Add it to handle recipe-depends.dot and task-depends.dot. E.g.:
* Print why rpm is built
$ oe-depends-dot -k rpm --why/-w recipe-depends.dot
Because: core-image-sato libdnf libsolv dnf
* Print bzip2-native's depends
$ oe-depends-dot -k bzip2-native --depends/-d recipe-depends.dot
Depends: automake-native gnu-config-native libtool-native quilt-native autoconf-native
* Remove duplicated dependencies to reduce the size of the dot files.
For example, A->B, B->C, A->C, then A->C can be removed. The dot files are too
big, we nearly couldn't use 'dot -T' to generate pictcures for target recipes,
remove the duplicated dependencies makes is it possible.
$ bitbake core-image-sato -g
$ oe-depends-dot -r recipe-depends.dot
Saving reduced dot file to recipe-depends-reduced.dot
$ du -sh recipe-depends*.dot
608K recipe-depends.dot
32K recipe-depends-reduced.dot
It has been recuded from 608K to 32K, now we can generate a picture,
otherwise, it is too big:
$ dot -Tpng recipe-depends-reduced.dot -O
It also can handle task-depends.dot.
(From OE-Core rev: 7dc7860691304d63e7ad728d2180474906fe0a5c)
Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>