SUMMARY = "TI DSP Code Generation Tools" DESCRIPTION = "Texas Instruments (TI) Code Generation Tools are custom \ utilities targeted for TI embedded processors. This Digital Signal \ Processor (DSP) suite contains tools needed to create and debug \ applications for the C7000 DSP family. This includes tools such as: \ compiler, linker, assembler, etc. This also includes C runtime \ libraries and standard header files needed to produce a working DSP application." HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "(TI-TSPA & Thai-Open-Source-Software-Center) & BSD-3-Clause & BSL-1.0 & Patrick-Powell & AFL-3.0 & MIT & BSD-2-Clause & PD" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://ti-cgt-c7000_${PV}.STS/C7000_Code_Generation_Tools_1.x_manifest.html;md5=f1156d241d104c281bc64a6ec8eadc64" require recipes-ti/includes/ require recipes-ti/includes/ # only x86_64 is supported COMPATIBLE_HOST = "x86_64.*-linux" COMPATIBLE_HOST_class-target = "null" PE = "1" BINFILE = "ti_cgt_c7000_${PV}.STS_linux_installer_x86.bin" BINFILE_NAME = "cgt7x_x86_installer" SRC_URI = "${PV}.STS/${BINFILE};name=${BINFILE_NAME}" TI_BIN_UNPK_ARGS = "--prefix ${S}" TI_BIN_UNPK_CMDS = "" SRC_URI[cgt7x_x86_installer.md5sum] = "813840908f333dd2a31f92edec71c1fb" SRC_URI[cgt7x_x86_installer.sha256sum] = "21379811a8857489f72ca8ec45a46eb086ced0bdbb58e78f73a86e63984ab2f5" S = "${WORKDIR}/c7000_${PV}" do_install() { install -d ${D}/${TI_CGT7X_INSTALL_DIR_RECIPE} cp -rP --preserve=mode,links,timestamps --no-preserve=ownership ${WORKDIR}/c7000_${PV}/ti-cgt-c7000_${PV}.STS/. ${D}/${TI_CGT7X_INSTALL_DIR_RECIPE} } FILES_${PN} += "${TI_CGT7X_INSTALL_DIR_RECIPE}" INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += "arch staticdev textrel" INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP = "1" INHIBIT_SYSROOT_STRIP = "1" INHIBIT_PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT = "1" BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"