Build a Yocto Image with OpenVINO™ toolkit ========================================== Follow the [Yocto Project official documentation]( to set up and configure your host machine to be compatible with BitBake. ## Step 1: Set Up Environment 1. Clone the repositories. ``` git clone git clone git clone ``` 2. Set up the OpenEmbedded build environment. ``` source poky/oe-init-build-env ``` 3. Add BitBake layers. ``` bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-openembedded/meta-oe bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-openembedded/meta-python bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-intel ``` 4. Set up BitBake configurations. Include extra configuration in the `conf/local.conf` file in your build directory as required. ``` MACHINE = "intel-skylake-64" # Enable building OpenVINO Python API. # This requires meta-python layer to be included in bblayers.conf. PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-openvino-inference-engine = " python3" # This adds OpenVINO related libraries in the target image. CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL:append = " openvino-inference-engine" # This adds OpenVINO samples in the target image. CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL:append = " openvino-inference-engine-samples" # Include OpenVINO Python API package in the target image. CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL:append = " openvino-inference-engine-python3" # Include model conversion API in the target image. CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL:append = " openvino-model-optimizer" ``` ## Step 2: Build a Yocto Image with OpenVINO Packages Run BitBake to build your image with OpenVINO packages. For example, to build the minimal image, run the following command: ``` bitbake core-image-minimal ``` ## Step 3: Verify the Yocto Image Verify that OpenVINO packages were built successfully. Run the following command: ``` oe-pkgdata-util list-pkgs | grep openvino ``` If the image build is successful, it will return the list of packages as below: ``` openvino-inference-engine openvino-inference-engine-dbg openvino-inference-engine-dev openvino-inference-engine-python3 openvino-inference-engine-samples openvino-inference-engine-src openvino-model-optimizer openvino-model-optimizer-dbg openvino-model-optimizer-dev ```