require KBRANCH = "5.10/yocto" KMETA_BRANCH = "yocto-5.10" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=6bc538ed5bd9a7fc9398086aedcd7e46" SRC_URI:append = " file://0001-menuconfig-mconf-cfg-Allow-specification-of-ncurses-.patch \ " DEPENDS += "elfutils-native openssl-native util-linux-native" LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.10.56" SRCREV_machine ?= "cef410ba7c738624a98b855c955a0092789b224e" SRCREV_meta ?= "873ef26ef35da24d217a1aeb44717278d77e818c" # For Crystalforest and Romley KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD:append:core2-32-intel-common = " uio" KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD:append:corei7-64-intel-common = " uio" # Functionality flags KERNEL_EXTRA_FEATURES ?= "features/netfilter/netfilter.scc features/security/security.scc" # Following commit is backported from mainline 5.12-rc to linux-intel 5.10 kernel # Commit: # In which 'CONFIG_DRM_GMA3600' config option is dropped. # This causes warning during config audit. So suppress the harmless warning for now. KCONF_BSP_AUDIT_LEVEL = "0" # Disabling CONFIG_SND_SOC_INTEL_SKYLAKE for 32-bit, does not allow to set CONFIG_SND_SOC_INTEL_SST too, which # causes config warning too. KCONF_AUDIT_LEVEL:core2-32-intel-common = "0"