#!/usr/bin/env python3 from argparse import ArgumentParser import os.path import sys scripts_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) bb_lib_path = os.path.abspath(scripts_path + '/../../poky/bitbake/lib') sys.path = sys.path + [bb_lib_path] import bb.fetch2 import bb.tinfoil PRINT_PROGRESS = True SKIP_BUILD_TOOLS = True KNOWN_BUILD_TOOLS = ['virtual/x86_64-poky-linux-gcc', # gcc-cross-x86_64 'virtual/x86_64-poky-linux-compilerlibs', # gcc-runtime 'virtual/libc', # glibc 'virtual/libintl', # glibc 'virtual/libiconv', # glibc 'virtual/crypt', # glibc 'autoconf-native', 'automake-native', 'libtool-native', 'gnu-config-native', 'm4-native', 'texinfo-dummy-native', 'gettext-minimal-native', 'libtool-cross', 'gettext-native', 'util-linux-native', 'pkgconfig-native', 'makedepend-native'] def get_recipe_info(tinfoil, rn): try: info = tinfoil.get_recipe_info(rn) except Exception: print('Failed to get recipe info for: %s' % rn) return [] if not info: print('No recipe info found for: %s' % rn) return [] append_files = tinfoil.get_file_appends(info.fn) appends = True data = tinfoil.parse_recipe_file(info.fn, appends, append_files) data.pn = info.pn data.pv = info.pv return data def print_package(manifest_file, data, is_project): src_uri = data.getVar('SRC_URI').split() lic = data.getVar('LICENSE') summary = data.getVar('SUMMARY') homepage = data.getVar('HOMEPAGE') srcrev = data.getVar('SRCREV') branch = data.getVar('BRANCH') if is_project: manifest_file.write(' id:\n') else: manifest_file.write('- id:\n') manifest_file.write(' package_manager: "Yocto"\n') manifest_file.write(' namespace: ""\n') manifest_file.write(' name: "%s"\n' % data.pn) manifest_file.write(' version: "%s"\n' % data.pv) manifest_file.write(' declared_lics:\n') manifest_file.write(' - "%s"\n' % lic) if is_project: manifest_file.write(' aliases: []\n') if summary: manifest_file.write(' description: "%s"\n' % summary) else: description = data.getVar('DESCRIPTION') manifest_file.write(' description: "%s"\n' % description) manifest_file.write(' homepage_url: "%s"\n' % homepage) # Binary artifacts almost never exist in Yocto. manifest_file.write(' binary_artifact:\n') manifest_file.write(' url: ""\n') manifest_file.write(' hash: ""\n') manifest_file.write(' hash_algorithm: ""\n') manifest_file.write(' source_artifact:\n') repos = [] for src in src_uri: # Strip options. # TODO: ignore files with apply=false? src = src.split(';', maxsplit=1)[0] src_type = src.split('://', maxsplit=1)[0] if src_type == 'file': # TODO: Get full path of patches and other files within the source # repo, not just the filesystem? fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch([], data) local = fetch.localpath(src) manifest_file.write(' - "%s"\n' % local) else: manifest_file.write(' - "%s"\n' % src) if src_type != 'http' and src_type != 'https' and src_type != 'ftp' and src_type != 'ssh': repos.append(src) if len(repos) > 1: print('Multiple repos for one package are not supported. Package: %s' % info.pn) for repo in repos: vcs_type, url = repo.split('://', maxsplit=1) manifest_file.write(' vcs:\n') if vcs_type == 'gitsm': vcs_type = 'git' manifest_file.write(' type: "%s"\n' % vcs_type) manifest_file.write(' url: "%s"\n' % url) # TODO: Actually support multiple repos here: # TODO: catch and replace AUTOINC? manifest_file.write(' revision: "%s"\n' % srcrev) manifest_file.write(' branch: "%s"\n' % branch) def find_dependencies(manifest_file, tinfoil, assume_provided, recipe_info, packages, rn, order): data = recipe_info[rn] depends = data.depends # order == 1 is for the initial recipe. We've already printed its # information, so skip it. if order > 1: spaces = ' ' * order manifest_file.write('%s- namespace: ""\n' % spaces) manifest_file.write('%s name: "%s"\n' % (spaces, data.pn)) manifest_file.write('%s version: "%s"\n' % (spaces, data.pv)) if not depends: manifest_file.write('%s dependencies: []\n' % spaces) else: manifest_file.write('%s dependencies:\n' % spaces) if PRINT_PROGRESS: # Print high-order dependencies as a form of logging/progress notifcation. if order == 2: print(rn) if order == 3: print(' ' + rn) # First find all dependencies not seen yet to our master list. for dep in depends: if dep not in packages and dep not in assume_provided: packages.append(dep) dep_data = get_recipe_info(tinfoil, dep) # Do this once now to reduce the number of bitbake calls. dep_data.depends = dep_data.getVar('DEPENDS').split() recipe_info[dep] = dep_data # Then recursively analyze all of the dependencies for the current recipe. for dep in depends: if dep not in assume_provided: find_dependencies(manifest_file, tinfoil, assume_provided, recipe_info, packages, dep, order + 1) if order > 1: manifest_file.write('%s errors: []\n' % spaces) def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Find all dependencies of a recipe.') parser.add_argument('recipe', metavar='recipe', help='a recipe to investigate') args = parser.parse_args() rn = args.recipe with open(rn + '-dependencies.yml', "w") as manifest_file, bb.tinfoil.Tinfoil() as tinfoil: tinfoil.prepare() # These are the packages that bitbake assumes are provided by the host # system. They do not have recipes, so searching tinfoil for them will # not work. Anyway, by nature they are only build tools and will not be # distributed in an image. assume_provided = tinfoil.config_data.getVar('ASSUME_PROVIDED').split() if SKIP_BUILD_TOOLS: assume_provided.extend(KNOWN_BUILD_TOOLS) manifest_file.write('project:\n') data = get_recipe_info(tinfoil, rn) data.depends = [] depends = data.getVar('DEPENDS').split() for dep in depends: if dep not in assume_provided: data.depends.append(dep) print_package(manifest_file, data, is_project=True) manifest_file.write(' scopes:\n') manifest_file.write(' - name: "all"\n') manifest_file.write(' delivered: true\n') manifest_file.write(' dependencies:\n') recipe_info = dict([(rn, data)]) packages = [] find_dependencies(manifest_file, tinfoil, assume_provided, recipe_info, packages, rn, order=1) manifest_file.write('packages:\n') # Iterate through the list of packages found to print out their full # information. Skip the initial recipe since we already printed it out. for p in packages: if p is not rn: data = recipe_info[p] print_package(manifest_file, data, is_project=False) if __name__ == "__main__": main()