SUMMARY = "Utility for managing Intel Optane DC persistent memory modules" DESCRIPTION = "Utility for configuring and managing Intel Optane Persistent \ Memory modules (PMem). It supports functionality to: \ Discover DCPMMs on the platform. \ Provision the platform memory configuration. \ View and update the firmware on DCPMMs. \ Configure data-at-rest security on DCPMMs. \ Track health and performance of DCPMMs. \ Debug and troubleshoot DCPMMs." HOMEPAGE = "" BUGTRACKER = "" LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause | BSD-2-Clause" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=72b9da60da6219d612ce30b746a0fe71 \ file://edk2/License.txt;md5=6123e5bf044a66db96c4ce88a36b2d08" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=development;name=ipmctl; \ git://;protocol=https;name=edk2;destsuffix=git/edk2; \ file://0001-Ignore-STATIC_ASSERT-and-NULL-definition-so-we-can-c.patch;patchdir=edk2 \ " SRCREV_ipmctl = "4579c7ec127d6c678ce25136f928b66c7ba51097" #tag: edk2-stable202102 SRCREV_edk2 = "ef91b07388e1c0a50c604e5350eeda98428ccea6" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" inherit cmake dos2unix DEPENDS = "ndctl" EXTRA_OECMAKE = "-DRELEASE=ON" do_configure_prepend() { for dir in BaseTools MdeModulePkg MdePkg ShellPkg ; do ln -sf edk2/${dir} ${S} done }