DESCRIPTION = "OpenStack Block storage service" HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel/python" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=1dece7821bf3fd70fe1309eaa37d52a2" SRCNAME = "cinder" SRC_URI = "git://${SRCNAME}.git;branch=stable/pike \ file://cinder-init \ file://cinder-init.service \ file://cinder-api.service \ file://cinder-backup.service \ file://cinder-scheduler.service \ file://cinder-volume.service \ file://cinder.conf \ file://cinder-volume \ file:// \ file:// \ file:// \ file:// \ " SRCREV = "4fb3a702ba8c3de24c41a6f706597bfa81e60435" PV = "11.1.0+git${SRCPV}" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" inherit setuptools3 systemd useradd identity default_configs hosts monitor USER = "cinder" GROUP = "cinder" USERADD_PACKAGES = "${PN}" GROUPADD_PARAM:${PN} = "--system ${GROUP}" USERADD_PARAM:${PN} = "--system -m -d ${localstatedir}/lib/cinder -s /bin/false -g ${GROUP} ${USER}" CINDER_BACKUP_BACKEND_DRIVER ?= "cinder.backup.drivers.swift" KEYSTONE_HOST="${CONTROLLER_IP}" CINDER_LVM_VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE ?= "2G" CINDER_NFS_VOLUME_SERVERS_DEFAULT = "controller:/etc/cinder/nfs_volumes" CINDER_NFS_VOLUME_SERVERS ?= "${CINDER_NFS_VOLUME_SERVERS_DEFAULT}" CINDER_GLUSTERFS_VOLUME_SERVERS_DEFAULT = "controller:/glusterfs_volumes" CINDER_GLUSTERFS_VOLUME_SERVERS ?= "${CINDER_GLUSTERFS_VOLUME_SERVERS_DEFAULT}" do_install:append() { TEMPLATE_CONF_DIR=${S}${sysconfdir}/${SRCNAME} CINDER_CONF_DIR=${D}${sysconfdir}/${SRCNAME} #Instead of substituting api-paste.ini from the WORKDIR, #move it over to the image's directory and do the substitution there install -d ${CINDER_CONF_DIR} install -o ${USER} -m 664 ${WORKDIR}/cinder.conf ${CINDER_CONF_DIR}/ install -o ${USER} -m 664 ${TEMPLATE_CONF_DIR}/api-paste.ini ${CINDER_CONF_DIR}/ install -o ${USER} -m 664 ${S}/etc/cinder/policy.json ${CINDER_CONF_DIR}/ install -d ${CINDER_CONF_DIR}/drivers install -m 600 ${WORKDIR}/ ${CINDER_CONF_DIR}/drivers/ install -m 600 ${WORKDIR}/ ${CINDER_CONF_DIR}/drivers/ install -m 600 ${WORKDIR}/ ${CINDER_CONF_DIR}/drivers/ install -m 700 ${WORKDIR}/ ${CINDER_CONF_DIR}/ install -d ${D}${localstatedir}/log/${SRCNAME} # Setup the neutron initialization script INIT_FILE=${CINDER_CONF_DIR}/cinder-init install -g ${USER} -m 750 ${WORKDIR}/cinder-init ${INIT_FILE} sed -e "s:%DB_USER%:${DB_USER}:g" -i ${INIT_FILE} sed -e "s:%CINDER_USER%:${USER}:g" -i ${INIT_FILE} sed -e "s:%CINDER_GROUP%:${GROUP}:g" -i ${INIT_FILE} sed -e "s:%CONTROLLER_IP%:${CONTROLLER_IP}:g" -i ${INIT_FILE} sed -e "s:%ADMIN_USER%:${ADMIN_USER}:g" -i ${INIT_FILE} sed -e "s:%ADMIN_PASSWORD%:${ADMIN_PASSWORD}:g" -i ${INIT_FILE} sed -e "s:%ADMIN_ROLE%:${ADMIN_ROLE}:g" -i ${INIT_FILE} sed -e "s:%SYSCONFDIR%:${sysconfdir}:g" -i ${INIT_FILE} sed -e "s:%ROOT_HOME%:${ROOT_HOME}:g" -i ${INIT_FILE} # install systemd service files install -d ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/ for j in cinder-init cinder-api cinder-backup cinder-volume cinder-scheduler; do SERVICE_FILE=${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/$j.service install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/$j.service ${SERVICE_FILE} sed -e "s:%USER%:${USER}:g" -i ${SERVICE_FILE} sed -e "s:%GROUP%:${GROUP}:g" -i ${SERVICE_FILE} sed -e "s:%LOCALSTATEDIR%:${localstatedir}:g" -i ${SERVICE_FILE} sed -e "s:%SYSCONFDIR%:${sysconfdir}:g" -i ${SERVICE_FILE} done # # Per # CONF_FILE="${CINDER_CONF_DIR}/cinder.conf" sed -e "/^\[database\]/aconnection = postgresql+psycopg2://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASSWORD}@${CONTROLLER_IP}/cinder" \ -i ${CONF_FILE} sed -e "/#transport_url =/atransport_url = rabbit://openstack:${ADMIN_PASSWORD}@${CONTROLLER_IP}" -i ${CONF_FILE} sed -e "/#auth_strategy =/aauth_strategy = keystone" -i ${CONF_FILE} str="auth_uri = http://${CONTROLLER_IP}:5000" str="$str\nauth_url = http://${CONTROLLER_IP}:35357" str="$str\nmemcached_servers = ${CONTROLLER_IP}:11211" str="$str\nauth_type = password" str="$str\nproject_domain_name = Default" str="$str\nuser_domain_name = Default" str="$str\nproject_name = service" str="$str\nusername = ${USER}" str="$str\npassword = ${ADMIN_PASSWORD}" sed -e "/^\[keystone_authtoken\].*/a$str" -i ${CONF_FILE} sed -e "/#my_ip =/amy_ip = ${MY_IP}" -i ${CONF_FILE} sed -e "/#lock_path =/alock_path = ${localstatedir}/lib/cinder/tmp" -i ${CONF_FILE} sed -e "/#enabled_backends =/aenabled_backends = nfsdriver" -i ${CONF_FILE} str="[nfsdriver]" str="$str\nvolume_group=nfs-group-1" str="$str\nvolume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.nfs.NfsDriver" str="$str\nvolume_backend_name=Generic_NFS" sed -e "s/\(^\[backend\].*\)/$str\n\1/" -i ${CONF_FILE} # test setup cp -r tools ${CINDER_CONF_DIR} #Create cinder volume group backing file sed 's/%CINDER_LVM_VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE%/${CINDER_LVM_VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE}/g' -i ${D}/etc/cinder/drivers/ mkdir -p ${D}/etc/tgt/conf.d/ echo "include /etc/cinder/data/volumes/*" > ${D}/etc/tgt/conf.d/python-cinder.conf # Create Cinder nfs_share config file with default nfs server echo "${CINDER_NFS_VOLUME_SERVERS}" > ${D}/etc/cinder/nfs_shares sed 's/\s\+/\n/g' -i ${D}/etc/cinder/nfs_shares [ "x${CINDER_NFS_VOLUME_SERVERS}" = "x${CINDER_NFS_VOLUME_SERVERS_DEFAULT}" ] && is_default="1" || is_default="0" sed -e "s:%IS_DEFAULT%:${is_default}:g" -i ${D}/etc/cinder/drivers/ # Create Cinder glusterfs_share config file with default glusterfs server echo "${CINDER_GLUSTERFS_VOLUME_SERVERS}" > ${D}/etc/cinder/glusterfs_shares sed 's/\s\+/\n/g' -i ${D}/etc/cinder/glusterfs_shares [ "x${CINDER_GLUSTERFS_VOLUME_SERVERS}" = "x${CINDER_GLUSTERFS_VOLUME_SERVERS_DEFAULT}" ] && is_default="1" || is_default="0" sed -e "s:%IS_DEFAULT%:${is_default}:g" -i ${D}/etc/cinder/drivers/ } #pkg_postinst_${SRCNAME}-setup () { # if [ -z "$D" ]; then # if [ ! -d /var/log/cinder ]; then # mkdir /var/log/cinder # fi # # sudo -u postgres createdb cinder # cinder-manage db sync # # # Create Cinder nfs_share config file with default nfs server # if [ ! -f /etc/cinder/nfs_shares ]; then # /bin/bash /etc/cinder/drivers/ # fi # # # Create Cinder glusterfs_share config file with default glusterfs server # if [ ! -f /etc/cinder/glusterfs_shares ] && [ -f /usr/sbin/glusterfsd ]; then # /bin/bash /etc/cinder/drivers/ # fi # fi #} PACKAGES += "${SRCNAME}-tests ${SRCNAME} ${SRCNAME}-setup ${SRCNAME}-api ${SRCNAME}-volume ${SRCNAME}-scheduler ${SRCNAME}-backup" ALLOW_EMPTY:${SRCNAME}-setup = "1" ALLOW_EMPTY:${SRCNAME}-backup = "1" ALLOW_EMPTY:${SRCNAME}-scheduler = "1" ALLOW_EMPTY:${SRCNAME}-volume = "1" ALLOW_EMPTY:${SRCNAME}-api = "1" RDEPENDS:${SRCNAME}-tests += " bash python" FILES:${PN} = "${libdir}/* /etc/tgt" FILES:${SRCNAME}-tests = "${sysconfdir}/${SRCNAME}/tools" FILES:${SRCNAME}-api = " \ ${bindir}/cinder-api \ " FILES:${SRCNAME}-volume = " \ ${bindir}/cinder-volume \ " FILES:${SRCNAME}-scheduler = " \ ${bindir}/cinder-scheduler \ " FILES:${SRCNAME}-backup = " \ ${bindir}/cinder-backup \ " FILES:${SRCNAME} = "${bindir}/* \ ${sysconfdir}/${SRCNAME}/* \ ${localstatedir}/* \ ${sysconfdir}/${SRCNAME}/drivers/* \ " DEPENDS += " \ python-pip \ python-pbr \ " # Satisfy 'setup_requires' DEPENDS += " \ python-pbr-native \ " RDEPENDS:${PN} += " \ lvm2 \ python-pbr \ python-babel \ python-decorator \ python-eventlet \ python-greenlet \ python-httplib2 \ python-iso8601 \ python-ipaddress \ python-keystoneauth1 \ python-keystonemiddleware \ python-lxml \ python-oauth2client \ python-oslo.config \ python-oslo.concurrency \ python-oslo.context \ python-oslo.db \ python-oslo.log \ python-oslo.messaging \ python-oslo.middleware \ python-oslo.policy \ python-oslo.privsep \ python-oslo.reports \ python-oslo.rootwrap \ python-oslo.serialization \ python-oslo.service \ python-oslo.utils \ python-oslo.versionedobjects \ python-osprofiler \ python-paramiko \ python-paste \ python-pastedeploy \ python-psutil \ python-pyparsing \ python-barbicanclient \ python-glanceclient \ python-keystoneclient \ python-novaclient \ python-swiftclient \ python-pytz \ python-requests \ python-retrying \ python-routes \ python-taskflow \ python-rtslib-fb \ python-simplejson \ python-six \ python-sqlalchemy \ python-sqlalchemy-migrate \ python-stevedore \ python-suds-jurko \ python-webob \ python-oslo.i18n \ python-oslo.vmware \ python-os-brick \ python-os-win \ python-tooz \ python-google-api-python-client \ python-castellan \ python-cryptography \ " RDEPENDS:${SRCNAME} = " \ ${PN} \ postgresql \ postgresql-client \ python-psycopg2 \ tgt" RDEPENDS:${SRCNAME}-api = "${SRCNAME}" RDEPENDS:${SRCNAME}-volume = "${SRCNAME}" RDEPENDS:${SRCNAME}-scheduler = "${SRCNAME}" RDEPENDS:${SRCNAME}-setup = "postgresql sudo ${SRCNAME} bash" SYSTEMD_PACKAGES = " \ ${SRCNAME}-setup \ ${SRCNAME}-api \ ${SRCNAME}-volume \ ${SRCNAME}-scheduler \ ${SRCNAME}-backup \ " SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${SRCNAME}-setup = "cinder-init.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${SRCNAME}-api = "cinder-api.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${SRCNAME}-volume = "cinder-volume.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${SRCNAME}-scheduler = "cinder-scheduler.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${SRCNAME}-backup = "cinder-backup.service" # Disable until they are configured (via -setup) SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE:${SRCNAME}-api = "disable" SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE:${SRCNAME}-volume = "disable" SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE:${SRCNAME}-scheduler = "disable" SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE:${SRCNAME}-backup = "disable" MONITOR_SERVICE_PACKAGES = "${SRCNAME}" MONITOR_SERVICE_${SRCNAME} = "cinder"