from os.path import exists, isdir, join, realpath, abspath from os import listdir import random import socket from shutil import copyfile from subprocess import check_output EXTENSIONS = { 'intel-corei7-64': 'wic', 'qemux86-64': 'ota-ext4' } def find_local_port(start_port): """" Find the next free TCP port after 'start_port'. """ for port in range(start_port, start_port + 10): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', port)) return port except socket.error: print("Skipping port %d" % port) finally: s.close() raise Exception("Could not find a free TCP port") def random_mac(): """Return a random Ethernet MAC address @link """ head = "ca:fe:" hex_digits = '0123456789abcdef' tail = ':'.join([random.choice(hex_digits) + random.choice(hex_digits) for _ in range(4)]) return head + tail class QemuCommand(object): def __init__(self, args): self.dry_run = args.dry_run self.overlay = args.overlay self.host_fwd = None if args.machine: self.machine = args.machine else: if not isdir(args.dir): raise ValueError("Directory %s does not exist, please specify a --machine or a valid images directory" % args.dir) machines = listdir(args.dir) if len(machines) == 1: self.machine = machines[0] else: raise ValueError("Could not autodetect machine type. More than one entry in %s. Maybe --machine qemux86-64?" % args.dir) # If using an overlay with U-Boot, copy the rom when we create the # overlay so that we can keep it around just in case. if args.efi: self.bios = 'OVMF.fd' else: if args.bootloader: uboot_path = args.bootloader uboot_path = abspath(join(args.dir, self.machine, 'u-boot-qemux86-64.rom')) if self.overlay: new_uboot_path = self.overlay + '.u-boot.rom' if not exists(self.overlay): if not exists(uboot_path): raise ValueError("U-Boot image %s does not exist" % uboot_path) if not exists(new_uboot_path): if self.dry_run: print("cp %s %s" % (uboot_path, new_uboot_path)) else: copyfile(uboot_path, new_uboot_path) uboot_path = new_uboot_path if not exists(uboot_path) and not (self.dry_run and not exists(self.overlay)): raise ValueError("U-Boot image %s does not exist" % uboot_path) self.bios = uboot_path # If using an overlay, we need to keep the "backing" image around, as # bitbake will often clean it up, and the overlay silently depends on # the hardcoded path. The easiest solution is to keep the file and use # a relative path to it. if exists(args.imagename): image = realpath(args.imagename) else: ext = EXTENSIONS.get(self.machine, 'wic') image = join(args.dir, self.machine, '%s-%s.%s' % (args.imagename, self.machine, ext)) if self.overlay: new_image_path = self.overlay + '.img' if not exists(self.overlay): if not exists(image): raise ValueError("OS image %s does not exist" % image) if not exists(new_image_path): if self.dry_run: print("cp %s %s" % (image, new_image_path)) else: copyfile(image, new_image_path) self.image = new_image_path else: self.image = realpath(image) if not exists(self.image) and not (self.dry_run and not exists(self.overlay)): raise ValueError("OS image %s does not exist" % self.image) if args.mac: self.mac_address = args.mac else: self.mac_address = random_mac() self.serial_port = find_local_port(8990) self.ssh_port = find_local_port(2222) if args.mem: self.mem = args.mem else: self.mem = "1G" if args.kvm is None: # Autodetect KVM using 'kvm-ok' try: check_output(['kvm-ok']) self.kvm = True except Exception: self.kvm = False else: self.kvm = args.kvm self.gui = not args.no_gui self.gdb = args.gdb self.pcap = args.pcap self.secondary_network = args.secondary_network # Append additional port forwarding to QEMU command line. if args.host_forward: self.host_fwd = args.host_forward def command_line(self): netuser = 'user,hostfwd=tcp:,restrict=off' % self.ssh_port if self.gdb: netuser += ',hostfwd=tcp:' if self.host_fwd: netuser += ",hostfwd=" + self.host_fwd cmdline = [ "qemu-system-x86_64", "-bios", self.bios ] if not self.overlay: cmdline += ["-drive", "file=%s,if=ide,format=raw,snapshot=on" % self.image] cmdline += [ "-serial", "tcp:,server,nowait" % self.serial_port, "-m", self.mem, "-object", "rng-random,id=rng0,filename=/dev/urandom", "-device", "virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0", "-net", netuser, "-net", "nic,macaddr=%s" % self.mac_address ] if self.pcap: cmdline += ['-net', 'dump,file=' + self.pcap] if self.secondary_network: cmdline += [ '-netdev', 'socket,id=vlan1,mcast=,localaddr=', '-device', 'e1000,netdev=vlan1,mac='+random_mac(), ] if self.gui: cmdline += [ "-usb", "-device", "usb-tablet", "-show-cursor", "-vga", "std" ] else: cmdline += [ "-nographic", "-monitor", "null", ] if self.kvm: cmdline += ['-enable-kvm', '-cpu', 'host'] else: cmdline += ['-cpu', 'Haswell'] if self.overlay: cmdline.append(self.overlay) return cmdline def img_command_line(self): cmdline = [ "qemu-img", "create", "-o", "backing_file=%s" % self.image, "-f", "qcow2", self.overlay] return cmdline