System Requirements The host requirements listed below are extensive to allow for the building of Linux images via the Yocto system, and not just applications. Please also see the system requirements in the Yocto 2.7 documents: Yocto Project Start and the Yocto Project Reference Manual. If needed, replace the Yocto version in the links provided with a more recent version. Build host requirements system requirements Linux distribution The downloaded code shall be built on a Linux host to generate images for your target or for emulation in QEMU. For information about the supported hosts and targets, see the Enea Linux Release Information in your Enea Linux distribution. Internet access Internet access must be available when building an image, since bitbake downloads source files from various servers during the build. Packages Depending on the Linux distribution and version on host, some packages may be required, by bitbake for example. You will install any required packages while following the installation instructions. Targets Images can be built or downloaded for any of the targets supported in this release. Disk space Your system should have at least 50 GB of free disk space when bitbaking the basic enea-image-name kernel image. For larger images and to allow for future package extensions and variations in the build process, a minimum of 100 GB free disk space is recommended. Recommended RAM Your system must have at least 4 GB available RAM. It is recommended to have 8 GB RAM available for parallel build jobs. Java Java java is required to run Eclipse. Currently, Eclipse generally recommends at least Java 6 JRE/JDK. More information regarding operating environments for Eclipse is provided in the Eclipse Project Release Notes for the Eclipse version used in this release. See the Enea Linux Release Information for the Eclipse Version. The build time depends on the capacity of the processor and other hardware, available resources, speed of internet connection, load situation, etc. E.g: on a fast 16 core machine with 16 GB RAM and SSD disks, a complete build from source could take about two hours. Target Requirements External memory To boot a CGL CGL image, you need at least 16 GB on a hard-disk drive HDD on an eSATA, USB drive, or SD card.INFO: (packed rootfs 4.5 GB + unpacked rootfs 1.5 GB + good margins)INFO: NFS does not support SELinux. In order to have a security-enhanced Linux, one must take off from an NFS-booted system and proceed with boot from external memory.
System Shell Configuration Before installing Enea Linux, ensure that bash is the default shell. If your system runs Ubuntu, you can use ls -l to ensure /usr/bin is a symbolic link to bash. In case the link points to dash, which is default in some Ubuntu versions, change it to bash by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash and answer No to the question "Use dash as the default system shell (/bin/sh)?": # ls -l /bin/sh lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2012-03-02 11:53 /bin/sh -> bash