path: root/documentation/getting-started/eclipse/html/getting-started/sdk-dev-environment.html
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3<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
4<title>2.8.7. Application Development SDK</title>
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12<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="section" title="2.8.7. Application Development SDK">
13<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
14<a name="sdk-dev-environment"></a>2.8.7. Application Development SDK</h3></div></div></div>
16 In the
17 <a class="link" href="development-concepts.html#general-yocto-environment-figure">general Yocto Project Development Environment figure</a>,
18 the output labeled "Application Development SDK" represents an
19 SDK.
20 The SDK generation process differs depending on whether you build
21 a standard SDK
22 (e.g. <code class="filename">bitbake -c populate_sdk</code> <em class="replaceable"><code>imagename</code></em>)
23 or an extensible SDK
24 (e.g. <code class="filename">bitbake -c populate_sdk_ext</code> <em class="replaceable"><code>imagename</code></em>).
25 This section is going to take a closer look at this output:
26 </p>
27<table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="810"><tr style="height: 653px"><td align="center"><img src="figures/sdk.png" align="middle" width="810"></td></tr></table>
29 </p>
31 The specific form of this output is a self-extracting
32 SDK installer (<code class="filename">*.sh</code>) that, when run,
33 installs the SDK, which consists of a cross-development
34 toolchain, a set of libraries and headers, and an SDK
35 environment setup script.
36 Running this installer essentially sets up your
37 cross-development environment.
38 You can think of the cross-toolchain as the "host"
39 part because it runs on the SDK machine.
40 You can think of the libraries and headers as the "target"
41 part because they are built for the target hardware.
42 The environment setup script is added so that you can initialize
43 the environment before using the tools.
44 </p>
45<div class="note" title="Notes" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
46<h3 class="title">Notes</h3>
47<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
48<li class="listitem"><p>
49 The Yocto Project supports several methods by which you can
50 set up this cross-development environment.
51 These methods include downloading pre-built SDK installers
52 or building and installing your own SDK installer.
53 </p></li>
54<li class="listitem"><p>
55 For background information on cross-development toolchains
56 in the Yocto Project development environment, see the
57 "<a class="link" href="cross-development-toolchain-generation.html" title="3.2. Cross-Development Toolchain Generation">Cross-Development Toolchain Generation</a>"
58 section.
59 </p></li>
60<li class="listitem"><p>
61 For information on setting up a cross-development
62 environment, see the
63 <a class="link" href="../sdk-manual/index.html" target="_self">Yocto Project Application Development and the Extensible Software Development Kit (eSDK)</a>
64 manual.
65 </p></li>
69 Once built, the SDK installers are written out to the
70 <code class="filename">deploy/sdk</code> folder inside the
71 <a class="link" href="../ref-manual/build-directory.html" target="_self">Build Directory</a>
72 as shown in the figure at the beginning of this section.
73 Depending on the type of SDK, several variables exist that help
74 configure these files.
75 The following list shows the variables associated with a standard
76 SDK:
77 </p>
78<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
79<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-DEPLOY_DIR.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">DEPLOY_DIR</code></a>:
80 Points to the <code class="filename">deploy</code>
81 directory.</p></li>
82<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-SDKMACHINE.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">SDKMACHINE</code></a>:
83 Specifies the architecture of the machine
84 on which the cross-development tools are run to
85 create packages for the target hardware.
86 </p></li>
87<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-SDKIMAGE_FEATURES.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">SDKIMAGE_FEATURES</code></a>:
88 Lists the features to include in the "target" part
89 of the SDK.
90 </p></li>
91<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK</code></a>:
92 Lists packages that make up the host
93 part of the SDK (i.e. the part that runs on
94 the <code class="filename">SDKMACHINE</code>).
95 When you use
96 <code class="filename">bitbake -c populate_sdk <em class="replaceable"><code>imagename</code></em></code>
97 to create the SDK, a set of default packages
98 apply.
99 This variable allows you to add more packages.
100 </p></li>
101<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK</code></a>:
102 Lists packages that make up the target part
103 of the SDK (i.e. the part built for the
104 target hardware).
105 </p></li>
106<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-SDKPATH.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">SDKPATH</code></a>:
107 Defines the default SDK installation path offered by the
108 installation script.
109 </p></li>
112 This next list, shows the variables associated with an extensible
113 SDK:
114 </p>
115<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
116<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-DEPLOY_DIR.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">DEPLOY_DIR</code></a>:
117 Points to the <code class="filename">deploy</code> directory.
118 </p></li>
119<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-SDK_EXT_TYPE.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">SDK_EXT_TYPE</code></a>:
120 Controls whether or not shared state artifacts are copied
121 into the extensible SDK.
122 By default, all required shared state artifacts are copied
123 into the SDK.
124 </p></li>
125<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-SDK_INCLUDE_PKGDATA.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">SDK_INCLUDE_PKGDATA</code></a>:
126 Specifies whether or not packagedata will be included in
127 the extensible SDK for all recipes in the "world" target.
128 </p></li>
129<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-SDK_INCLUDE_TOOLCHAIN.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">SDK_INCLUDE_TOOLCHAIN</code></a>:
130 Specifies whether or not the toolchain will be included
131 when building the extensible SDK.
132 </p></li>
133<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-SDK_LOCAL_CONF_WHITELIST.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">SDK_LOCAL_CONF_WHITELIST</code></a>:
134 A list of variables allowed through from the build system
135 configuration into the extensible SDK configuration.
136 </p></li>
137<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-SDK_LOCAL_CONF_BLACKLIST.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">SDK_LOCAL_CONF_BLACKLIST</code></a>:
138 A list of variables not allowed through from the build
139 system configuration into the extensible SDK configuration.
140 </p></li>
141<li class="listitem"><p><a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-SDK_INHERIT_BLACKLIST.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">SDK_INHERIT_BLACKLIST</code></a>:
142 A list of classes to remove from the
143 <a class="link" href="../ref-manual/var-INHERIT.html" target="_self"><code class="filename">INHERIT</code></a>
144 value globally within the extensible SDK configuration.
145 </p></li>
148 </p>