White-labeling the Enea Edge Management Login The Enea Edge Management login page and main page logos can be changed to replace the Enea logo with a custom one. The login logo URL, the title and the favicon may also be changed.
White-labeling Configuration Screen In the System menu, click on the Configuration sub-menu and on the Properties tab click the Whitelabel sub-tab. This will open a screen where the following fields must be completed: White-label configuration screen Company name The name of the company. The default value is "Enea AB". The value must have max. 255 characters. Display title The product name. It is used in the login page and as the title of the pages. The default value is "Enea Edge Management". The value must have max. 255 characters. Login logo URL The official address of the company. It is used as a hyperlink for the login logo. The default value is "http://enea.com". This must be a valid and complete URL address, starting with http / https. Login logo The logo image from the login page. The default value is the image images/enea_logo.png. The logo must be a PNG file with maximum 800 px width and 55 px height. Display logo The logo image from the main screen. The default value is the image images/enea_logo.png. The logo must be a PNG file with maximum 800 px width and 55 px height. Favicon The favicon icon. The default icon is images/favicon/favicon.ico. The image must be an ICO file with exactly 16 px width and 16 px height. Restart now If checked, when pressing the Apply button, the application will restart. Reset to defaults When pressed, all the values will be reset to the default ones.
A restart is necessary in order to apply the changes in the application. This can be done either by checking the Restart now checkbox, before pressing the Apply button, or alternatively, by manually restarting the application. The logo images and the favicon will be saved under a new folder: images/whitelabel. Only a user with administrative privileges will be able to modify the Whitelabel values, the other users may only see the values.
Backup and restore when using White-labels The backup from the application may be done by accessing the System menu, then choosing System Backup, selecting the Backups tab, and clicking the Backup Now button. For the Backup Type select System Backup. A backup will be created and it will appear in the table of backups. The restore operation is made from the same tab: Backup. The backup file must be selected and then the Restore button needs to be clicked. In order to restore the Whitelabel settings, both the EMS Configuration and the Media Files (Images/Sounds) checkboxes must be selected. The EMS Configuration will restore the entries from the database and the Media Files (Images/Sounds) will restore the actual images.
Upgrading when using White-labels During an Enea Edge Management upgrade operation, the Whitelabel settings will be preserved without any additional steps involved.