Clavister VNF Example Use-cases The Clavister VNF is a telco-ready, carrier-grade virtual next generation firewall.
Clavister VNF using an Open vSwitch Bridge In this use-case, uCPE device 1 runs the Clavister VNF, while uCPE device 2 runs two Enea Test VNFs with iPerf client and server applications. The uCPE devices are connected using OVS-DPDK bridges.
Prerequisites Two uCPE devices will be required for this setup. The system requirements for each uCPE device are: 1 Network Interface 2 GB of RAM memory The following files are needed for this example use-case: Enea Test VNF image. Please contact Enea to get this image. Clavister VNF image. Please contact Clavister to get this image. VNF Configuration files. These files are provided with your Enea NFV Access release: clavister-cloudinit.conf. enea-vnf-iperf-client.conf. enea-vnf-iperf-server.conf.
Use-case Setup In this use-case, uCPE device 1 runs the Clavister VNF, while uCPE device 2 runs two Enea Test VNFs with iPerf client and server applications. The uCPE devices are connected using OVS-DPDK bridges.
Clavister VNF using an Open vSwitch bridge
When connecting, the uCPE devices can use a back-to-back or a VPN connection. An appropriate interface with the required capabilities needs to be chosen for this purpose. Network Configuration: Select uCPE device 1, access Configuration, add the network interface that will be used and configure it for DPDK. Create an OVS bridge and attach the DPDK network interface. Repeat the steps above for uCPE device 2. Onboarding the VNFs: Onboard the Clavister VNF by filling the required fields with the following values: VM Image File: Provide the path to the Clavister VNF qcow2 image Memory in MB: 1024 Num of CPUs: 4 Storage in GB: 20 Interfaces: Add 2 interfaces Cloud-init Datasource: ConfigDrive Cloud-init Disk Type: disk Onboard the Enea Test VNF by filling the required fields with the following values: VM Image File: Provide the path to the Enea Test VNF qcow2 image Memory in MB: 2048 Num of CPUs: 2 Storage in GB: 10 Interfaces: Add 1 interface Cloud-init Datasource: NoCloud Cloud-init Disk Type: disk Instantiating the VNFs: Instantiate the Clavister VNF on uCPE device 1 using the required fields below: Name: clavister VNF Type: Select Clavister VNF uCPE Device: Select uCPE device 1 Cloud Init File: Provide the path to the Clavister cloud-init file. Interfaces: Set the interface type to DPDK and select the OVS bridge created above, for both interfaces. Instantiate the Enea iPerf server VNF on uCPE device 2 by filling the required fields with the values below: Name: iperf_server VNF Type: Select Enea Test VNF uCPE Device: Select uCPE device 2 Cloud Init File: Provide the path to the Enea VNF IPerf server cloud-init file. Interfaces: Set the interface type to DPDK and select the OVS bridge created above. Instantiate the Enea iPerf client VNF on uCPE device 2 by filling the required fields with the values below: Name: iperf_client VNF Type: Select Enea Test VNF uCPE Device: Select uCPE device 2 Cloud Init File: Provide the path to the Enea VNF iPerf client cloud-init file. Interfaces: Set the interface type to DPDK and select the OVS bridge created above.
Testing the Use-case SSH to uCPE device 2 (Username: root) and connect to the IPerf client VNF console: virsh list virsh console <id of iperf client> In order to check that traffic is forwarded between the VNFs, run the following: # qemux86-64 login: root root@qemux86-64:~# iperf3 -c
Clavister VNF using SR-IOV
Prerequisites Two uCPE devices will be required for this setup. The system requirements for each uCPE device are: 1 Network Interface 2 GB of RAM memory The following files are needed for this example use-case: Enea Test VNF image. Please contact Enea to get this image. Clavister VNF image. Please contact Clavister to get this image. VNF Configuration files. These files are provided with your Enea NFV Access release: clavister-cloudinit.conf. enea-vnf-iperf-client.conf. enea-vnf-iperf-server.conf.
Use-case Setup The following use-case is essentially the same as the one detailed above, in this scenario however, the uCPE devices are connected using SR-IOV, with two virtual functions.
Clavister VNF using SR-IOV
Network Configuration: Select uCPE device 1, access Configuration, add the network interface that will be used and configure it for SR-IOV. For sriov-mode select adapter-pool and for sriov-num-vfs select "2". Repeat the step above for uCPE device 2. Onboarding the VNFs: See the onboarding parameters in the use-case above. Instantiating the VNFs: Use the same instantiation parameters as above, but select interface type SrIovAdapterPool instead.
Testing the Use-case Use the same test instructions as detailed in the use-case above.