Sample Test Cases The test cases specified in this chapter are implemented as a Sample Test Suite included in the TH.
VNF, Device and Network Smoke Test Cases The following is an automated test suite that acts as basic smoke tests for Enea NFV Access, and as a sanity-check test suite for the AF and TH.
VNF - Onboard a VNF Image Description: Onboarding a VNF Image into the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/onboardVNFImage.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/vnf/ Preconditions: Add the VNF Image in the vnf_image folder in the QCOW2 format: <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_image/<VNF-Image-name>.qcow2 A VNF Image JSON configuration file is created: <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/<VNF-Descriptor-name>/<VNF-Descriptor-name>.jsonExample:<AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/fortigateImage/fortigateImage.json Action: Run the onboardVNFImage.yml Ansible Playbook with the <VNF-Image-name> and the <VNF-Descriptor-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/onboardVNFImage.yml -e "vnfb=<VNF-Image-name> \ vnfd=<VNF-Descriptor-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness:# Onboard VNF Image task result <VNF-Descriptor-name> successfully onboarded!Note: The test will not fail if the VNF Image is already onboarded. The output will instead contain: # debug <VNF-Descriptor-name> already onboarded!
VNF - Offboard a VNF Description: Removing a VNF Descriptor from the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/offboardVNF.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/vnf/ Precondition: The VNF has been previously onboarded in the uCPE Manager instance. Action: Run the offboardVNF.yml Ansible Playbook with the <VNF-Descriptor-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/offboardVNF.yml -e "vnfd=<VNF-Descriptor-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Remove Descriptor task result <VNF-Descriptor-name> was removed!Note: The test will not fail if the VNF Descriptor does not exist. The output will instead contain: # debug No Descriptor with name <VNF-Descriptor-name>!
Device - Add a device Description: Adding a uCPE device to the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/addDevice.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/device/ Precondition: A device JSON configuration file must be created: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<Device-name>.json Example: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/intelc3850-2/intelc3850-2.json Action: Run the addDevice.yml Ansible playbook with the <Device-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/addDevice.yml -e "device=<Device-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Add Device task result <Device-name> device was added!Note: The test will not fail if the device already exists. The output will instead contain: # debug <Device-name> device already exists!
Device - Upload a NFV Access image Description: Upload a NFV Access image file onto the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/uploadImage.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/device/ Precondition: The image path must already exist. Action: Run the uploadImage.yml Ansible playbook with the <Image-path> and <Upgrade-type> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/deleteUpgradeFile.yml -e \ image_path="<Image-path>" -e upgrade_type="<Upgrade-type>" Example: ansible-playbook playbooks/uploadImage.yml -e \ image_path="/tmp/enea-nfv-access-xeon-d6.rootfs.ostree.tar.bz2" -e \ upgrade_type="xeon_d" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: TASK [Upload NFVA image -- Run module from automation_framework] localhost : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0Note: The test will fail if the image file has already been uploaded. TASK [Upload NFVA image -- Run module from automation_framework] ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 # debug A file with the same name is already uploaded.
Device - Delete Upgraded File Description: Deleting an uploaded NFV Access image file from the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/deleteUpgradeFile.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/device/ Preconditions: The image file must already be uploaded onto the uCPE Manager. Action: Run the deleteUpgradeFile.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Image-name> as extra-vars:ansible-playbook playbooks/deleteUpgradeFile.yml -e \ image_name="<Image-name>" Example: ansible-playbook playbooks/deleteUpgradeFile.yml -e \ image_name="enea-nfv-access-xeon-d.rootfs.ostree.tar.bz2" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness:TASK [Remove NFVA image -- Run module from automation_framework] localhost : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 Note: The test will fail if the image file does not exist: TASK [Remove NFVA image -- Run module from automation_framework] ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 # debug No oid found for '<image_name>' image name
Device - Clear information about upgrades of uCPE devices Description: Clear information about upgrades of uCPE devices. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/clearCompletedUpgradesInfo.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/device/ Preconditions: No preconditions needed. Action: Run the clearCompletedUpgradesInfo.yml Ansible Playbook:ansible-playbook playbooks/clearCompletedUpgradesInfo.yml Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness:TASK [Clear completed info about upgrading -- Run \ module from automation framework]] localhost : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
Device - Install and Activate a NFV Access image Description: Installing and Activating a NFV Access image on a uCPE device from the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/installAndActivate.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/device/ Preconditions: The device must be previously added to the uCPE Manager instance. The image file must already be uploaded onto the uCPE Manager. Action: Run the installAndActivate.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Image-name>, <Upgrade-type>, and the <Device-name> as extra-vars:ansible-playbook playbooks/installAndActivate.yml -e \ image_name="<Image_name>" -e upgrade_type="<Upgrade_type>" -e \ device="<Device-name>" Example: ansible-playbook playbooks/installAndActivate.yml -e \ image_name="enea-nfv-access-xeon-d6.rootfs.ostree.tar.bz2" -e \ upgrade_type=xeon_d -e device=inteld1521-16" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness:TASK \ [Install And Activate -- Run module from automation_framework] localhost : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 Note: The test will fail if the image has already been installed on the uCPE device:TASK \ [Install And Activate -- Run module from automation_framework] ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 # debug Duplicate entry - Release already installed
Device - Upload, Install and Activate a NFV Access image on a uCPE device Description: Upload, install and activate a NFV Access image on a uCPE device from the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/installNFVAImage.yml The playbook imports the previously described playbooks: playbook/uploadImage.yml playbook/installAndActivate.yml playbook/deleteUpgradeFile.yml playbook/clearCompletedUpgradesInfo.yml Preconditions: The device has to be previously added to the uCPE Manager instance. A device JSON configuration file must be created: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<Device-name>.json Action: Run the installNFVAImage.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Image-path>, <Image-name>, <Upgrade-type>, and the <Device-name> as extra-vars:ansible-playbook playbooks/installNFVAImage.yml -e \ device="<Device-name>" -e image_path="<Image-path>" -e \ image_name="<Image-name>" -e upgrade_type="<Upgrade-type>" Example: ansible-playbook playbooks/installNFVAImage.yml -e \ device="inteld1521-16" -e \ image_path=/tmp/enea-nfv-access-xeon-d5.rootfs.ostree.tar.bz2 -e \ image_name=enea-nfv-access-xeon-d5.rootfs.ostree.tar.bz2 -e \ upgrade_type=xeon_d Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness:localhost : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 Note: The test will fail if the one imported playbook fails:ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1
Device - Wait a Device Description: Wait for a uCPE device to connect to the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/waitDeviceUp.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/device/ Preconditions: The device has to be previously added to the uCPE Manager instance. The device JSON configuration file must exist: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<Device-name>.json Action: Run the waitDeviceUp.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/waitDeviceUp.yml -e "device=<Device-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness:# Wait Device task result <Device-name> device is connected! Note: The test will fail if the device does not exist or it is not connected.
Device - Remove a Device Description: Removing a uCPE device from the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/removeDevice.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/device/ Preconditions: The device has to be previously added to the uCPE Manager instance. The device JSON configuration file must exist: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<Device-name>.json Action: Run the removeDevice.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/removeDevice.yml -e "device=<Device-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness:# Remove Device task result <Device-name> device was removed! Note: The test will not fail if the device does not exist. The output will contain: # debug <Device-name> device was not found!
Network - Bind a NIC Description: Binding a physical network interface (NIC) to a device. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/bindNIC.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/network/ Preconditions: A device must have been previously added and connected to the uCPE Manager instance. A NIC JSON configuration file must exist: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<NIC>.json Example: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/intelc3850-2/wan_nic.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/intelc3850-2/lan_nic.json Action: Run the bindNIC.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> and <NIC> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/bindNIC.yml -e "device=<Device-name> nic=<NIC>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness:# Bind NIC task result <NIC> binded successfully! Note: The test will not fail if the NIC is already bound, it will be unbound and bound again with the provided configuration.
Network - Unbind a NIC Description: Unbinding a physical network interface (NIC) from a device. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/unbindNIC.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/network/ Preconditions: A NIC is bound to a device in a uCPE Manager instance. A NIC JSON configuration file exists: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<NIC>.json Action: Run the unbindNIC.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> and <NIC> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/unbindNIC.yml -e "device=<Device-name> nic=<NIC>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Unbind NIC task result <NIC> unbinded! Note: The test will not fail if the NIC is not bound. The output will instead contain:# debug <NIC> is not binded!
Network - Create a Bridge Description: Creating an OVS network bridge on a uCPE device. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/addBridge.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/network/ Preconditions: A NIC is bound to a device in a uCPE Manager instance. A Bridge JSON configuration file exists:<AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<Bridge-name>.json Example:<AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/intelc3850-2/wan_br.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/intelc3850-2/lan_br.json Action: Run the addBridge.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> and the <Bridge-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/addBridge.yml -e "device=<Device-name> bridge=<Bridge-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Add Bridge task result <Bridge-name> network bridge was added!Note: The test will not fail if there already exists a bridge with the same name. It will be deleted and the bridge will be created again with the provided configuration.
Network - Remove a Bridge Description: Removing an OVS network bridge from a uCPE device. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/deleteBridge.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/network/ Preconditions: A Bridge exists for a device in a uCPE Manager instance. A Bridge JSON configuration file exists: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<Bridge-name>.json Action: Run the deleteBridge.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> and the <Bridge-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/deleteBridge.yml -e "device=<Device-name> \ bridge=<Bridge-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Delete Bridge task result <Bridge-name> network bridge was deleted!Note: The test will not fail if the bridge does not exist: # debug <Bridge-name> bridge not found!
Network - Configure a DPDK Description: Enabling or Disabling the DPDK support in OVS. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/configDPDK.yml. <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/network/ Precondition: A device must have been previously added and connected to the uCPE Manager instance. Action: Run the configDPDK.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> and <enable/disable> as extra-vars:ansible-playbook playbooks/configDPDK.yml -e "device=<Device-name> \ state=<enable/disable>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Configure DPDK task result DEBUG: Set DPDK state to <enable/disable>Note: DPDK use cannot be disabled if DPDK interfaces are configured. The task will fail in this case.
Custom Scripts - Upload a Custom Script to the uCPE Manager Description: Upload a Custom Script to the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/uploadCustomScript.yml. <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/customScripts/ Precondition: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/customScripts must contain a Custom Script file. Action: Run the uploadCustomScript.yml Ansible Playbook with the <scriptName> and <phase> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/uploadCustomScript.yml -e "scriptName=<scriptName> \ phase= <always-after-startup|once-after-startup|always-before-startup|once-before-startup>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Upload Custom Script task result DEBUG: "{{ scriptName }} was uploaded to uCPE Manager!"
Custom Scripts - Upload a Custom Script from the uCPE Manager to a Device Description: Upload a Custom Script from the uCPE Manager to a Device. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/uploadCustomScriptOnDevice.yml. <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/customScripts/ Preconditions: A device must have been previously added and connected to the uCPE Manager instance. A Custom Script must have been previously added to the uCPE Manager instance. Action: Run the uploadCustomScriptOnDevice.yml Ansible Playbook with the <scriptName>, <phase> and <deviceName> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/uploadCustomScriptOnDevice.yml -e "scriptName=<scriptName> \ phase= <always-after-startup|once-after-startup|always-before-startup|once-before-startup> \ device=<deviceName>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Upload Custom Script on Device task result DEBUG: "{{ scriptName }} was uploaded to {{ device }}!"
Custom Scripts - Remove a Custom Script from the uCPE Manager Description: Remove a Custom Script from the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/removeCustomScript.yml. <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/customScripts/ Precondition: A Custom Script must have been previously added to the uCPE Manager. Action: Run the removeCustomScript.yml Ansible Playbook with the <scriptName> and <phase> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/removeCustomScript.yml -e "scriptName=<scriptName> \ phase= <always-after-startup|once-after-startup|always-before-startup|once-before-startup>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Remove Custom Script in phase from uCPE Manager task result DEBUG: "{{ scriptName }} from phase {{ phase }} was removed from uCPE Manager!"
Custom Scripts - Remove a Custom Script from a Device Description: Remove a Custom Script from a Device. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/removeCustomScriptOnDevice.yml. <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/customScripts/ Preconditions: A device must have been previously added and connected to the uCPE Manager instance. A Custom Script must have been previously added to the Device. Action: Run the removeCustomScriptOnDevice.yml Ansible Playbook with the <scriptName>, <phase> and <deviceName> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/removeCustomScriptOnDevice.yml -e "scriptName=<scriptName> \ phase= <always-after-startup|once-after-startup|always-before-startup|once-before-startup> \ device=<deviceName>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Remove Custom Script in phase from Device task result DEBUG: "{{ scriptName }} from phase {{ phase }} was removed from {{ device }}!"
Offline Configuration - Add an Offline Configuration Store Description: Adding an Offline Config Store to the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/addConfigStore.yml. <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/device/ Precondition: The Offline Configuration Store should not already exist on the uCPE Manager. If it exists, the test will report a duplicate. Action: Run the addConfigStore.yml Ansible Playbook with the <device-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/addConfigStore.yml -e \ "device=<device-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Add Config Store task result ********************************************************** ********************************** * localhost - changed=False -------------------------------------------------- Config store for intelc3850-2 device was added!
Offline Configuration - Remove an Offline Configuration Store Description: Removing an Offline Config Store from the uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/removeConfigStore.yml. <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/device/ Precondition: The Offline Configuration Store the user wishes to remove should exist in the uCPE Manager. If it does not, the test will say so. Action: Run the removeConfigStore.yml Ansible Playbook with the <store-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/removeConfigStore.yml -e \ "store=<store-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Remove Config Store task result ********************************** ******************************************************* * localhost - changed=False -- intelc3850-2 config store was removed! ---------
Offline Configuration - Add a network bridge to an Offline Configuration Store Description: Adding a network bridge to an Offline Config Store in uCPE Manager. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/addOfflineBridge.yml. <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/network/ Precondition: The Offline Configuration Store should exist in the uCPE Manager. If it does not, the test will say so. Action: Run the addOfflineBridge.yml Ansible Playbook with the <device-name>, <store-name> and <bridge-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/addOfflineBridge.yml -e \ "device=<device-name> store=<store-name> bridge=<bridge-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # debug ************************************************************* ****************************************************** * localhost - changed=False -------------------------------------------------- lan_br bridge already exists --- will be deleted to create it with the provided configuration .. # Add Bridge task result ******************************************** ****************************************************** * localhost - changed=False -- lan_br network bridge was added! ------------ Note: if the bridge exists, it will be removed and then re-added, as the output above shows.
Offline Configuration - Configure a DPDK Description: Adding an "enable" or "disable" DPDK state to an Offline Config Store. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/configOfflineDPDK.yml. <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/network/ Precondition: An empty Offline Configuration Store should exist in uCPE Manager. Action: Run the configOfflineDPDK.yml Ansible Playbook with the <store-name> and <enable/disable> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/configOfflineDPDK.yml -e \ "store=<store-name> state=<enable/disable>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: DEBUG: Set DPDK state to disable INFO: Done Note: the DPDK state cannot be changed. Recreate the Offline Config Store and set the DPDK again if you want to change the state.
VNF Deployment and Lifecycle The following details the automated suite that handles the testing of the instantiation, lifecycle and destruction of a VNF for Enea NFV Access.
Instantiating a VNFI Description: Creating a VNF instance on a uCPE device. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/instantiateVNFI.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/vnf/ Preconditions: A VNF Image is onboarded and a device is added and connected to the uCPE Manager. Depending on the VNF, other steps may be required. A VNFI JSON configuration file exists: <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/<VNF-Descriptor-name>/<VNFI-name>.json Example: <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/fortigateImage/fortigateFWInstance.json Action: Run the instantiateVNFI.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name>, <VNF-Descriptor-name> and the <VNFI-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/instantiateVNFI.yml -e "device=<Device-name> \ vnfd=<VNF-Descriptor-name> vnfi=<VNFI-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Instantiate VNF task result <VNFI-name> was instantiated!Note: The test will not fail if the VNF instance already exists. The output will instead contain: # debug <VNFI-name> already exists!
Controlling a VNFI Description: Changing the status of a VNF instance (Pause, Resume, Stop, Start). For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/controlVNFI.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/vnf/ Precondition: A VNF is instantiated on a uCPE device. Action: Run the controlVNFI.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name>, <VNFI-name> and the <Command> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/controlVNFI.yml -e "device=<Device-name> \ vnfi=<VNFI-name> status=<pause|resume|start|stop>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Change VNFI Status task result <VNFI-name> status was set to <Command>Note: The test will not fail if the VNF instance does not exist or if the specified command is not valid. Depending on the case, the output will contain: # debug <VNFI-name> was not found!or# debug Invalid VNF Instance control command specified - <Command>
Destroying a VNFI Description: Destroying a VNF instance from a uCPE device. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/destroyVNFI.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/vnf/ Precondition: A VNF is instantiated on a uCPE device. Action: Run the destroyVNFI.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> and the <VNFI-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/destroyVNFI.yml -e "device=<Device-name> \ vnfi=<VNFI-name>"Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness:# Destroy VNFI task result <VNFI-name> was destroyed!Note: The test will not fail if the VNF instance does not exist. The output will instead contain: # debug <VNFI-name> was not found!
Service Creation and Lifecycle This test suite contains more complex test cases designed to verify service creation and service lifecycle management. These test cases also serve as examples of how different services can be deployed using the Automation Framework (AF) and the Test Harness (TH).
Fortigate VNF as a Firewall This test case was implemented in two different ways to exemplify both methods supported by the AF and TH to deploy such services. Prerequisites needed in order to deploy the FortiGate VNF as a Firewall: Add a uCPE device. Wait for the uCPE device to be connected in the Enea uCPE Manager. Onboard the FortiGate VNF Image. Bind 2 physical interfaces: wan_nic (this physical interface has to be connected to the Lab Network) and lan_nic. Create 2 bridges: wan_br (using the wan_nic interface) and lan_br (using the lan_nic interface). Instantiate the FortiGate VNF using the basic Firewall configuration provided with your Enea NFV Access Release, and the Fortigate License file. Please contact the local Fortinet sales representatives in your region to get the Fortigate License file. For more information please refer to section FortiGate VNF as a Firewall in the Manual.
FortigateFWInstance Test Description: Instantiate the FortiGate VNF as a Firewall and test it using an isolated network namespace. This example was implemented with the "Test Harness" method, based on Ansible Playbooks. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/fortigateFWService/instantiateFortigateFW.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/fortigateFWService/testFortigateFWInstance.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/fortigateFWService/cleanupTestFortigateFWInstance.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/fortigateFWService/cleanupFortigateFWInstance.yml Preconditions: A device must have been previously added and connected to the uCPE Manager instance. Add the Fortigate VNF Image (fortios.qcow2) to the <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_image folder. The device JSON configuration file is created: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<Device-name>.json. Add device settings in the hosts Ansible inventory file under [fortigateFW] and remove the intelc3850-2 example. Example: intelc3850-2 ansible_host= ansible_port=22 \ ansible_user=root ansible_pass=root NIC JSON configuration files are created: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/wan_nic.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/lan_nic.json Bridge JSON configuration files are created: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/wan_br.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/lan_br.json Download the FortiGate VNF Firewall basic configuration file from Enea, copy it into the <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/fortigateImage directory and rename it to fortigateFW.conf. Retrieve the FortiGate VNF license file from Fortinet or Enea, copy it into the <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/fortigateImage directory and rename it to fortigateLicense.lic. For more information please refer to section FortiGate VNF as a Firewall in the Manual. Action: Run the instantiateFortigateFW.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> as extra-vars:ansible-playbook playbooks/fortigateFWService/instantiateFortigateFW.yml \ -e "device=<Device-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # Test FortigateFWInstance task result FortigateFWInstance tested successfully! Cleanup: Run the cleanupFortigateFWInstance.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/fortigateFWService/cleanupFortigateFWInstance.yml \ -e "device=<Device-name>"
DeployFortigateFW Scenario Description: Deploy the Fortigate VNF as a Firewall. This example was implemented with the "Automation Framework" method, based on the Python module. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/unittestSuiteTest/deployFortigateFWScenario.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/unittestSuiteTest/cleanupFortigateFWScenario.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/automation_framework/unittestSuite directory. Preconditions: A device must have been previously added and connected to the uCPE Manager instance. Add the FortiGate VNF Image (fortios.qcow2) to the <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_image folder. The device JSON configuration file is created: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<Device-name>.json. The NIC JSON configuration files are created: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/wan_nic.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/lan_nic.json The Bridge JSON configuration files are created: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/wan_br.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/lan_br.json Download the FortiGate VNF Firewall basic configuration from Enea, copy it into the <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/fortigateImage directory and rename it to fortigateFW.conf. Retrieve the FortiGate VNF license file from Fortinet or Enea, copy it into the <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/fortigateImage directory and rename it to fortigateLicense.lic. For more details, please refer to: Section FortiGate VNF as a Firewall in the Manual. Section Python Unit-Test Suite in . Action: Run the deployFortigateFWScenario.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/unittestSuiteTest/deployFortigateFWScenario.yml \ -e "device=<Device-name>" Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # unittestSuite Deploy Test task result FortigateFW Scenario deployed successfully! Cleanup: Run the cleanupFortigateFWScenario.yml Ansible Playbook with the <Device-name> as extra-vars: ansible-playbook playbooks/unittestSuiteTest/cleanupFortigateFWScenario.yml \ -e "device=<Device-name>"
chainedVNFsService Description: This sample test case corresponds to the "VNF Chaining Example Use-case" from the Enea NFV Access Example Use-cases manual. For details please refer to: <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/chainedVNFsService/chainedVNFsService.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/chainedVNFsService/testChainedVNFsService.yml <AF-TH-install-dir>/playbooks/chainedVNFsService/cleanupChainedVNFsService.yml Preconditions: Two devices must have been previously added and connected to the uCPE Manager instance. Add the Fortigate VNF Image (fortios.qcow2) to the vnf_image folder. Add the Juniper vSRX VNF Image (juniper.qcow2) to the vnf_image folder. The device JSON configuration file(s) is created, e.g.: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/<Device-name>.json. Add device settings in the hosts Ansible inventory file under [chainedVNFs]. Keep both devices, the "site1" and "site2" entries, and update the values for ansible_host, ansible_port, ansible_user and ansible_pass, as applicable. Example: site1 ansible_host= ansible_port=22 ansible_user=root \ ansible_pass=root site2 ansible_host= ansible_port=22 ansible_user=root \ ansible_pass=root NIC JSON configuration files are created for each of the devices, where mgmt_nic is connected to the DHCP from the Lab Network and wan_nic is connected back to back to the other device: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/mgmt_nic.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/wan_nic.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/lan_nic.json Bridge JSON configuration files are created for each of the devices: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/vnf_mgmt_br.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/sfc_br.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/wan_br.json <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/<Device-name>/lan_br.json Note that sample configuration files needed for devices' NICs and bridges can be found in: <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/inteld1521-1 and <AF-TH-install-dir>/lab_config/inteld1521-2. Retrieve the FortiGate VNF Firewall basic configuration files from Enea (FortiFW-Site1.conf and FortiFW-Site2.conf), and copy them into the <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/fortigateFWImage directory. Retrieve the FortiGate VNF license file from Fortinet or Enea, copy it into the <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/fortigateFWImage directory and rename it to fortigateLicense.lic. Retrieve the Juniper vSRX basic configuration files from Enea (vSRX-Site1.iso and vSRX-Site2.iso), and copy them into the <AF-TH-install-dir>/vnf_config/junipervSRXImage directory. Retrieve the vSRX-domain-update-script from Enea and copy it into the junipervSRXImage directory. Please refer to the Chapter concerning the VNF Chaining Example Use-case in the manual for additional information about preconditions. Action: Run the chainedVNFsService.yml Ansible Playbook as follows:ansible-playbook playbooks/chainedVNFsService/chainedVNFsService.yml \ -e "site1=inteld1521-1 site2=inteld1521-2 arch=XeonD" Note that "arch" may either be { XeonD | AtomC } depending on the target set chosen. Result: Output of the test case run using the Test Harness: # testChainedVNFsService task result ****************************************************************************** * site1 - changed=False ---------------------------------------------- ---- <site1_lan-ip> ---> <site2_lan-ip> LAN-to-LAN connectivity (through VPN tunnel)tested successfully! Cleanup: Run the cleanupChainedVNFsService.yml Ansible Playbook as follows: ansible-playbook playbooks/chainedVNFsService/cleanupChainedVNFsService.yml \ -e "site1=inteld1521-1 site2=inteld1521-2 arch=XeonD"