DESCRIPTION = "GNU Classpath standard Java libraries" HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "libs" # GPLv2 + custom linking exception LICENSE = "Classpath" PBN = "classpath" inherit autotools java DEPENDS = "virtual/javac-native fastjar-native zip-native gettext-native gmp antlr-native gtk+ gconf libxtst" RPROVIDES_${PN} = "" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "${PBN}-common (>= ${PV})" RDEPENDS_${PN}-examples = "java2-runtime ${PN}-awt" RDEPENDS_${PN}-tools = "java2-runtime" RPROVIDES_${PN} = "${PBN}" RPROVIDES_${PN}-common = "${PBN}-common" RPROVIDES_${PN}-gtk = "${PBN}-awt" SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/classpath/classpath-${PV}.tar.gz" S = "${WORKDIR}/${PBN}-${PV}" export JAVA = "java" EXTRA_OECONF = "\ --with-glibj \ --with-ecj=javac \ --with-fastjar=fastjar \ --includedir=${includedir}/classpath \ --with-vm=java \ --disable-Werror \ --with-antlr-jar=${STAGING_DATADIR_JAVA_NATIVE}/antlr.jar \ --disable-alsa \ --disable-dssi \ --disable-qt4-peer \ --disable-plugin \ --enable-gconf-peer \ --enable-gtk-peer \ --enable-local-sockets \ --with-vm=java \ " EXTRA_OECONF += "\ " do_configure_prepend () { cp ${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/gettext/config.rpath ${S} } do_install() { autotools_do_install mv ${D}${libdir}/security ${D}${libdir}/${PBN} } # Defines the packages that this classpath recipe creates. # This allows the classpath-minimal variants to override this # again. CPPACKAGES = "${PBN}-common ${PN}-examples \ ${PN}-tools ${PN}-tools-doc \ ${PN}-gtk ${PN}-gconf" PACKAGES =+ "${CPPACKAGES}" FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/${PBN}/*.la ${incdir}/${PBN}" FILES_${PBN}-common = "${datadir}/${PBN}/ ${libdir}/ ${libdir}/${PBN}/security" FILES_${PN}-examples = "${datadir}/${PBN}/examples" FILES_${PN}-tools = "${datadir}/${PBN}/ ${bindir}" FILES_${PN}-tools-doc = "${mandir}" FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/${PBN}/.debug" FILES_${PN}-doc = "${infodir}" # gcjwebplugin - not built yet #FILES_${PN}-gcjwebplugin = "${libdir}/${PBN}/" FILES_${PN}-gtk = "${libdir}/${PBN}/ ${libdir}/${PBN}/" FILES_${PN}-gconf = "${libdir}/${PBN}/" FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/${PBN}/lib*so*"