#@TYPE: Machine #@NAME: Freescale B4860QDS-64B #@SOC: b4860 #@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for running B4860QDS in 64-bit mode #@MAINTAINER: Chunrong Guo require conf/machine/include/e6500-64b.inc SOC_FAMILY = "b4:b4860" UBOOT_MACHINES ?= "B4860QDS B4860QDS_SECURE_BOOT" KERNEL_DEVICETREE ?= "b4860qds.dtb b4860qds-usdpaa.dtb" KERNEL_DEFCONFIG ?= "${S}/arch/powerpc/configs/85xx/e6500rev2_defconfig" JFFS2_ERASEBLOCK = "0x10000" SERIAL_CONSOLES = "115200;ttyS0 115200;ttyS1 115200;ttyEHV0" SERIAL_CONSOLES_CHECK = "${SERIAL_CONSOLES}" USE_VT = "0" #required to build u-boot recipe require conf/multilib.conf MULTILIBS = "multilib:lib32" DEFAULTTUNE_virtclass-multilib-lib32 = "powerpc" #required to boot rootfs from RAM IMAGE_FSTYPES += "ext2.gz.u-boot" #removed rootfs image-prelink because some errors #appeared when prelink of the libs was done USER_CLASSES = "buildstats image-mklibs"