IMAGE_FSTYPES += "hddimg" REQUIRE_FILES = " \ images/ \ classes/ \ " REQUIRE_FILES_append_df-efi-secure-boot = " \ classes/ \ images/ \ " require ${REQUIRE_FILES} IMAGE_INSTALL += " \ packagegroup-enea-virtualization-host \ packagegroup-enea-virtualization-4gusb-modems \ " # Set labels for GRUB and SYSLINUX LABELS_LIVE = "installer live-boot" GRUB_GFXSERIAL_x86-64 = "1" # Append default parameters for x86-64 targets APPEND_x86-64 = "quiet" SYSLINUX_DEFAULT_CONSOLE_x86-64 = "console=ttyS0,115200" # Skip menu and boot installer immediately GRUB_TIMEOUT_x86-64 = "0" AUTO_SYSLINUXMENU_x86-64 = "0" # grub-efi-native is needed in recipe-sysroot-native to generate the initial # configuration file for grub DEPENDS_append += " grub-efi-native qemuwrapper-cross" # If building with sota enabled, build the otaimg before the hddimg, because # the hddimg needs it as a base image python __anonymous() { if bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sota', True, False, d): d.appendVarFlag("do_bootimg", "depends", " %s:do_image_ota_ext4" % d.getVar("IMAGE_BASENAME", True)) } # Append OSTree specific parameters to the kernel command line before creating the live image python do_bootimg_prepend () { if bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sota', True, False, d): ostree_osname = d.getVar('OSTREE_OSNAME') checksum = bb.utils.sha256_file(d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE') + "/" + d.getVar('OSTREE_KERNEL')) # The boot tree is identified through a sha256 checksum over the kernel binary ostree_params = " ostree=/ostree/boot.1/" + ostree_osname + "/" + checksum + "/0" d.setVar("APPEND", d.getVar("APPEND") + ostree_params) } # Before building the OSTree image, move DPKG data to /usr/dpkg, because # OSTree does not preserve the contents of /var IMAGE_CMD_ostree_prepend () { mkdir -p usr/dpkg/lib/dpkg if [ "$(ls -A var/lib/dpkg)" ]; then mv var/lib/dpkg/* usr/dpkg/lib/dpkg/ fi }