# Image to use with u-boot as BIOS and OSTree deployment system #inherit image_types # Boot filesystem size in MiB # OSTree updates may require some space on boot file system for # boot scripts, kernel and initramfs images # do_image_otaimg[depends] += "e2fsprogs-native:do_populate_sysroot \ ${@'grub:do_populate_sysroot' if d.getVar('OSTREE_BOOTLOADER', True) == 'grub' else ''} \ ${@'virtual/bootloader:do_deploy' if d.getVar('OSTREE_BOOTLOADER', True) == 'u-boot' else ''}" calculate_size () { BASE=$1 SCALE=$2 MIN=$3 MAX=$4 EXTRA=$5 ALIGN=$6 SIZE=`echo "$BASE * $SCALE" | bc -l` REM=`echo $SIZE | cut -d "." -f 2` SIZE=`echo $SIZE | cut -d "." -f 1` if [ -n "$REM" -o ! "$REM" -eq 0 ]; then SIZE=`expr $SIZE \+ 1` fi if [ "$SIZE" -lt "$MIN" ]; then SIZE=$MIN fi SIZE=`expr $SIZE \+ $EXTRA` SIZE=`expr $SIZE \+ $ALIGN \- 1` SIZE=`expr $SIZE \- $SIZE \% $ALIGN` if [ -n "$MAX" ]; then if [ "$SIZE" -gt "$MAX" ]; then return -1 fi fi echo "${SIZE}" } export OSTREE_OSNAME export OSTREE_BRANCHNAME export OSTREE_REPO export OSTREE_BOOTLOADER export GARAGE_TARGET_NAME IMAGE_CMD_otaimg () { if ${@bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_FSTYPES', 'otaimg', 'true', 'false', d)}; then if [ -z "$OSTREE_REPO" ]; then bbfatal "OSTREE_REPO should be set in your local.conf" fi if [ -z "$OSTREE_OSNAME" ]; then bbfatal "OSTREE_OSNAME should be set in your local.conf" fi if [ -z "$OSTREE_BRANCHNAME" ]; then bbfatal "OSTREE_BRANCHNAME should be set in your local.conf" fi PHYS_SYSROOT=`mktemp -d ${WORKDIR}/ota-sysroot-XXXXX` ostree admin --sysroot=${PHYS_SYSROOT} init-fs ${PHYS_SYSROOT} ostree admin --sysroot=${PHYS_SYSROOT} os-init ${OSTREE_OSNAME} mkdir -p ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/boot/loader.0 ln -s loader.0 ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/boot/loader if [ "${OSTREE_BOOTLOADER}" = "grub" ]; then mkdir -p ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/boot/grub2 ln -s ../loader/grub.cfg ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/boot/grub2/grub.cfg elif [ "${OSTREE_BOOTLOADER}" = "u-boot" ]; then touch ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/boot/loader/uEnv.txt else bberror "Invalid bootloader: ${OSTREE_BOOTLOADER}" fi; ostree_target_hash=$(cat ${OSTREE_REPO}/refs/heads/${OSTREE_BRANCHNAME}) ostree --repo=${PHYS_SYSROOT}/ostree/repo pull-local --remote=${OSTREE_OSNAME} ${OSTREE_REPO} ${ostree_target_hash} export OSTREE_BOOT_PARTITION="/boot" kargs_list="" for arg in ${OSTREE_KERNEL_ARGS}; do kargs_list="${kargs_list} --karg-append=$arg" done ostree admin --sysroot=${PHYS_SYSROOT} deploy ${kargs_list} --os=${OSTREE_OSNAME} ${ostree_target_hash} # Copy deployment /home and /var/sota to sysroot HOME_TMP=`mktemp -d ${WORKDIR}/home-tmp-XXXXX` tar --xattrs --xattrs-include='*' -C ${HOME_TMP} -xf ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.rootfs.ostree.tar.bz2 ./usr/homedirs ./var/local || true cp -a ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/var/sota ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/ostree/deploy/${OSTREE_OSNAME}/var/ || true # Create /var/sota if it doesn't exist yet mkdir -p ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/ostree/deploy/${OSTREE_OSNAME}/var/sota # Ensure the permissions are correctly set chmod 700 ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/ostree/deploy/${OSTREE_OSNAME}/var/sota mv ${HOME_TMP}/var/local ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/ostree/deploy/${OSTREE_OSNAME}/var/ || true mv ${HOME_TMP}/usr/homedirs/home ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/ || true # Ensure that /var/local exists (AGL symlinks /usr/local to /var/local) install -d ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/ostree/deploy/${OSTREE_OSNAME}/var/local # Set package version for the first deployment target_version=${ostree_target_hash} if [ -n "${GARAGE_TARGET_VERSION}" ]; then target_version=${GARAGE_TARGET_VERSION} elif [ -e "${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/target_version" ]; then target_version=$(cat "${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/target_version") fi mkdir -p ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/ostree/deploy/${OSTREE_OSNAME}/var/sota/import echo "{\"${ostree_target_hash}\":\"${GARAGE_TARGET_NAME}-${target_version}\"}" > ${PHYS_SYSROOT}/ostree/deploy/${OSTREE_OSNAME}/var/sota/import/installed_versions rm -rf ${HOME_TMP} # Calculate image type OTA_ROOTFS_SIZE=$(calculate_size `du -ks $PHYS_SYSROOT | cut -f 1` "${IMAGE_OVERHEAD_FACTOR}" "${IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE}" "${IMAGE_ROOTFS_MAXSIZE}" `expr ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE}` "${IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT}") if [ $OTA_ROOTFS_SIZE -lt 0 ]; then exit -1 fi eval local COUNT=\"0\" eval local MIN_COUNT=\"60\" if [ $OTA_ROOTFS_SIZE -lt $MIN_COUNT ]; then eval COUNT=\"$MIN_COUNT\" fi # create image rm -rf ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_NAME}.otaimg sync dd if=/dev/zero of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_NAME}.otaimg seek=$OTA_ROOTFS_SIZE count=$COUNT bs=1024 mkfs.ext4 -O ^64bit ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_NAME}.otaimg -L otaroot -d ${PHYS_SYSROOT} rm -rf ${PHYS_SYSROOT} rm -f ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.otaimg ln -s ${IMAGE_NAME}.otaimg ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.otaimg fi } IMAGE_TYPEDEP_otaimg = "ostree"