= Contributing We welcome pull requests from everyone. Here are some notes that are useful for people working on meta-updater (this repository) and https://github.com/advancedtelematic/aktualizr[aktualizr]. == Options for local.conf/site.conf [options="header"] |====================== | Option | Effect | `require classes/sota_bleeding.inc` | Always build the latest master of Aktualizr | `BRANCH_pn-aktualizr = "mybranch"` `BRANCH_pn-aktualizr-native = "mybranch"` | Build `mybranch` of Aktualizr (note that both of these need to be set). This will normally be used with `require classes/sota_bleeding.inc` | `SRCREV_pn-aktualizr = "1004efa3f86cef90c012b34620992b5762b741e3"` `SRCREV_pn-aktualizr-native = "1004efa3f86cef90c012b34620992b5762b741e3"` | Build the specified revision of Aktualizr (note that both of these need to be set). | `TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK_append = " nativesdk-cmake "` | Use with `bitbake -c populate_sdk core-image-minimal` to build a SDK