Components An overview of the Enea NFV Access Run Time Platform and the uCPE Manager in cooperation with the Automation Framework and Test Harness, will be presented in detail.
Component Overview
Enea NFV Access Enea NFV Access is comprised of the Enea uCPE Manager and the Enea NFV Access Run Time Platform.
Enea uCPE Manager The Enea uCPE Manager application needs to be installed on a supported platform. Upon installation, the system will be set up to manage Enea NFV Access "devices", these are the virtualized CPE devices used in testing. For more on Enea uCPE Manager installation instructions, please refer to the section on how to Install the Enea uCPE Manager in .
Enea NFV Access Run Time Platform One or more uCPE devices running the Enea NFV Access Run Time Platform are required as hosts to run the VNF(s). The uCPE device is known to the uCPE Manager as the "VcpeAgent" device module. Before running any use case with the Automation Framework or the Test Harness, make sure the uCPE device(s) have been added to the uCPE Manager, as needed. Adding a VcpeAgent device can be done via two methods: Through the uCPE Manager GUI. Add the device using the appropriate parameters by launching the UI under Devices -> Manage in the main screen. REST API. Invoke the uCPE Manager REST API to add a device. For more on Enea NFV Access installation instructions, please refer to chapter Getting Started with Enea NFV Access in .
Automation Framework Testing can be performed by running the available Python scripts against the uCPE Manager REST API (Python samples supplied). This can be done by using the Python scripts individually or by using the Python unit-test suite that is able to automatically run test-cases defined for each available Python script. In either case, it is desirable to use a different host (instead of running the tests on the same system as the uCPE Manager) in order to ensure that the uCPE Manager is setup and installed correctly in terms of allowing external users to access it and use it effectively.
Test Harness The Test Harness (TH) provides a way for driving configuration with Ansible Playbooks, by running the python modules from the Automation Framework (AF) and by direct connection over SSH to the boards that run Enea NFV Access. The Test Harness includes an automated test suite that contains: VNF, Device and Network Smoke Test Cases. A sample test suite that acts as basic smoke tests for Enea NFV Access and also as a sanity-check test suite for the AF and TH. VNF Deployment and Lifecycle. A sample test suite that verifies the instantiation, lifecycle control and destruction of a VNF for Enea NFV Access. Service Creation and Lifecycle. A sample test suite that contains complex test cases showcasing service creation and lifecycle management. For details about the test suites or test cases please refer to chapter Sample Test Cases in . this olink needs to be fixed it points to getting started not the test spec manual, an olinkdb update is needed to know why.