FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" SRC_URI_append_sota = " file://" GROUPADD_PARAM_${PN}_append_sota = "; -r render" # systemd uses certain groups unless configured not to (e.g. journal logs are more # broadly available to the 'wheel' group unless told otherwise), while some resources # are using to the 'nobody' group. Configure systemd to: # - not use the 'wheel' group (journal access will be restriced to root user); # - use the proper group for 'nobody', which should have GID 65534 (for NFVA 'nogroup'); EXTRA_OEMESON += " \ -Dwheel-group=false \ -Dnobody-group=nogroup \ " do_configure_prepend_sota() { cp ${WORKDIR}/ ${S}/sysusers.d/ }