# File containing rootfs related tasks # Create links to match Xilinx uboot default names # Do this silently as they may not exist depending on configuration # When booting with sd card, Xilinx u-boot by default expects # the rootfs as a u-boot-mkimage wrapped file called uramdisk.image.gz, # so for convenience symlink the ext2.gz.u-boot file. # Confirm if all bsps need this? SRC_MKIMAGE_ROOTFS ?= "${IMAGE_NAME}.rootfs.ext2.gz.u-boot" SYMLINK_URAMDISK ?= "uramdisk.image.gz" do_rootfs_append() { cd ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} rm -f ${SYMLINK_URAMDISK} ln -sf ${SRC_MKIMAGE_ROOTFS} ${SYMLINK_URAMDISK} }