rootless podman --------------- Basic configuration: % echo "user.max_user_namespaces=28633" > /etc/sysctl.d/userns.conf % sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/userns.conf % useradd -c "yocto" yocto % passwd yocto % su - yocto % podman pull alpine % podman run alpine cat /etc/os-release % podman images % podman unshare cat /proc/self/uid_map podman system service --------------- The podman system service command creates a listening service that answers API calls for Podman, it supports systemd socket activation. Test with docker-compose (v2): To be noticed, docker could NOT be installed together with podman, so docker-compose should be built as a standalone tool, remove 'docker-plugin' from its PACKAGECONFIG at build time: ``` PACKAGECONFIG:remove:pn-docker-compose = "docker-plugin" ``` % sudo systemctl start podman.socket % git clone % cd awesome-compose/postgresql-pgadmin; source .env % sudo docker-compose up -d