also use a Toaster project to configure and run a build.\n" fi return $retval } INSTOPSYSTEM=0 # define the stop command stop_system() { # prevent reentry if [ $INSTOPSYSTEM -eq 1 ]; then return; fi INSTOPSYSTEM=1 if [ -f ${BUILDDIR}/.toasterui.pid ]; then kill `cat ${BUILDDIR}/.toasterui.pid` 2>/dev/null rm ${BUILDDIR}/.toasterui.pid fi webserverKillAll # unset exported variables unset TOASTER_CONF unset TOASTER_DIR unset BITBAKE_UI unset BBBASEDIR trap - SIGHUP #trap - SIGCHLD INSTOPSYSTEM=0 } verify_prereq() { # Verify Django version reqfile=$(python -c "import os; print(os.path.realpath('$BBBASEDIR/toaster-requirements.txt'))") exp='s/Django\([><=]\+\)\([^,]\+\),\([><=]\+\)\(.\+\)/' exp=$exp'import sys,django;version=django.get_version().split(".");' exp=$exp'sys.exit(not (version \1 "\2".split(".") and version \3 "\4".split(".")))/p' if ! sed -n "$exp" $reqfile | python - ; then req=`grep ^Django $reqfile` echo "This program needs $req" echo "Please install with pip install -r $reqfile" return 2 fi return 0 } # read command line parameters if [ -n "$BASH_SOURCE" ] ; then TOASTER=${BASH_SOURCE} elif [ -n "$ZSH_NAME" ] ; then TOASTER=${(%):-%x} else TOASTER=$0 fi export BBBASEDIR=`dirname $TOASTER`/.. MANAGE=$BBBASEDIR/lib/toaster/manage.py OEROOT=`dirname $TOASTER`/../.. # this is the configuraton file we are using for toaster # we are using the same logic that oe-setup-builddir uses # (based on TEMPLATECONF and .templateconf) to determine # which toasterconf.json to use. # note: There are a number of relative path assumptions # in the local layers that currently make using an arbitrary # toasterconf.json difficult. . $OEROOT/.templateconf if [ -n "$TEMPLATECONF" ]; then if [ ! -d "$TEMPLATECONF" ]; then # Allow TEMPLATECONF=meta-xyz/conf as a shortcut if [ -d "$OEROOT/$TEMPLATECONF" ]; then TEMPLATECONF="$OEROOT/$TEMPLATECONF" fi if [ ! -d "$TEMPLATECONF" ]; then echo >&2 "Error: '$TEMPLATECONF' must be a directory containing toasterconf.json" return 1 fi fi fi if [ "$TOASTER_CONF" = "" ]; then TOASTER_CONF="$TEMPLATECONF/toasterconf.json" export TOASTER_CONF=$(python -c "import os; print(os.path.realpath('$TOASTER_CONF'))") fi if [ ! -f $TOASTER_CONF ]; then echo "$TOASTER_CONF configuration file not found. Set TOASTER_CONF to specify file or fix .templateconf" return 1 fi # this defines the dir toaster will use for # 1) clones of layers (in _toaster_clones ) # 2) the build dir (in build) # 3) the sqlite db if that is being used. # 4) pid's we need to clean up on exit/shutdown # note: for future. in order to make this an arbitrary directory, we need to # make sure that the toaster.sqlite file doesn't default to `pwd` like it currently does. export TOASTER_DIR=`pwd` WEBSERVER=1 ADDR_PORT="localhost:8000" unset CMD for param in $*; do case $param in noweb ) WEBSERVER=0 ;; start ) CMD=$param ;; stop ) CMD=$param ;; webport=*) ADDR_PORT="${param#*=}" # Split the addr:port string ADDR=`echo $ADDR_PORT | cut -f 1 -d ':'` PORT=`echo $ADDR_PORT | cut -f 2 -d ':'` # If only a port has been speified then set address to localhost. if [ $ADDR = $PORT ] ; then ADDR_PORT="localhost:$PORT" fi ;; *) echo "$HELP" return 1 ;; esac done if [ `basename \"$0\"` = `basename \"${TOASTER}\"` ]; then echo "Error: This script needs to be sourced. Please run as . $TOASTER" return 1 fi verify_prereq || return 1 # We make sure we're running in the current shell and in a good environment if [ -z "$BUILDDIR" ] || ! which bitbake >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Error: Build environment is not setup or bitbake is not in path." 1>&2 return 2 fi # this defines the dir toaster will use for # 1) clones of layers (in _toaster_clones ) # 2) the build dir (in build) # 3) the sqlite db if that is being used. # 4) pid's we need to clean up on exit/shutdown # note: for future. in order to make this an arbitrary directory, we need to # make sure that the toaster.sqlite file doesn't default to `pwd` # like it currently does. export TOASTER_DIR=`dirname $BUILDDIR` # Determine the action. If specified by arguments, fine, if not, toggle it if [ "$CMD" = "start" ] ; then if [ -n "$BBSERVER" ]; then echo " Toaster is already running. Exiting..." return 1 fi elif [ "$CMD" = "" ]; then echo "No command specified" echo "$HELP" return 1 fi echo "The system will $CMD." # Execute the commands case $CMD in start ) # check if addr:port is not in use if [ "$CMD" == 'start' ]; then if [ $WEBSERVER -gt 0 ]; then $MANAGE checksocket "$ADDR_PORT" || return 1 fi fi # kill Toaster web server if it's alive if [ -e $BUILDDIR/.toastermain.pid ] && kill -0 `cat $BUILDDIR/.toastermain.pid`; then echo "Warning: bitbake appears to be dead, but the Toaster web server is running." 1>&2 echo " Something fishy is going on." 1>&2 echo "Cleaning up the web server to start from a clean slate." webserverKillAll fi # Create configuration file conf=${BUILDDIR}/conf/local.conf line='INHERIT+="toaster buildhistory"' grep -q "$line" $conf || echo $line >> $conf if [ $WEBSERVER -gt 0 ] && ! webserverStartAll; then echo "Failed ${CMD}." return 4 fi export BITBAKE_UI='toasterui' $MANAGE runbuilds & echo $! >${BUILDDIR}/.runbuilds.pid # set fail safe stop system on terminal exit trap stop_system SIGHUP echo "Successful ${CMD}." return 0 ;; stop ) stop_system echo "Successful ${CMD}." ;; esac