SUMMARY = "Second stage bootloader for c66x" DESCRIPTION = "The Intermediate Bootloader (IBL) is a second stage \ bootloader for the c66x family of embedded processors. This second \ stage bootloader takes care of additional initializations, advisory \ setups, and errata workarounds that are not present in the first stage boot." LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://src/ibl.h;beginline=1;endline=34;md5=ee7d7a3305d1e524955996d1c5e31cb9" require recipes-ti/includes/ DEPENDS = " ti-cgt6x-7-native \ bison-native \ flex-native \ " PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "c66x" CLEANBROKEN = "1" IBL_BOOT_GIT_URI = "git://" IBL_BOOT_GIT_PROTOCOL = "https" IBL_BOOT_GIT_BRANCH = "master" IBL_BOOT_SRCREV = "ed3f0989d8cdc813b7ca1ed899c4d84b63de3a75" BRANCH = "${IBL_BOOT_GIT_BRANCH}" SRC_URI = "${IBL_BOOT_GIT_URI};protocol=${IBL_BOOT_GIT_PROTOCOL};branch=${BRANCH}" SRCREV = "${IBL_BOOT_SRCREV}" PR = "r2" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" PATH_prepend = "${TI_CGT6X_7_INSTALL_DIR}/bin:" IBLTARGETS = "" IBLTARGETS_c665x-evm = "evm_c6657_i2c" IBLTARGETS_c667x-evm = "evm_c6678_i2c" IBLENDIAN = "" IBLENDIAN_c665x-evm = "little" IBLENDIAN_c667x-evm = "little" export C6X_BASE_DIR="${TI_CGT6X_7_INSTALL_DIR}" export TOOLSC6X="${C6X_BASE_DIR}" export TOOLSC6XDOS="${C6X_BASE_DIR}" export TOOLSBIOSC6XDOS="${C6X_BASE_DIR}" export PDK_INSTALL_PATH = "${PDK_INSTALL_DIR}/packages" do_compile() { cd src/make for t in ${IBLTARGETS} do for e in ${IBLENDIAN} do make ${t} ENDIAN=${e} I2C_BUS_ADDR=0x51 done done cd - } do_install() { install -d ${D}${PDK_INSTALL_DIR_RECIPE}/packages/ti/boot/ibl cp -rP --preserve=mode,links,timestamps --no-preserve=ownership * ${D}${PDK_INSTALL_DIR_RECIPE}/packages/ti/boot/ibl } FILES_${PN} += "${PDK_INSTALL_DIR_RECIPE}/packages" INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP = "1" INHIBIT_SYSROOT_STRIP = "1" INHIBIT_PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT = "1" INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "arch file-rdeps"