#2021-03-26 Coverted the ENFV Access profile to the Enea Edge profile #2017-10-11 Adding new OSRs and updated target info. #2017-06-29 Converted EL7 virtualization profile to first version of ENFV Access #2017-04-13 Created first version of virtualization profile #2017-11-24 Added support for pdf download in eclipse #Path to this subsystem's root directory SUBSYSROOT := $(shell pwd) # NOTE: MANIFESTHASH in manifest_conf.mk needs to be the final release tag before a release # The manifest_conf.mk defines MANIFESTHASH and MANIFESTURL and PROFILE_NAME(on front+footers) #include manifest_conf.mk #MANIFESTDIR := $(shell echo "$(MANIFESTURL)" | sed 's/.*\///;s/\.git//') # Further down we extract the list of target manifest file names from the manifest itself # ***************** Generic docbuild.git auto-clone + s_docbuild symlink *** # This also defines TMPCLONEROOT which optionally can be nondefault using BOOK_GLOBALCLONEROOT=yes or a path include init.mk #TMPCLONEROOT_MANIFEST := $(TMPCLONEROOT)/manifest # ******************* AutoGenerated chapters from template and target READMEs ******* #BUILDBOOT_XML := book-enea-edge-release-info/doc/build_boot_generated.xml #BUILDBOOT_TEMPLATE := book-enea-edge-release-info/doc/build_boot_template.xml #PKGDIFF_GEN_XML := book-enea-edge-release-info/doc/pkgdiff_generated.xml #JIRA_ISSUES_GEN_XML := book-enea-edge-release-info/doc/jiraissues_generated.xml MACHINE_LIST_XML := book-enea-edge-release-info/doc/machine_list_generated.xml ELTF_PARAMS_TEMPLATE := eltf_params_template.xml ELTF_PARAMS_UPDATED := eltf_params_updated.xml # ----------------------------------------------------- #Path to DocBook make files and templates DOCBOOKMAKE = $(SUBSYSROOT)/s_docbuild/docmake DOCBOOKTEMPLATE = $(SUBSYSROOT)/s_docbuild/template #Path to the OLINK database including leading part of file name (will add -$(FORMAT).db) DOCBOOKOLINKDB_BASE = $(SUBSYSROOT)/s_docbuild/olinkdb/olink-targetdb-master DOCBOOK_OLINKS ?= yes DOCBOOK_FO_USEFOP ?= yes DOCBOOK_TO_BOOKDIR ?= yes DOCBOOK_CLEANTMP ?= yes #Components (books) in this subsystem. Now use all books found here COMPONENTS := book-enea-edge-automation-open-source book-enea-edge-automation-user-guide book-enea-nfv-access-evalkit book-enea-edge-example-usecases book-enea-edge-getting-started book-enea-edge-runtime-open-source book-enea-edge-release-info book-enea-edge-telemetry-open-source book-enea-edge-management-open-source # -------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq ($(VERBOSE),yes) VERB := else VERB := @ endif MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory MAKEFLAGS += --directory $(SUBSYSROOT) MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules --no-builting-variables # Skip xml validation to make it possible to include xml files with unresolved links VALIDATE = no # BL_LABEL is either given on make command line or using BOOK_VER which have defaults below or a timestamp # ****************************************************************** # Export all parameters including those on the command line export .PHONY: doc books docusage init initbuild initpardoc dist docusage: @echo 'make docusage #Shows this help text' @echo ' DOCBOOK_TOOLS_VERSIONS=yes #Displays./testeltfver.sh DocBook tools versions in this machine' @echo 'make doc #Builds doc. ALSO automatically does all inits if needed' @echo 'make dist BOOK_DIST_DIR=xx/doc #Builds doc as above and copies results to BOOK_DIST_DIR' @echo ' # Does not work with DOCBOOK_TO_BOOKDIR or BOOK_BUILD_DIR' # @echo ' BOOK_DIST_ECLIPSE=yes #Currently EclipseHelp formated doc will not be in BOOK_DIST_DIR' @echo ' # unless BOOK_DIST_ECLIPSE is set to yes' @echo 'make init #Init all needed init* below' @echo 'make initbuild #Init s_docbuild Docbook build system and central files' @echo 'make initmanifest #Init s_manifest by cloning, to detect which targets are included' @echo 'make initpardoc #Init s_docsrc_common with extracted parameters/' @echo 'make initbuildboot #Init build_boot chapter from READMEs and template in release info' @echo 'make initissues #Init known issues section from Jira' @echo 'make eltf #Test - displays all ELTF_xxx variables that ELTF shall replace' @echo ' MANIFESTHASH=xxxxx #Option for all inits above to use nondefault manifest version' @echo ' #It shall either be ref/tags/ or a hashvalue' @echo ' #Configured tag or hashvalue $(MANIFESTHASH)' @echo ' #Configured MANIFESTURL $(MANIFESTURL)' @echo ' #Configured PROFILE_NAME $(PROFILE_NAME)' @echo ' DOCBOOK_CLEANTMP=no #Option to keep temp files in doc/ and tmp/' @echo ' BOOK_GLOBALCLONEROOT=yes #Option for all init above to clone all outside the doc directory' @echo ' BOOK_GLOBALCLONEROOT=otherpath #Option for all init above to clone all to given path' @echo 'make clean #Clean results and all s_*, but not any external clones' @echo '' @echo 'Optional parameters for make doc:' @echo ' COMP= #Component (book) to build. Book component names are book-*' @echo ' #Default component/s:' @echo ' $(COMPONENTS)' @echo ' FORMAT= #One of: pdf, html, or eclipse (Default all are built)' @echo ' BL_LABEL= #Becomes footer in book (default: from poky enea.conf MAJORMINOR' @echo ' # and with profile name taken from the manifest repo name)' @echo ' DOCBOOK_TO_BOOKDIR=no #(default yes) Avoid moving result to book directory' @echo ' # and avoid erasing common doc and tmp directories' @echo ' BOOKFORCE=yes #Force rebuilding (ignore dependency on file times or BL_LABEL)' @echo ' # Dependency only works if common doc directory is kept' @echo ' BOOKCONDITION="xx;yy;.." #Include XML elements with condition any of xx or yy' @echo ' # (if rebuilding, BOOKFORCE=yes may be needed)' @echo ' # Empty=only default. none=none, all=everything.' @echo ' BOOKDEFAULTCONDITION #Default conditions, if no BOOKCONDITION. Used in book-*/swcomp.mk' @echo ' SHOW_COMMENTS=yes #For proofread. Unhide .. comments Only PDF' @echo ' BOOKVERBOSE=yes #Verbose info building books' @echo ' DOCBOOK_OLINKS=no #Avoid the olink database in Makefile (in book not using it)' @echo ' DOCBOOK_OLINK_TARGETDB=only #Build a target db for this book (for links into it)' @echo ' DOCBOOK_OLINK_TARGETDB=yes #Build a target db AND build the book' @echo ' #Master olinkdb defined in this Makefile, one per generated format, is:' @echo ' $(DOCBOOKOLINKDB_BASE)_*.db' @echo ' Typical examples:' @echo ' make doc Creates all books, all formats' @echo ' make doc COMP=book-xxxx FORMAT=html' @echo ' make doc COMP=book-xxxx FORMAT=pdf' @echo ' make doc BL_LABEL="Version 1.2.3" Creates all with version in footers and front' @echo '' @echo ' Requires docbook-xsl-1.76.1 or later, docbook-xml 4.2, svg1.1, fop-1.0 + fop-hyph.jar' @echo ' fop + the separate fop-hyph can be found together in package "libfop-java"' @echo ' otherwise fetch fop-hyph.jar and place in same place as fop.jar' @echo ' Requires libxml2-2.7.8 or later, libxslt-1.1.26 or later' @echo ' Requires java machine to run fop (creating PDF). jar for optional FORMAT=eclipse' @echo ' Without jar, the optional EclipseHelp format can not be built' @echo ' tools_book_standalone.mk => libxml2, libxslt, and fop (and to catalog-el.xml)' @echo ' catalog-el.xml => svg, docbook-xml, docbook-xsl' ifeq ($(DOCBOOK_TOOLS_VERSIONS),yes) $(VERB)$(MAKE) -f $(DOCBOOKMAKE)/tools_book_standalone.mk book_tools_versions endif # We rely on make doing these in order left to right init: initbuild initcommon initpardoc initpkgdiff initissues pullall: pullbuild # If no COMP, iterate over books-* in COMPONENTS with make doc ifeq ($(COMP),) doc: ifneq ($(filter book-%, $(COMPONENTS)),) $(VERB)for comp in $(filter book-%, $(COMPONENTS)); do \ $(MAKE) doc COMP=$$comp || exit 10;\ done endif else include $(SUBSYSROOT)/$(COMP)/swcomp.mk doc: books @# endif dist: doc @echo "Copying resulting built documents to $(BOOK_DIST_DIR)" $(VERB)if [ "$(BOOK_DIST_DIR)" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: Missing BOOK_DIST_DIR parameter, typically shall be xxx/doc"; exit 10; fi $(VERB)if [ ! -d "`dirname $(BOOK_DIST_DIR)`" ]; then echo "ERROR: Missing parent for BOOK_DIST_DIR"; exit 10; fi $(VERB)if [ -f "$(BOOK_DIST_DIR)/Makefile" ]; then echo "ERROR: Wrong BOOK_DIST_DIR, contains a Makefile?"; exit 10; fi $(VERB)if [ ! -d "$(BOOK_DIST_DIR)" ]; then mkdir -p "$(BOOK_DIST_DIR)" ; fi $(VERB)for book in $(COMPONENTS); do \ if ls -d $$book/book*.pdf >/dev/null 2>&1; then cp --preserve=timestamps $$book/book*.pdf "$(BOOK_DIST_DIR)" ; fi ; \ if ls -d $$book/html >/dev/null 2>&1; then cp -r --preserve=timestamps $$book/html "$(BOOK_DIST_DIR)" ; fi ; \ if [ "$(BOOK_DIST_ECLIPSE)" = "yes" ]; then \ if ls -d $$book/eclipse >/dev/null 2>&1; then cp -r --preserve=timestamps $$book/eclipse "$(BOOK_DIST_DIR)" ; fi ; \ fi ; \ done # Default FORMATs ifeq ($(FORMAT),) FORMAT=html pdf eclipse endif books: init # BOOKPACKAGES is defined in all book-*/swcomp.mk $(VERB)DISTRO_VERSION=`egrep '"EneaEdge_REL_VER">' $(ELTF_PARAMS_UPDATED) | sed 's/.*//;s/<\/phrase>.*//'` ; BUILD_NUMBER=`egrep '"ENA_BUILD_VER">' $(ELTF_PARAMS_UPDATED) | sed 's/.*//;s/<\/phrase>.*//'` ; \ BOOKVER="Enea Edge-$$DISTRO_VERSION-build-$$BUILD_NUMBER"; \ for book in $(BOOKPACKAGES); do \ for format in $(FORMAT); do \ $(MAKE) -f $(DOCBOOKMAKE)/make_docbook_standalone.mk BOOK=$$book FORMAT=$$format BOOK_VER="$$BOOKVER" books || exit 10; \ if [ $$format = eclipse ]; then \ if [ ! -f $$COMP/$$book.pdf ]; then \ $(MAKE) -f $(DOCBOOKMAKE)/make_docbook_standalone.mk BOOK=$$book FORMAT=pdf BOOK_VER="$$BOOKVER" books || exit 10; \ fi; \ cp $$COMP/$$book.pdf $$COMP/eclipse/plugins/com.enea.doc.book-*/. ; \ fi ; \ done ; \ done ifeq ($(DOCBOOK_TO_BOOKDIR),yes) $(VERB)rm -rf doc tmp else ifeq ($(DOCBOOK_CLEANTMP),yes) # keep only doc/pdf/book-*.pdf doc/eclipse/plugins/com.enea.doc.book-* but delete doc/eclipse/plugins/com.enea.doc.book-*/done* $(VERB)rm -rf tmp 2>/dev/null ; rm -rf doc/pdf/book-*/ ; rm -rf doc/eclipse/plugins/com.enea.doc.book-*/done* 2>/dev/null endif endif # cleaninit cleans ALL tmpcommon and all s_* clean: cleaninit cleanpkgdiff cleanissues @echo "Cleaning build results and temporary files" $(VERB)rm -rf doc tmp 2>/dev/null ifneq ($(filter book-%, $(COMPONENTS)),) $(VERB)for comp in $(filter book-%, $(COMPONENTS)); do \ rm -rf $$comp/book*.pdf $$comp/html $$comp/eclipse 2>/dev/null; \ done $(VERB)rm -rf doc tmp 2>/dev/null endif # **************************************************************************** # ******************** SUPPORT FOR dynamic pardoc with added parameters ****** # pardoc-distro can contain MAJOR.MINOR-xxxxx keeping -xxxx when replacing MINOR.MINOR from enea.conf PATH_DOCSRC_COMMON = $(SUBSYSROOT)/s_docsrc_common NAME_DOCSRC_COMMON = docsrc_common TMPCLONEROOT_DOCSRC_COMMON := $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCSRC_COMMON) TMPPARDOC := $(TMPCLONEROOT_DOCSRC_COMMON)/pardoc-distro.xml initpardoc: s_docsrc_common cleanpardoc: @echo "Cleaning dynamic parameters" $(VERB)rm -rf $(TMPCLONEROOT_DOCSRC_COMMON) ; rm s_docsrc_common s_docsrc_common: $(TMPCLONEROOT_DOCSRC_COMMON) $(VERB)rm s_docsrc_common 2>/dev/null; ln -s $(TMPCLONEROOT_DOCSRC_COMMON) s_docsrc_common $(TMPCLONEROOT_DOCSRC_COMMON): $(VERB)if [ ! -d "$(TMPCLONEROOT)" ] ; then mkdir -p "$(TMPCLONEROOT)" ; fi $(VERB)if [ ! -d $(TMPCLONEROOT_DOCSRC_COMMON) ]; then mkdir -p $(TMPCLONEROOT_DOCSRC_COMMON) ; fi @echo "**** Copy docsrc_common/ files to $(TMPCLONEROOT_DOCSRC_COMMON)" $(VERB)cat docsrc_common/pardoc-distro.xml >$(TMPPARDOC) # **************************************************************************** # ***** Create Package DIFF XML section initpkgdiff: $(PKGDIFF_GEN_XML) cleanpkgdiff: @echo "Cleaning generated package diff document file" $(VERB)rm -f $(PKGDIFF_GEN_XML) 2>/dev/null $(PKGDIFF_GEN_XML): $(VERB)PREVIOUS_BL=`egrep '"prev_baseline"' docsrc_common/pardoc-distro.xml | sed 's/^.*//;s/<\/phrase>.*$$//'` ; \ echo "**** Generating $(PKGDIFF_GEN_XML) compared to $$PREVIOUS_BL, using gen_pkgdiff.py" ; \ python gen_pkgdiff.py >$(PKGDIFF_GEN_XML) # **************************************************************************** # ***** Create Jira Issues XML section for the known bugs chapter .PHONY: $(JIRA_ISSUES_GEN_XML) # We want new issue list to be generated also at build, not only at init initissues: $(JIRA_ISSUES_GEN_XML) cleanissues: @echo "Cleaning generated known issues document file" $(VERB)rm -f $(JIRA_ISSUES_GEN_XML) 2>/dev/null $(JIRA_ISSUES_GEN_XML): @echo "**** Generating $(JIRA_ISSUES_GEN_XML), fetching from Jira using gen_known_issues.py" $(VERB)python gen_known_issues.py >$(JIRA_ISSUES_GEN_XML) # **************************************************************************** # # All ELTF_ variables names only has upper case, underline and digits eltf: @echo "# make eltf extracts and displays all ELTF_ variables found here" @echo "# in $(SUBSYSROOT)/$(ELTF_PARAMS_TEMPLATE)" @echo "# Replace all variables, creating a new eltf*updated.xml file from the eltf*template.xml" @echo "#" @echo "# Only replace + push the result file $(ELTF_PARAMS_UPDATED), IF IT WILL BE CHANGED." @echo "#" @echo "# IMPORTANT: See eltf_params_updated_template_how_to_use.txt for requirements and details!" @echo "# Below is only a summary!" @echo "#" @echo "# ELTF_ variables must be UNIQUE, e.g. a variable must not be a part of another variable" @echo "#" @echo "# ELTF_PL_* and ELTF_T_PL_* shall have the format for programlisting and are often multiline - see below." @echo "#" @echo "# ELTF_*_URL and ELTF_*_TXTURL are the URL part and TXT part of ulink; those shall be exactly identical," @echo "# unless the URL is very very long." @echo "#" @echo "# ELTF_T_* are target (MACHINE) variables in one subsection, replace with machine specific strings." @echo "#" @echo "# Append more target subsections to *updated.xml, if more than one target is in a release!" @echo "# Replace the line with appended" @echo "# complete target section elements copied before the variables are replaced." @echo "# In each target section, replace the ELTF_T* variables with machine dependent strings" @echo "# Append final lines seen after " @echo "# but that would often only be two final lines" @echo "#" @echo "# ELTF_ Variables: Replace each variable with a string, for ELTF_*PL* it can be multiline" @echo "# DO NOT use any leading or trailing spaces and DO NOT use TABs" @echo "#" @echo "# ELTF_ Everywhere: Only 7-bit ASCII inside the string replacing a variable. Translate characters" @echo "# like & < > to & < > etc." @echo "# unless real XML shall be inserted like when entire sections are appended." @echo "#" @echo "# ELTF_ programlisting, variables with PL in the name: Max line length < 80 char." @echo "# Use backslash + indent-leading-spaces for continuation lines." @echo "# Multiline. No trailing spaces on any line inside the programlisting." @echo "#" @echo "# The following variables shall be replaced with suitable contents (egrep from the template):" @echo "# Again: See details in eltf_params_updated_template_how_to_use.txt" @echo "# including also examples of contents of each variable!" @echo "#" $(VERB)( egrep 'ELTF_[A-Z_0-9][A-Z_0-9]*' $(ELTF_PARAMS_TEMPLATE) 2>/dev/null | sed 's/ELTF_/\nELTF_/g' | egrep 'ELTF_[A-Z_0-9][A-Z_0-9]*' | sed 's/\(ELTF_[A-Z_0-9][A-Z_0-9]*\).*/\1/' ) | sort @echo "# The make eltf also here extracts any left-over ELTF variables from $(ELTF_PARAMS_UPDATED)" @echo "# It should not be any left here:" $(VERB)( egrep 'ELTF_[A-Z_0-9][A-Z_0-9]*' $(ELTF_PARAMS_UPDATED) 2>/dev/null | sed 's/ELTF_/\nELTF_/g' | egrep 'ELTF_[A-Z_0-9][A-Z_0-9]*' | sed 's/\(ELTF_[A-Z_0-9][A-Z_0-9]*\).*/\1/' ) | sort @echo "# If you see any left-over above, something is wrong"