Known Problems in This Release The open source projects are continuously working on correcting reported problems. Corrections to bugs detected by Enea are submitted upstream, and the corrections are included in Enea NFV Access regardless of when they will be included by the open source project. Remaining issues are listed below.INFO: The Release-Specific Problems section further down is generated from JIRA with, but that script is HARDCODED with affectedversion "Enea NFV Access 1.0" and needs to be adapted when a release info for another ENFV Access version changes.
Yocto The Yocto Project community uses a Bugzilla database to track information on reported bugs and other issues:
Toolchain / SDK Building the kernel might fail if GNU Make of version 3.82 has been installed on the host. The mandatory recovery action is to revert to version 3.81.INFO It is possible to hide this entire subsection by setting condition hidden on the section element Installing a second toolchain in the same directory as a previous one will break the $PATH variable of the first one.LXCR-3624
Smart Package Manager Installation of some packages might currently fail when installing using the Smart Package Manager. An example is the qemu package. Errors can e.g. be reported by smart about conflicts with files from other packages.INFO It is possible to hide this setting condition hidden on the section element The recommended solution to this problem is to install the failing package using rpm, already available in enea-image-base. In order to install it using rpm, first install rpm using the command smart install rpm, then download the package to the target, and finally on the target use rpm -i <packagename>.rpm. If not installed, several dependencies can be reported as "Failed dependencies" with lines "x is needed by y". In that case, install the required packages "x" found by dependencies by using the smart package manager. Add a channel to an accessible directory containing all missing rpm packages. Add packages detected to be missing, until all dependencies are resolved.FIXME It would be nice to add also a PowerPC example with qemu failing, the example below is for ARM.
Example with Failing QEMU Package As an example, the qemu installation can show the following error.INFO It is possible to hide this setting condition hidden on the section element The example below is for ARM, including the RPM names. For PowerPC similar errors can occur and other packages are needed. error: file /var/run from install of qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64 conflicts with file from package base-files-3.0.14-r89.0.hierofalcon A solution to this problem is to install the above qemu package using rpm, already available in enea-image-base. In order to install it using rpm, first install rpm using the command smart install rpm, then download the above package from <build_dir>/tmp/deploy/rpm/aarch64. On target, use rpm -i qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64.rpm. If not installed, several dependencies can be seen, e.g.: error: Failed dependencies: libpixman-1-0 >= 0.32.6 is needed by qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64 is needed by qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64 is needed by qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64 libcap2 >= 2.22 is needed by qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64 libglib-2.0-0 >= 2.40.0 is needed by qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64 bluez4 >= 4.101 is needed by qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64 is needed by qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64 is needed by qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64 Install the required packages found by dependencies by using the smart package manager, as specified in the User's Guide, by adding a channel to an accessible directory containing all of the above rpm packages. Suggestion for installing required packages, as in the following example for qemu and ARM: smart install bash smart install libcap smart install bluez4 smart install libpixman-1-0 rpm -i qemu-2.1.0+git0+541bbb07eb-r0.0.aarch64.rpm Add packages detected to be missing until all dependencies are resolved.
Target-Side Tools The perf report does not show any output for the PandaBoard target.LXCR-2710 perf top displays for a few seconds the error message Failed to open /tmp/ Any attempt to exit the subsequent window causes the system to hang.LXCR-3113 When running the perf top command on the i.MX 6Quad SABRE Lite target, the console text may become red after running for some time (~ 1 minute).LXCR-3631 The powertop --calibrate command does not work on the Keystone k2hk-evm target.LXCR-2660 The powertop command run with --calibrate or --time arguments may show some warnings on PowerPC targets. If you get an error message like Cannot load from file /var/cache/powertop/saved_results.powertop when running powertop, there is most likely not enough measurement data collected yet. All you have to do is to keep powertop running for a certain time.LXCR-2176, LXCR-2660, LXCR-3106 The message Model-specific registers (MSR) not found (try enabling CONFIG_X86_MSR) appears when you run powertop on non-x86 targets. powertop is mainly an x86n tool, so it expects X*^_MSR config to be enabled in the kernel. For non-x86 targets this config is not available in the kernel, hence, powertop warns about it, but the message can be ignored on those targets. LXCR-2176, LXCR-2660, LXCR-3106 powertop issues a message sh: /usr/bin/xset: No such file or directory when it tries to use xset to configure X display preferences but cannot find the binary since the image by default contains no X system. The message can simply be ignored.LXCR-2176
Virtualization virtualization: CONFIG_BRIDGE is not included in the default p2020rdb kernel.LXVTCR-273 lxc: User namespace is not available on PowerPC targets as it is an experimental feature in the 3.8 kernel. If multiple Linux containers are started from the same process and share resources, destroying the containers might result in a race condition with error message "Error in `./lxc-test-concurrent': double free or corruption (fasttop)" followed by an application crash."LXVTCR-365 libvirt: Default network does not start.LXVTCR-240
Documentation PDF navigation: When using links to open other PDFs, or jump to another place in the same PDF, jumping back sometimes fails. This has been observed when opening a PDF in Adobe Reader, inside a browser with PDF add-on, as well as when the browser is configured to open PDF files in an external PDF reader. As a workaround, open the HTML version of the document.LXCR-3283 Internet Explorer (IE) cannot display some web pages: It is recommended to use Firefox or another non-IE browser for opening external links. If you prefer reading the documentation in PDF format in Adobe Reader (not in an Adobe plug-in in a browser), remember to configure a non-IE browser as default browser to be able to follow all links from within Adobe Reader. Example of a link that does not work in IE: LXCR-3281
Miscellaneous menuconfig requires Ncurses. If the terminal that pops up immediately closes instead of showing the menuconfig interface, check that the Ncurses development library is installed.