Getting Enea Linux Enea Linux is available as both pre-built binary images and source code. Both serve a specific purpose and each have their advantages. However, using the pre-built binary images allows for getting up and running faster. Please refer to the sections below for details on how to get Enea Linux as pre-built binary images or source code.
Getting Pre-Built Binaries Enea Linux pre-built binaries are available for download on Enea Download Portal. Log in using the credentials provided. Using the menu, browse to the Linux section. You will now have access to the Files section and the Online Documentation section. The Files section lists each Enea Linux distribution, one for each version and profile, as a separate download package. Clicking on the name of the distribution will open a new page, which presents further details about the content of the release and a list of downloadable archives, one for each hardware target included in the release. Each archive provides the following content: images directory - this directory includes the binary image files needed to boot the target with Enea Linux. This includes the kernel, the root file system, device tree, etc. sdk directory - this directory includes the installer for the SDK. deb directory - this directory contains all the packages included in the distribution in deb format, which can be installed using the package manager. For faster downloads, each archive is mirrored in several places, geographically. Choose the archive in the region closest to you. The Documentation section lists all the documents delivered with the release.
Getting the Sources Enea Linux sources are available for cloning from a set of Git repositories on Since Enea Linux requires multiple repositories, Google Repo tool is used in order to manage configurations and make the cloning step simpler. Google Repo tool uses files, known as manifests, which store a list of tuples (repository URL, version). The Repo tool is then used to traverse the list of tuples in the manifest file and clone the specified versions of each repository. See for more info.
Get access to In order to get access to, a ssh key is required for Git authentication. If you don't already have such a key, follow the steps below to generate one: Generate the ssh key pair: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa When asked for a password, just press Enter. This will create two files in the .ssh directory in your home directory. id_rsa Copy the public key into an authorized_keys file: $ cat >> authorized_keys Once these steps are done and you have a valid ssh key pair, send the public key,, via email to in order to get access to
Get Sources To use the Repo tool to download the sources for Enea Linux, do the following: Make sure that the repo tool is installed. If not, do the following: Below is include of ID "eltf-getting-repo-install-command" from eltf_params_updated.xml Then use the repo command below: Once the source code is downloaded, the current directory will contain a README file with instructions on how to build the distro and boot the machine you choose. . It's not necessary to explicitly clone the manifest repository since that is done automatically by the repo tool. To see the current manifest, use the following command: $ repo manifest The UG should be updated with instructions on how to add customizations. That section should also contain more info about the manifest: the manifest templates, using a branch instead of the tag EL6, etc. When this is done a reference from here should be added.