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LSB 4.1 complain a host contamination error from libx11 because of absent
patch "makekeys_crosscompile.patch" from libx11-trim-1.4.4.
The error from LSB Test Suite is as follow:
Assertion XStringToKeysym-7.(A)
When the string argument is the name of a KeySym in the
table with the prefix XK_ removed, then a call to
XStringToKeysym returns that KeySym.
METH: For each KeySym name in table with code G:
METH: Call XStringToKeysym to obtain the KeySym defined for that string.
METH: Verify that XStringToKeysym did not return NoSymbol.
METH: Verify that the returned string is correct.
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 1, line 130
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 2, line 140
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 3, line 150
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 4, line 160
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 5, line 170
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 6, line 180
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 7, line 190
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 8, line 200
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 9, line 210
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 10, line 220
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 11, line 230
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 12, line 240
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 13, line 250
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 14, line 260
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 15, line 270
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 16, line 280
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 17, line 290
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 18, line 300
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 19, line 310
CHECK: XStringToKeysym-7 20, line 320
[YOCTO #1970]
(From OE-Core rev: c9824083d4ab5bfd37fa1efdfbc3e93288cb47b6)
Signed-off-by: Xiaofeng Yan <xiaofeng.yan@windriver.com>
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>