// MC: NOTE ABOUT TOC // Adding "pageroot" attr so that TOC that will also work directly in GitHub. Because... // In Antora the "pages" subdir is implcit added to the xref path at build time. // if you add "/pages" Antora will intepret it as "pages/pages". // The pages subdir is NOT implicit when viewing source files in Github. ifdef::env-github[:pageroot: pages/] ifndef::env-github[:pageroot:] .Guide to the Build Tools * xref:{pageroot}metaupdater-whatis.adoc[What are the build tools?] * xref:{pageroot}build.adoc[Build a disk image] * xref:{pageroot}supported-boards.adoc[Supported Boards] * xref:{pageroot}meta-updater-usage.adoc[How to] * xref:{pageroot}sota-variables.adoc[Configuration reference] * xref:{pageroot}dev-config.adoc[Development configuration] * xref:{pageroot}meta-updater-testing.adoc[Testing]