[![Build Status](https://drone.yoedistro.org/api/badges/kraj/meta-clang/status.svg)](https://drone.yoedistro.org/kraj/meta-clang) # meta-clang (a C language family frontend and LLVM compiler backend) This layer provides [clang/llvm](http://clang.llvm.org/) as alternative to your system C/C++ compiler for OpenEmbedded based distributions along with gcc # Getting Started ```shell git clone git://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core.git cd openembedded-core git clone git://github.com/openembedded/bitbake.git git clone git://github.com/kraj/meta-clang.git $ . ./oe-init-build-env ``` Add meta-clang overlay ``` bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-clang ``` Check `conf/bblayers.conf` to see that meta-clang is added to layer mix e.g. # Default Compiler Switch Note that by default gcc will remain the system compiler, however if you wish clang to be the default compiler then set ```shell TOOLCHAIN ?= "clang" ``` in `local.conf`, this would now switch default cross-compiler to be clang you can select clang per recipe too by writing bbappends for them containing ```shell TOOLCHAIN = "clang" ``` # Default C++ Standard Library Switch Note that by default clang libc++ is default C++ standard library, however if you wish to keep GNU libstdc++ to be the default then set ```shell LIBCPLUSPLUS = "" ``` in `local.conf`. You can select libstdc++ per package too by writing bbappends for them containing ```shell LIBCPLUSPLUS_toolchain-clang_pn- = "" ``` # Default Compiler Runtime ( Compiler-rt + libc++ ) By default, clang build from meta-clang uses clang runtime ( compiler-rt + libc++ + libunwind ) out of box However, it is possible to switch to using gcc runtime as default, In order to do that following settings are needed in site configurations e.g. in `local.conf` ```shell TOOLCHAIN ?= "clang" TARGET_CXXFLAGS_remove_toolchain-clang = " --stdlib=libc++" TUNE_CCARGS_remove_toolchain-clang = " --rtlib=compiler-rt --unwindlib=libunwind --stdlib=libc++" ``` # Building Below we build for qemuarm machine as an example ```shell $ MACHINE=qemuarm bitbake core-image-full-cmdline ``` # Running ```shell $ runqemu nographic ``` # Limitations Few components do not build with clang, if you have a component to add to that list simply add it to conf/nonclangable.inc e.g. ```shell TOOLCHAIN_pn- = "gcc" ``` and OE will start using gcc to cross compile that recipe. And if a component does not build with libc++, you can add it to `conf/nonclangable.inc` e.g. ```shell CXX_remove_pn-_toolchain-clang = " -stdlib=libc++ " ``` # Dependencies ```shell URI: git://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core.git branch: master revision: HEAD URI: git://github.com/openembedded/bitbake.git branch: master revision: HEAD ``` # Contributing You are encouraged to follow Github Pull request workflow to share changes and following commit message guidelines are recommended [OE patch guidelines](https://www.openembedded.org/wiki/Commit_Patch_Message_Guidelines) Layer Maintainer: [Khem Raj]()