# Makefile including this should first set nondefault BRANCH_DOCENEACOMMON before including it # and should have targets init: s_docbuild and optional initcommon: s_doceneacommon # Typically let doc: depend on init and initcommon inside Makefile # Manually optionally set GLOBALTMPCLONEROOT to yes or to a parent dir for tmpcommon # This init.mk file ver R1.00/2016-04-29 ifeq ($(VERBOSE),yes) VERB := else VERB := @ endif #Git repositories to be cloned REPO_DOCBUILD := build/docbuild.git NAME_DOCBUILD := docbuild REPO_DOCENEACOMMON := linux/documentation.git NAME_DOCENEACOMMON := doceneacommon # Set nondefault BRANCH_DOCENEACOMMON in Makefile BRANCH_DOCENEACOMMON ?= master-enea # Separate clones of documentation.git with different branches, needed if cloned globally with risk that different distros can be at same place ifneq ($(BRANCH_DOCENEACOMMON),master-enea) NAME_DOCENEACOMMON := doceneacommon_$(BRANCH_DOCENEACOMMON) endif GLOBALTMPCLONEROOT = ../../tmpcommon ifeq ($(BOOK_GLOBALCLONEROOT),) TMPCLONEROOT := tmpcommon else ifeq ($(BOOK_GLOBALCLONEROOT),yes) TMPCLONEROOT := $(GLOBALTMPCLONEROOT) else TMPCLONEROOT := $(BOOK_GLOBALCLONEROOT)/tmpcommon endif endif DIR_TMPCLONEROOT := $(dir $(TMPCLONEROOT)) ifeq ($(wildcard $(DIR_TMPCLONEROOT)),) $(error Parent of selected clone root does not exist ($(DIR_TMPCLONEROOT))) endif .PHONY: initbuild initcommon usageinit cleaninit # Keep usageinit as default target here to avoid init by mistake usageinit: docusage @echo 'make initbuild Create s_docbuild and if not exists, clone docbuild.git' @echo 'make initcommon Create s_doceneacommon and if not exists, clone documentation.git' @echo ' Default clone in tmpcommon' @echo ' BOOK_GLOBALCLONEROOT=yes Clone in $(GLOBALTMPCLONEROOT)' @echo ' BOOK_GLOBALCLONEROOT=parentdir Clone in parentdir/tmpcommon' @echo ' Default branch for documentation.git is master-enea' @echo ' BRANCH_DOCENEACOMMON=... If another branch, Makefile should set this' @echo 'make pullbuild git pull in s_docbuild' @echo 'make pullcommon git pull in s_doceneacommon' @echo 'make cleaninit Delete all s_* symlinks and local tmpcommon/' # MOVE these to Makefile and set also non-default BRANCH_DOCENEACOMMON in Makefile initbuild: s_docbuild initcommon: s_doceneacommon pullbuild: $(VERB)if [ ! -d s_docbuild ]; then echo "ERROR: No s_docbuild exists?" ; exit 10 ; fi $(VERB)cd s_docbuild ; git pull pullcommon: $(VERB)if [ ! -d s_doceneacommon ]; then echo "ERROR: No s_doceneacommon exists?" ; exit 10 ; fi $(VERB)cd s_doceneacommon ; git pull s_docbuild: $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCBUILD) $(VERB)rm s_docbuild 2>/dev/null; ln -s $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCBUILD) s_docbuild s_doceneacommon: $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCENEACOMMON) $(VERB)rm s_doceneacommon 2>/dev/null; ln -s $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCENEACOMMON) s_doceneacommon $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCBUILD): $(VERB)if [ ! -d "$(TMPCLONEROOT)" ] ; then mkdir -p "$(TMPCLONEROOT)" ; fi $(VERB)if [ -d "$(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCBUILD)" ] ; then \ echo "Already exists $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCBUILD)" ; \ echo "Doing git pull instead"; cd $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCBUILD) ; git pull ; \ else \ echo "Cloning $(REPO_DOCBUILD) in $(TMPCLONEROOT)" ; \ cd "$(TMPCLONEROOT)" ; \ git clone -b master-enea git@git.enea.se:$(REPO_DOCBUILD) $(NAME_DOCBUILD) ; \ fi $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCENEACOMMON): $(VERB)if [ ! -d "$(TMPCLONEROOT)" ] ; then mkdir -p "$(TMPCLONEROOT)" ; fi $(VERB)if [ -d "$(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCENEACOMMON)" ] ; then \ echo "Already exists $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCENEACOMMON)" ; \ echo "Doing git pull instead"; cd $(TMPCLONEROOT)/$(NAME_DOCENEACOMMON) ; git pull ; \ else \ echo "Cloning $(REPO_DOCENEACOMMON) in $(TMPCLONEROOT) as $(NAME_DOCENEACOMMON)" ; \ cd "$(TMPCLONEROOT)"; \ git clone -b $(BRANCH_DOCENEACOMMON) git@git.enea.se:$(REPO_DOCENEACOMMON) $(NAME_DOCENEACOMMON) ; \ fi cleaninit: @echo "Clean only local tmpcommon/ and all local temporary symlinks s_docbuild s_targets etc." $(VERB)rm -rf tmpcommon 2>/dev/null ; true $(VERB)rm s_* 2>/dev/null ; true