= Build Configuration Options :page-partial: // MC: Included in aktualizr/docs/ota-client-guide/modules/ROOT/pages/build-configuration.adoc .OTA-related options for building disk images [cols="1,2a",options="header"] |==================== | Option | Description | `OSTREE_BRANCHNAME`|OSTree branch name. Defaults to `${SOTA_HARDWARE_ID}`. Particularly useful for grouping similar images. | `OSTREE_REPO`|Path to your OSTree repository. Defaults to `$\{DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/ostree_repo` | `OSTREE_OSNAME`|OS deployment name on your target device. For more information about deployments and osnames see the https://ostree.readthedocs.io/en/latest/manual/deployment/[OSTree documentation]. Defaults to "poky". | `OSTREE_COMMIT_BODY`|Message attached to OSTree commit. Empty by default. | `OSTREE_COMMIT_SUBJECT`|Commit subject used by OSTree. Defaults to `Commit-id: ${IMAGE_NAME}` | `OSTREE_UPDATE_SUMMARY`|Set this to '1' to update summary of OSTree repository on each commit. '0' by default. | `OSTREE_DEPLOY_DEVICETREE`|Set this to '1' to include devicetree(s) to boot | `GARAGE_SIGN_AUTOVERSION`|Set this to '1' to automatically fetch the last version of the garage tools installed by the aktualizr-native. Otherwise use the fixed version specified in the recipe. | `GARAGE_TARGET_URL` | Sets the `--url` parameter of `garage-sign targets add`, which sets a custom URL for the Image repository targets. ifndef::env-github[] [NOTE] ==== Currently, this only works when using the master branch of meta-updater. ==== endif::[] | `GARAGE_TARGET_EXPIRES` | Sets the `--expires` parameter of `garage-sign targets sign`. Format is a UTC instant such as '2018-01-01T00:01:00Z'. ifndef::env-github[] [NOTE] ==== Currently, this only works when using the master branch of meta-updater. ==== endif::[] | `GARAGE_TARGET_EXPIRE_AFTER` | Sets the `--expire-after` parameter of `garage-sign targets sign`. Format is in years, months, and days (each optional, but in that order), such as '1Y3M5D'. ifndef::env-github[] [NOTE] ==== Currently, this only works when using the master branch of meta-updater. ==== endif::[] | `INITRAMFS_IMAGE`|The initramfs/initrd image that is used as a proxy while booting into OSTree deployment. Do not change this setting unless you are sure that your initramfs can serve as such a proxy. | `SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS`|When set, your ostree commit will be pushed to a remote repo as a bitbake step. This should be the path to a zipped credentials file in xref:dev@ota-build::provisioning-methods-and-credentialszip.adoc[the format accepted by garage-push]. | `SOTA_DEPLOY_CREDENTIALS`|When set to '1' (default value), deploys credentials to the built image. Override it in `local.conf` to built a generic image that can be provisioned manually after the build. | `SOTA_CLIENT_PROV`|Which provisioning method to use. Valid options are `aktualizr-shared-prov`, `aktualizr-device-prov`, and `aktualizr-device-prov-hsm`. For more information on these provisioning methods, see the xref:dev@ota-client::client-provisioning-methods.adoc[OTA Connect documentation]. The default is `aktualizr-shared-prov`. This can also be set to an empty string to avoid using a provisioning recipe. | `SOTA_CLIENT_FEATURES`|Extensions to aktualizr. The only valid options are `hsm` (to build with HSM support) and `secondary-network` (to set up a simulated 'in-vehicle' network with support for a primary node with a DHCP server and a secondary node with a DHCP client). | `SOTA_SECONDARY_CONFIG`|A file containing JSON configuration for secondaries. It will be installed into `/etc/sota/ecus` on the device and automatically provided to aktualizr. See xref:dev@ota-client::posix-secondaries-bitbaking.adoc[here] for more details. | `SOTA_HARDWARE_ID`|A custom hardware ID that will be written to the aktualizr config. Defaults to MACHINE if not set. | `SOTA_MAIN_DTB`|The base device tree to use with the kernel. Used together with FIT images. You can change it, and the device tree will also be changed after the update. | `SOTA_DT_OVERLAYS`|A whitespace-separated list of used device tree overlays for FIT image. This list is OSTree-updateable as well. | `SOTA_EXTRA_CONF_FRAGS`|Extra https://lxr.missinglinkelectronics.com/uboot/doc/uImage.FIT/overlay-fdt-boot.txt[configuration fragments] for FIT image. | `RESOURCE_xxx_pn-aktualizr`|Controls maximum resource usage of the aktualizr service, when `aktualizr-resource-control` is installed on the image. See xref:dev@ota-build::meta-updater-usage.adoc#_aktualizr_service_resource_control[aktualizr service resource control] for details. | `SOTA_POLLING_SEC`|Sets polling interval for aktualizr to check for updates if aktualizr-polling-interval is included in the image. |====================