DESCRIPTION = "TI PA LLD unit test and example binaries" DEPENDS = "common-csl-ip pa-lld cppi-lld qmss-lld sa-lld" include DEVICELIST = "k2h k2k k2l k2e" CHOICELIST = "yes no" do_compile () { # Now build the lld unit test examples for device in ${DEVICELIST} do make -f makefile_armv7 clean PDK_INSTALL_PATH=${STAGING_INCDIR} DEVICE="$device" PA_SRC_DIR=${S} for choice in ${CHOICELIST} do make -f makefile_armv7 tests examples PDK_INSTALL_PATH=${STAGING_INCDIR} DEVICE="$device" PA_SRC_DIR=${S} USEDYNAMIC_LIB="$choice" done done } do_install () { for device in ${DEVICELIST} do make -f makefile_armv7 installbin PDK_INSTALL_PATH=${STAGING_INCDIR} DEVICE="$device" PA_SRC_DIR=${S} INSTALL_BIN_BASE_DIR=${D}${bindir} done }