import //=====USER DEFINED VARIABLES===== def images_to_buid = ['enea-image-'+profile, 'enea-image-'+profile+'-sdk', 'world'] def localGitRoot = '' def publicGitRoot = '' //=====USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS===== def getProfile(){ return 'standard' } def getReleaseLayer(){ releaseLayer = 'meta-el-'+getProfile() return releaseLayer } @NonCPS def getTargets(){ targetList = [] dirList = new File(pwd()+'/manifest_repo/.repo/manifests/') dirList.eachFile { file -> if ( &&!='.git' &&!='common'){targetList.add}} return targetList } def imageBuild(imageType, machine, profile, buildStamp, releaseLayer){ { it-> node{ print 'Starting build for each image type '+imageType print machine print profile print buildStamp print releaseLayer } } } def targetBuild(trg, images_to_buid, profile, buildStamp, releaseLayer){ { target=trg-> node{ //sh 'mkdir ${trg}' dir (trg){ unstash 'eltf_scripts' checkout([$class: 'RepoScm', currentBranch: true, manifestBranch: '$BRANCH_NAME', manifestFile: trg+'/default.xml', //The hardcoded repository should be replaced by a generic name, eg. $GIT_PATH+el_manifests-$PROFILE manifestRepositoryUrl: '', quiet: true, showAllChanges: true, trace: true]) print 'Finished cloning with Repo tool' checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '$BRANCH_NAME']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'poky/'], [$class: 'AuthorInChangelog']], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'a797f854-983e-473e-b221-6d8ebafda16a', url: '']]]) print 'Finished cloing meta-enea-test' pwd() stash includes: 'poky/*', name: trg+'_poky', useDefaultExcludes: false } } def buildImageMap = [:] for (image in images_to_buid){ def imageId = image+'_build' buildImageMap[imageId] = imageBuild(imageId, trg, profile, buildStamp, releaseLayer) } parallel buildImageMap } } //=====ENVIRONMENT SETUP===== /* Defining the first stage of the pipeline. This stage prepares the workspace and the build environment, clones ELTF scripts and stashes them in order to be used on all distrubuted nodes. This stage is also determining needed information like the targets to be built/tested. */ stage 'Environment Setup' node { // Delete workspace content before running any step deleteDir() // Freeze manifest files before running builds print "To add a job to freeze the manifest repositories" // Clone eltf/scripts.git repository checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory',relativeTargetDir: 'eltf_scripts']], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: '']]]) // Stash the ELTF scripts in order to be used on other nodes stash includes: 'eltf_scripts/*', name: 'eltf_scripts', useDefaultExcludes: false // Clone manifest repository in order to determine target list checkout([$class: 'RepoScm', currentBranch: true, destinationDir: 'manifest_repo', manifestBranch: 'master', manifestRepositoryUrl: '', showAllChanges: true, trace: true]) // Parse directory structure in order to determine the target list targetList = getTargets() // Determine needed information like the EL Profile or the release layer to be used later as environment variables profile = getProfile() releaseLayer = getReleaseLayer() buildStamp = env.BUILD_TIMESTAMP print profile print releaseLayer print buildStamp print 'Finished stage Environment Setup' } //=====BUILD===== /* Defining the seond stage of the pipeline, the Build stege This stage defines the threads to be run in parallel for each target, based on the list of targets identified in previous stage. It then runs each thread in parallel. The steps in each thread are defined in the closure retuned by the targetBuild function. When all parallel threads are finished, a message is printed on the console. */ stage 'Build' // Create the build map which defines the build threads def buildTargetMap = [:] for (item in targetList){ def id = item+'_build' buildTargetMap[id] = targetBuild(item, images_to_buid, profile, buildStamp, releaseLayer) } // Run threads for each target in parallel parallel buildTargetMap node { print 'Finished stage Build' } //=====TEST===== stage 'Test' node { print 'Finished stage Test' } stage 'Document' node { print 'Finished stage Document' } stage 'Build Documentation' node { print 'Finished stage Build Documentation' } stage 'Build Release Candidate' node { print 'Finished stage Build RC' } stage 'Publish Release Candidate' node { print 'Finished stage Publish RC' } stage 'Publish official Release' node { print 'Finished stage Publish Release' }