// Defining the closure to be used for building a target def target_build = {machine-> print "This is the build for target $machine" // sh 'mkdir $machine' // dir ('$machine') { // pwd() // unstash 'eltf_scripts' // } } def constructor_function(trg) {{it->print "This is another build for the target $trg"}} node { // Start the fist stage which sets up the pipeline environment stage 'Set up environment' // Cleaning the workspace deleteDir() // The first step is to freeze the manifest repositiries print "To add a job to freeze the manifest repositories" def targets = TARGET_LIST.split(',') for (item in targets) {print item} // Old implementation of the git clone. Changed as it does not support target directory //git url: 'git@git.enea.se:eltf/scripts.git', branch: 'master', relativeTargetDir: 'eltf_scripts' // Clone eltf/scripts.git repository checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'eltf_scripts']], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'git@git.enea.se:eltf/scripts.git']]]) // Stash the ELTF scripts in order to be used on other nodes stash includes: 'eltf_scripts/*', name: 'eltf_scripts', useDefaultExcludes: false // Start the next stages for Build, Test and Document stage 'Build' build_jobs = [:] for (item in targets){build_jobs.put(item, constructor_function(item))} print "I am here" try { parallel build_jobs } catch (java.io.NotSerializableException stupid_error){ 1,1 Top print "Finished parallel step and entered the catch statement" print stupid_error //stage 'Test' print "hello from stage 3" } try { stage 'Document' print "hello from stage 4" stage 'Build Documentation' print "hello from stage 5" stage 'Build Release Candidate' echo "hello...it's me...:)" stage 'Publish Release Candidate' def PUBLISH_RC = input( id: 'PUBLISH_RC', message: 'Publish RC?', ok: 'Yes', parameters: [ [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', defaultValue: 'RC1', description: 'This is the RC number to be published', name: 'RC_NUMBER'], [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', defaultValue: 'EL6_RC2', description: 'This is the tag to be applied in the manifest repo', name: 'RC_TAG'] ]) echo ("The RC number is: "+PUBLISH_RC['RC_NUMBER']) print "hello from stage 5" echo ("The RC number is: "+PUBLISH_RC['RC_NUMBER']) stage 'Pubilsh Official Release' echo ("The RC number is: "+PUBLISH_RC['RC_NUMBER']) } catch (err) { print err } }