| |
Using "1" with getVar is bad coding style and "True" is preferred.
This patch is a sed over the meta directory of the form:
sed \
-e 's:\(\.getVar([^,()]*, \)1 *):\1True):g' \
-e 's:\(\.getVarFlag([^,()]*, [^,()]*, \)1 *):\1True):g' \
-i `grep -ril getVar *`
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>
| |
This is the result of running the following over the metadata:
sed \
-e 's:bb.data.\(setVar([^,()]*,[^,()]*\), *\([^ )]*\) *):\2.\1):g' \
-e 's:bb.data.\(setVarFlag([^,()]*,[^,()]*,[^,()]*\), *\([^) ]*\) *):\2.\1):g' \
-e 's:bb.data.\(getVar([^,()]*\), *\([^(), ]*\) *,\([^)]*\)):\2.\1,\3):g' \
-e 's:bb.data.\(getVarFlag([^,()]*,[^,()]*\), *\([^(), ]*\) *,\([^)]*\)):\2.\1,\3):g' \
-e 's:bb.data.\(getVarFlag([^,()]*,[^,()]*\), *\([^() ]*\) *):\2.\1):g' \
-e 's:bb.data.\(getVar([^,()]*\), *\([^) ]*\) *):\2.\1):g' \
-i `grep -ril bb.data *`
(From OE-Core rev: b22831fd63164c4db9c0b72934d7d734a6585251)
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>
| |
Since we're updating the tune file format, it makes sense to abstract
the compiler tune arguments at this point too. This means that should
these need to be overridden at any point, the original values can
still be obtained in a similar manner to the other TUNE* variables.
Whilst this isn't strictly necessary for any current need, its likely
good practise to standardise this behaviour.
(From OE-Core rev: 3a3c69a1bc3cf0b6f6a3b13d86c12ed21798d48e)
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>