Using Grafana and InfluxDB InfluxDB is essentially a time series database process that runs on a server, while Grafana is a visualization tool for time series data. Grafana is a very lightweight server-side application, and most of the monitoring runs in a browser.
Deploying Grafana and InfluxDB Grafana and InfluxDB can be deployed using images for Docker on linux. These images are provided by Enea along with a deploy script and predefined dashboards. The Grafana and InfluxDB images can be deployed on the same machine or on separate machines.
Prerequisites for Deploying an Image The following must be present in order to deploy an image: CentOS 7 Linux. Docker for CentOS 7 installed on the machine and set to autostart as a service. Superuser rights on the CentOS 7 machine.
Deploying Grafana and InfluxDB On the CentOS 7 server open a terminal, log into a bash shell with the root account and perform the following: Extract Enea_Edge_Telemetry_Deploy_<version>-build<build_number>.tar.gz. The directory in which the archive will be unpacked will be denoted as: <Telemetry-installdir>. Enter <Telemetry-installdir>. Run the provided script. When prompted, select what images you want to deploy. If an image is already deployed, you will be prompted to replace it. During the InfluxDB deployment, you will be prompted to provide a username and password. These must match the ones configured in the Enea Edge Management for Telemetry. Changing the InfluxDB username and password requires redeploying the InfluxDB image. Verify the installation by running the command docker ps -a. The Grafana and InfluxDB containers should be present and have the status Up.
Setting Grafana and InfluxDB parameters Customizing InfluxDB and Grafana parameters can be done by selecting System, then the Configuration menu, accessing the Properties tab, and clicking on the Telemetry tab. The settings that can be changed are listed in the table below: Telemetry settings Field name Description Default value Grafana Hostname or IP Address The hostname or IP address where the Grafana instance is installed. no default Grafana Port The port Grafana uses. 3000 Grafana Dashboard The dashboard that should be used when opening Grafana using the Enea Edge Management. host InfluxDB Hostname or IP Address The hostname or IP address where the InfluxDB database is installed. no default InfluxDB Port The port used for communication between InfluxDB and the Telemetry server. 25826 InfluxDB Username The username used for encrypting communication between InfluxDB and the Telemetry server. admin0 InfluxDB Password The password used for encrypting communication between InfluxDB and the Telemetry server. admin
When changing any of the settings in the Telemetry tab, the Enea Edge Management will inform all uCPE devices of the change if they have telemetry running.
Telemetry Properties
Starting and stopping Telemetry When a uCPE Device is selected, in the Operations menu, the Start Telemetry and Stop Telemetry options are available. When starting Telemetry for a uCPE device, the Enea Edge Management sends the following information about the InfluxDB: The IP address and hostname where InfluxDB is installed. The port used for communication between InfluxDB and the Telemetry server. The credentials used for encrypting communication between InfluxDB and the Telemetry server. These fields are read-only and are populated with the values already set in the System Configuration. If one of the fields is not set or if it does not have the desired value, modify it in the System Configuration. The password is sent encrypted using the Base64 scheme.
Telemetry Start Dialog
When the Telemetry status is changed on a uCPE device, a notification is sent to the Enea Edge Management. These notifications can be inspected under Fault found in the Event menu.
Launching Grafana When a uCPE Device is selected, the Telemetry button is available. Pressing this button will open a new window pointing to Grafana. The current uCPE device will be selected in Grafana. The hostname or IP Address and the port of the Grafana installation can be customized by selecting System, then the Configuration menu, accessing the Properties tab, and clicking on the Telemetry tab. The default dashboard available when launching Grafana can be customized as well.