How to create the 128T image for NFV Access The following steps were used by Enea to generate the 128T qcow2 image used as the VNF image on NFV Access. Keep in mind a Virtual Machine was used instead of a physical host. Prerequisites: 128T-3.2.7-1.el7.centos.x86_64.iso provided by 128 Technologies. A Linux development host with internet access. A least one of the TAP interfaces connected to a bridge with Internet access. How to create the 128T image for NFV Access: >qemu-img create -f qcow2 128t.qcow2 128G >qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 8G -cpu host -smp cores=3,sockets=1 \ -M q35 -nographic bios /usr/share/qemu/bios.bin -boot order=d,menu=on \ cdrom 128T-3.2.7-1.el7.centos.x86_64.iso \ hdb 128t.qcow2 \ device e1000,netdev=net1,mac=52:52:01:02:03:01 \ netdev tap,id=net1,ifname=tap1,script=no,downscript=no Press the <ENTER> key to begin the installation process. Wait for the distribution and the 128T to install: ------------------------------ 128T Packages Installed Please Remove Install Media, then enter <Yes> to reboot and continue install process <Yes> <No> ------------------------------ Press Yes. Wait to reboot and press CTR+ a+c to enter the qemu monitor: (qemu) quit Start qemu only with the qcow2 image attached, no installer image required: >qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 8G -cpu host -smp cores=3,sockets=1 \ -M q35 -nographic bios /usr/share/qemu/bios.bin \ -boot order=c,menu=on \ -hda 128t.qcow2 \ -device e1000,netdev=net1,mac=52:52:01:02:03:01 \ -netdev tap,id=net1,ifname=tap1,script=no,downscript=no ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Booting from Hard Disk... . * CentOS Linux (3.10.0-514.2.2.el7.x86_64) 7 (Core) CentOS Linux (0-rescue-4e73a369e89e466a888c9c77655a1d65) 7 (Core) Use the ^ and v keys to change the selection. Press 'e' to edit the selected item, or 'c' for a command prompt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Select the first option. |-------------------128T Installer-------------------| | | | Configure Linux Networking | | | | Before 128T SetUp? | | | | | | < Yes > < No > | |----------------------------------------------------| Select NO. |----------------------------------------------------| | Please select a role for this node: | | |----------------------------------------------| | | | (*) Router | | | | ( ) Conductor | | | |----------------------------------------------| | | | |----------------------------------------------------| | < OK > < Back > | |----------------------------------------------------|Select Router and OK. |-------------------Conductor Info-------------------| | | | |----------------------------------------------| | | |1st Conductor Address | | | |Conductor Address | | | |----------------------------------------------| | | | |----------------------------------------------------| | < OK > < Skip > < Back > < Help > | |----------------------------------------------------| Select SKIP. |----------------------HA Setup----------------------| | What kind of Router node is this? | | |----------------------------------------------| | | |(*) Standalone No HA peer | | | |( ) 1st HA Node HA peer is not set up | | | |( ) 2nd HA Node HA peer is already set up | | | |----------------------------------------------| | | | | | |----------------------------------------------------| | < OK > < Back > | |----------------------------------------------------|Select Standalone and OK. |---------------------Node Info----------------------| | |----------------------------------------------| | | | Node Role Router | | | | Node Name 128tNode | | | | Router Name 128tRouter | | | |----------------------------------------------| | | | |----------------------------------------------------| | < OK > < Advanced > < Back > < Help > | |----------------------------------------------------| Enter a name for the router and node, press OK. |-------------------Password Setup-------------------| | Enter the new password for the 128T 'admin' | | user: | | |----------------------------------------------| | | | 128Tadmin | | | |----------------------------------------------| | | | | |----------------------------------------------------| | < OK > < Back > | |----------------------------------------------------| Enter the password for web access: 128Tadmin and confirm the password. |--------------------------Anonymous Data Collection--------------------------| | The 128T Networking Platform comes packaged with a software process | |("Roadrunner") that is used to proactively monitor the health and liveliness | |of the 128T Router and associated components. This watchdog process collects | |anonymous information from the router and sends it to 128 Technology for | |storage and analysis. This information helps inform 128 Technology about | |software usage, to aid in the support and improvement of the 128 Technology | |Networking Platform. | | | |Disabling this feature will prevent the sending of anonymous usage data to | |128 Technology. | | | | | | < Accept > < Back > < Disable > | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Select Accept. |-----128T Statistics Table Creator-----| | Created table for metric 760/827 | | Created table for metric 770/827 | | Created table for metric 780/827 | | Created table for metric 790/827 | | Created table for metric 800/827 | | Created table for metric 810/827 | | Created table for metric 820/827 | | Finished pre-creating stats tables | | Creating tables for audit events | | Finished creating audit event tables | | Completed in 27.001386642456055 s | | Shutting down local Cassandra node | |---------------------------------------| | < OK > | |---------------------------------------| Select OK. |--------128T Installer Status----------| | | | Install SUCCESS | | | | Start 128T Router | | before proceeding to | | login prompt? | |---------------------------------------| | < Yes > < No > | |---------------------------------------| Select: Yes localhost login: root Password: The following user accounts and passwords are created during the ISO installation process: Accounts Created User Password root 128tRoutes t128 128tRoutes
GUI login via HTTPS is enabled by default on port 443 [root@localhost ~]# dhclient enp0s2 [root@localhost ~]# echo "nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install cloud-init [root@localhost ~]# reboot Wait to reboot and press CTR+ a+c to enter in qemu monitor. (qemu) quit > qemu-img info 128t.qcow2 image: 128t.qcow2 file format: qcow2 virtual size: 128G (137438953472 bytes) disk size: 5.4G cluster_size: 65536 Format specific information: compat: 1.1 lazy refcounts: false refcount bits: 16 corrupt: false Compress the generated 128t.qcow2 image to decrease the size of VNF image: qemu-img convert -O qcow2 -c 128t.qcow2 centos_128t_compressed.qcow2 > qemu-img info centos_128t_compressed.qcow2 image: centos_128t_compressed.qcow2 file format: qcow2 virtual size: 128G (137438953472 bytes) disk size: 1.2G cluster_size: 65536 Format specific information: compat: 1.1 lazy refcounts: false refcount bits: 16 corrupt: false centos_128t_compressed.qcow2 - Resulted image can be used in NFV Access.