* gstreamer1.0-plugins-common.inc
The old gstreamer1.0-plugins.inc file, adapted for meson
* gstreamer1.0-plugins-packaging.inc
The old gst-plugins-package.inc file, adapted for meson
* gstreamer1.0-ptest.inc
Common code for meson based PTest support; autogenerates the run-ptest
file and is designed to use the gnome-desktop-testing suite runner
(which is why the .inc files inherits from ptest-gnome)
(From OE-Core rev: 075aa7a617d38d6a698cee97dcb7550e72741eb5)
Signed-off-by: Carlos Rafael Giani <crg7475@mailbox.org>
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>