DESCRIPTION = "Qt Library for ConnMan" HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://libconnman-qt/clockmodel.h;endline=8;md5=ea9f724050803f15d2d900ce3c5dac88" SECTION = "qt/lib" inherit qt4x11 pkgconfig RDEPENDS_${PN} = "connman" RDEPENDS_${PN}-plugin = "${PN}" PROVIDES += "${PN}-plugin" PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-plugin ${PN}-plugin-dbg" RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "${PN}-plugin" BRANCH = "master" SRCREV = "6a5e4f981112a90a8c19d82bd671da389d2af993" SRC_URI = " \ git://${PN}.git;branch=${BRANCH} \ " S = "${WORKDIR}/git" QT_IMPORTS_DIR = "${libdir}/qt4/imports" # the plugin target needs to be the same as 'target.path' and 'qmldir.path' in ${S}/plugin/ PLUGINS_TARGET = "${QT_IMPORTS_DIR}/MeeGo/Connman" EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_PRE = " \ CONFIG+=notest \ " do_configure_prepend() { # Hack *.pro variables find ${S}/plugin/*.pro -exec sed -i -e 's,$$\[QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS\],${QT_IMPORTS_DIR},g' '{}' ';' } do_install() { export INSTALL_ROOT=${D} oe_runmake install } FILES_${PN} = " \ ${libdir}/libconnman-qt4${SOLIBS} \ " FILES_${PN}-dev = " \ ${includedir}/connman-qt/* \ ${libdir}/libconnman-qt4${SOLIBSDEV} \ ${libdir}/libconnman-qt4.prl \ ${libdir}/pkgconfig/connman-qt4.pc \ ${libdir}/connman-qt4.pc \ " FILES_${PN}-plugin = " \ ${PLUGINS_TARGET}/qmldir \ ${PLUGINS_TARGET}/lib*.so \ " FILES_${PN}-plugin-dbg = " \ ${PLUGINS_TARGET}/.debug \ ${PLUGINS_TARGET}/.debug/* \ "