#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail parentdir="$(dirname "$0")" # Does NOT include garage-sign, anything used only for testing (i.e. strace and # gtest), any of the git submodules, all of which are also only used for # testing (tuf-test-vectors, isotp-c, ostreesysroot, and HdrHistogram_c), or # any other third party modules included directly into the source tree # (jsoncpp, open62541, picojson). Also check libp11, dpkg, and systemd since # those are common dependencies not enabled by default. ${parentdir}/find_packages.py aktualizr \ aktualizr-native \ aktualizr-auto-prov \ aktualizr-implicit-prov \ aktualizr-ca-implicit-prov \ aktualizr-hsm-prov \ aktualizr-disable-send-ip \ aktualizr-example-interface \ aktualizr-log-debug \ libp11 \ dpkg \ systemd