# Build Instructions This section describes how to get your build host ready to work with meta-xilinx layers. The following instructions require OE-Core meta and BitBake. Poky provides these components, however they can be acquired separately. > **Pre-requisites:** Refer [Preparing Build Host](https://docs.yoctoproject.org/4.1.2/singleindex.html#preparing-the-build-host) documentation. 1. Create a project directory. ``` $ mkdir sources $ cd sources ``` 2. Clone the poky, openembedded and amd xilinx repository. > **Note:** > * *release_branch:* refers to upstream stable release branch. > * *rel-version:* refers to amd xilinx release version. ``` $ mkdir sources $ git clone -b https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky.git $ git clone -b https://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded.git $ git clone -b https://github.com/Xilinx/meta-xilinx.git $ git clone -b https://github.com/Xilinx/meta-xilinx-tools.git ``` 3. Initialize a build environment using the `oe-init-build-env` script. ``` $ source poky/oe-init-build-env ``` 4. Once initialized configure `bblayers.conf` by adding dependency layers as shown below using `bitbake-layers` command. > **Note:** From step 3 by default `meta-yocto-bsp` will be included in bblayers.conf > file and this can be removed using `$ bitbake-layers remove-layer meta-yocto-bsp` > command. ``` $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-openembedded/meta-oe $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-openembedded/meta-python $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-openembedded/meta-filesystems $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-openembedded/meta-networking $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-xilinx/meta-microbalze $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-core $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-standalone $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-bsp $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-vendor $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-contrib $ bitbake-layers add-layer .//meta-xilinx-tools ``` > **Note:** We recommend using meta-xilinx-tools, the version that is built as > standalone may not work on many boards as it does not know the board configuration. 5. Set hardware `MACHINE` configuration variable in /build/conf/local.conf file for a specific target which can boot and run the in the board or QEMU. ``` MACHINE = "" ``` Available target machines are: | Device | target machines | |------------|---------------------| | MicroBlaze | microblaze-generic | | | ac701-microblazeel | | | kc705-microblazeel | | | kcu105-microblazeel | | | vcu118-microblazeel | | Zynq-7000 | zynq-generic | | | zc702-zynq7 | | | zc706-zynq7 | | ZynqMP | zynqmp-generic | | | zcu102-zynqmp | | | zcu104-zynqmp | | | zcu106-zynqmp | | | zcu111-zynqmp | | | zcu208-zynqmp | | | zcu216-zynqmp | | | zcu670-zynqmp | | | zcu1275-zynqmp | | | zcu1285-zynqmp | | | ultra96-zynqmp | | Versal | versal-generic | | | versal-net-generic | | | vck190-versal | | | vmk180-versal | | | vek280-versal | | | vpk120-versal | | | vpk180-versal | | | vhk158-versal | 6. Build an OS image for the target using `bitbake` command. > **Note:** Refer .//conf/templates/default/conf-notes.txt > for available target image-name. e.g. core-image-minimal ``` $ bitbake ``` 7. Once complete the images for the target machine will be available in the output directory `${TMPDIR}/deploy/images/${MACHINE}/`.