Overview This document describes the Automation Framework and Test Harness for the Enea NFV Access, along with providing instructions regarding the necessary steps to run these software tools.
Description The Automation Framework provides a way for driving configuration with Python scripting. It complements the Enea uCPE Manager GUI and uses the northbound REST APIs, given for full availability of the Enea uCPE Manager features. The Test Harness is based on running Ansible Playbooks to complete different test cases, which make use of the Automation Framework Python modules and/or direct commands on the uCPE devices running Enea NFV Access Run Time Platform.
Definitions and Acronyms Definitions Component Description Enea NFV Access Enea NFV Access (with ODM) Runtime Platform and Enea uCPE Manager.
Acronyms Component Description AF Automation Framework for Enea NFV Access. API Application Programming Interface. DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. DPDK Data Plane Development Kit. FTP File Transfer Protocol. GUI Graphical User Interface. IP Internet Protocol. JSON JavaScript Object Notation. NIC Network Interface Card. NETCONF Network Configuration Protocol. NFV Network Functions Virtualization. ODM Enea Element On Device Management. OVS Open vSwitch. REST Representational State Transfer. SR-IOV Single Root Input/Output Virtualization. SSH Secure Shell. TH Test Harness for Enea NFV Access. uCPE Manager Enea Universal Customer Premises Equipment Manager. VCPE Virtual Customer Premises Equipment VNF Virtualized Network Function