SUMMARY = "Access, organize and share your photos on GNOME" SECTION = "x11/gnome" LICENSE = "GPL-3.0-only" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=1ebbd3e34237af26da5dc08a4e440464" DEPENDS = " \ cairo \ glib-2.0-native \ gdk-pixbuf-native \ librsvg-native \ gtk+3 \ babl \ dbus \ gegl \ geocode-glib \ gexiv2 \ gnome-online-accounts \ gsettings-desktop-schemas \ libdazzle \ tracker \ libhandy \ libportal \ " RDEPENDS:${PN} = "tracker-miners" inherit gnomebase gettext gnome-help features_check def gnome_verdir(v): return oe.utils.trim_version(v, 1) REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES = "x11 opengl gobject-introspection-data" PACKAGECONFIG ?= "" PACKAGECONFIG[doc] = "-Dmanuals=true,-Dmanuals=false,libxslt-native docbook-xsl-stylesheets-native" SRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = "e78e210397d3c62809c6cd5521da6eccb4a11ddea5bf2af8632a47f4da5c829e" do_install:append() { # make gnome-photos available on all desktops sed -i 's:OnlyShowIn=:#OnlyShowIn=:g' ${D}${datadir}/applications/org.gnome.Photos.desktop } FILES:${PN} += " \ ${datadir}/dbus-1 \ ${datadir}/metainfo \ ${datadir}/gnome-shell \ " do_compile:append() { # glib-mkenums is embedding full paths into this file. There's no # option to it to use a sysroot style variable. So to avoid QA # errors, we sed WORKDIR out and make its includes relative sed -i "s|${B}||" src/photos-enums.h sed -i "s|${B}||" src/photos-enums.c sed -i "s|${B}||" src/photos-enums-gegl.c sed -i "s|${B}||" src/photos-enums-gegl.h }