SUMMARY = "Aktualizr configuration for implicit provisioning with CA" DESCRIPTION = "Systemd service and configurations for implicitly provisioning Aktualizr using externally provided or generated CA" # WARNING: it is NOT a production solution. The secure way to provision devices is to create certificate request directly on the device # (either with HSM/TPM or with software) and then sign it with a CA stored on a disconnected machine HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "base" LICENSE = "MPL-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${WORKDIR}/LICENSE;md5=9741c346eef56131163e13b9db1241b3" DEPENDS = "aktualizr-native openssl-native" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "aktualizr" SRC_URI = " \ file://LICENSE \ file://ca.cnf \ " PV = "1.0" PR = "1" require require export SOTA_CACERT_PATH export SOTA_CAKEY_PATH do_install() { install -d ${D}${libdir}/sota if [ -z "${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS}" ]; then bberror "SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS are required for implicit provisioning" fi if [ -z ${SOTA_CACERT_PATH} ]; then SOTA_CACERT_PATH=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/CA/cacert.pem SOTA_CAKEY_PATH=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/CA/ca.private.pem mkdir -p ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/CA bbwarn "SOTA_CACERT_PATH is not specified, use default one at $SOTA_CACERT_PATH" if [ ! -f ${SOTA_CACERT_PATH} ]; then bbwarn "${SOTA_CACERT_PATH} does not exist, generate a new CA" SOTA_CACERT_DIR_PATH="$(dirname "$SOTA_CACERT_PATH")" openssl genrsa -out ${SOTA_CACERT_DIR_PATH}/ca.private.pem 4096 openssl req -key ${SOTA_CACERT_DIR_PATH}/ca.private.pem -new -x509 -days 7300 -out ${SOTA_CACERT_PATH} -subj "/C=DE/ST=Berlin/O=Reis und Kichererbsen e.V/commonName=meta-updater" -batch -config ${WORKDIR}/ca.cnf -extensions cacert bbwarn "${SOTA_CACERT_PATH} has been created, you'll need to upload it to the server" fi fi if [ -z ${SOTA_CAKEY_PATH} ]; then bberror "SOTA_CAKEY_PATH should be set when using implicit provisioning" fi install -d ${D}${libdir}/sota install -d ${D}${localstatedir}/sota install -m 0644 ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${libdir}/sota/sota_implicit_prov_ca.toml ${D}${libdir}/sota/sota.toml aktualizr_cert_provider --credentials ${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS} \ --device-ca ${SOTA_CACERT_PATH} \ --device-ca-key ${SOTA_CAKEY_PATH} \ --root-ca \ --server-url \ --local ${D}${localstatedir}/sota \ --config ${D}${libdir}/sota/sota.toml } FILES_${PN} = " \ ${localstatedir}/sota/* \ ${libdir}/sota/sota.toml \ ${libdir}/sota/root.crt \ " # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab: