The official OpenEmbedded/Yocto BSP layer for Texas Instruments platforms. It is hosted on with the source repository at git:// This layer depends on: URI: git:// layers: meta branch: master When not depending on meta-openembedded and not using systemd, you may need to mask few miscellaneous recipes requiring systemd, by adding this to local.conf: BBMASK = "meta-ti/recipes-misc" The base BSP part of meta-ti should work with different OpenEmbedded/Yocto distributions and layer stacks, such as: distro-less (only with OE-Core), with Yocto/Poky, with Angstrom or Arago. Please follow the recommended setup procedures of your OE distribution. Send pull requests, patches, comments or questions to Maintainers: Denys Dmytriyenko Koen Kooi